THe questions is this: As a woman hubber do you loathe that men are more likely to read your hub if you are pretty or do you capitalize on it?
Whole post is a bit insulting, I kinda think. Um, I have an M.A. and can actually write. I wouldn't want fans or readers based on such garbage--they aren't worth much--if anything.
Sorry! (What the h*ll is with all these 'am I pretty, oh, oh,' posts?)
Thanks for the feedback Lita, the M.A., now that is attractive and I don't mean that in a flirty way I mean it in the sense that I'm more likley to read you because of it
OK, sorry...guess you are a real person--or I would assume. Seems we've got some trolls committing suicide and fishing for 'pretty' compliments on the forums right now.
Christian for gay marriage? You're not an idiot, . I read you.
Firm believer in if you have it flaunt it, and use it to get noticed. That is why I use pukeko, no I had my photo on for ages, but I never like my own photo's.... So I decided pukekos are nice and cute so up they went.... I could have put a Kiwi he is our Nations symbol.
But I felt that pukekos need recognition too.
Firm believer in if you have it flaunt it, and use it to get noticed. That is why I use pukeko, no I had my photo on for ages, but I never like my own photo's.... So I decided pukekos are nice and cute so up they went.... I could have put a Kiwi he is our Nations symbol.
But I felt that pukekos need recognition too.
Let me start by saying, men will be men...very visual. I feel that they may initially click on a hub due to a picture, however if the Hubs are not "male oriented topics" they will quickly move on.
My Hubs tend to be self improvement, spiritual and family topics...which by nature draws more women readers/comments.
I don't feel that I'm trying to capitalize on the fact that I show my real picture. I have NEVER received an inappropriate I don't find anything wrong with being open and honest about who I am.
Interesting topic and comments!
capitalize not, of course
but you should they show your pretty face in your avatar
Why, though? I think when people are self-assured and not insecure about their face they don't feel the need to "flaunt it" on the Internet, even if it's a pretty face. People get to show their pretty (or not-so-pretty) faces everywhere they go each day; and if someone likes what she sees in the mirror, that's really all that matters anyway. In fact, I think people with pretty faces pretty much know it because of the feedback they get all through their life. So why "should" any woman who happens to have a pretty face show it when the point, on a site like this, is supposed to be about her writing - not her face?
I'm not saying people who choose to post their own photo, just because it happens to be them, are "flaunting it". The difference is in believing that the reason one "should" post a real picture is based on how pretty someone is. To me, believing one "should" post their picture if they have a pretty face means they're putting more importance on their face than they should. In the scheme of life and writing talent, "pretty" isn't the main point. I think pretty women should feel free to enjoy their prettiness "to themselves", and even let it attract them a great boyfriend; but other than that, it shouldn't be a factor.
See, only women who don't consider themselves pretty place such a high value in outward appearance. Just because a person posts their photo doesn't mean their self-absorbed or trying to attract viewership. suggests that you post a real photo of yourself, for example. Also, just because a person might be easy on the eyes, doesn't make them less talented than those who are considered less so.
I hope nobody thought I was implying that anyone with a real photo is "self-absorbed". My point was only that it's one thing to post it because it's just kind of what a lot of people do; and another to post it because one believes that "someone with a pretty face should post it". Also, there's no doubt about it that someone who is attractive may well also be extremely talented. Still, though, I just don't think degree of attractiveness should be a factor in deciding whether or not to post a picture, or whether or not to read someone's stuff (unless, I suppose, someone were 75 years old and looked 30 and was writing about how he/she managed to do that).
All I can say is people write because they think they have something to say. And if you have something to say you want people to listen to you. As someone said earlier, attractive looks may get man flocking to your writing. I see your point it that a reader should visit your hubs because they're interested in the content. But may I ask how they should know anything about the content when people give deceiving and attention-grabbing titles to get more readers?
I also think you are right to say that pretty looks may distort people's objective views on your content. But I also think that those who are here to learn something will know it when it happens. Others may come for enjoyment.
I understand what you're saying too, but I'm kind of "writing purist" in thinking that the way to get people to read is to know how to write a great (but not misleading) title (which I'm often not very good at, I'll admit).
I don't really write because I have something to say. I more write because I enjoy the actual process of thinking up something to write about/say, crafting the words, and trying (while not always succeeding) to create something that I feel is a "worthwhile" piece of writing (regardless of whether it's a "deep" thing, an ordinary article, or something light). I have a part of me that doesn't care who reads what I write, and that only cares about the enjoyment I have writing. Then there's the part of me that would like to earn some money with my "hobby writing". Those two different "parts" are always in conflict. When all is said and done, and in spite of the realities of marketing/business, there's not really a part of me that cares who actually reads what I write. I care most that if someone does read it s/he will (ideally) get something out of it.
A lot of people who write have the kind of lack of genuine interest in using "advertising ploys". (By the way, I just noticed your new photo. Very funny.
If the title for a Hub, written by that lady (in the photo) caught my eye; I'd read it every bit as quickly as someone else's.
(If my picture were of someone who looked like, say, Avril Lavigne, Susan Boyle, Britney Spears, the lady you just posted, or Madonna (in her younger days) - would people read some Hub I write about "dealing with grief" or "getting your child ready for preschool"? I'm thinking, not so likely.)
Thanks, Lisa. As for the money part. Even if you're a very good writer you have to work like crazy to get serious money out of hubpages. As for the occasional $100 people are talking about. That's the price of a book where I live.
Have a good time writing!
Im here for the writting and the laughing and the smiles not for a dating or relationship site, sorry that's how I feel its about me and my writting Im not for the lets grab all the guys or get there attention in that way.
I want people to read my writing... One has nothing to do with the other.
That's why I think avatars are better. It eliminates judging people by their looks.
I am not sure if everyone has their true photo on their profile. I know for sure some of them have images of Bollywood actresses as their profile pic. Some of them are using it to attract men I guess.
you're right, come to think of it I have seen those bollywood photos, it's clever, get's a few more clicks i'm sure
I would REALLY LOVE to quote another writer in reply to that observation from you. It's not about Clicks! It is about one's ability to be a lover beyond appearance & show that in the passion of script. Ask any artist... Ask yourself in the words of a writer... How sharp is your pen?
You are digging too deep
It is just about business. 99% of Indian guys with Bollywood actresses avatars mostly post photo galleries of those same actresses
Sure you are not - you just use it to attract men
I like the monkey picture because it leaves me rather curious. It makes me more inclined to read one of your blogs to get an idea of who you really are. Because your name can have so many different meanings, it sounds like a radio station, except there's only 3 call letters, it can also mean you live in the big country, it can be a nikcname, you might be a country boy who is 6 foot 7, it might be a reverse nickname and you might be 5 foot 2, big country could be your dog's name, geez I don't know
Then I have done well by using it. Most of those questions can be answered by reading my profile. There is also a forum post somewhere last week where I explained my name.
That's the funniest reply I have read all week.. You Go Girl
A clank and screech....if that's what it takes to draw 'em in....I'm the monkey for the job! LOL
I actually had my real photo up for about 30 minutes or more yesterday.
I was on one of the forum posts yesterday where they were wanting people to show their real pics. So, for a brief time....I did. I took it down, because I like hiding behind the monkey.
Ok Im wearing a towel so I wont be judged on my face
Hwwwww.. Kiwis Again!!.. Battle Stations.. Kiwi Alert C'mon you know why you are Really weaing a Towel could start with the story behind the clapping monkey.
Hi Kcc, I just read the story about the clapping monkey, that was a beautiful hub, you made me cry. What a treat that was to read about your father, I loved the part about the life sized witch. Thank you so much for that hub, beautiful writing
Thanks you know why I use the clapping monkey as my avatar instead of a picture of myself.
What bout the womens gravitation towards handsome men lol
Although I'm not all that "thrilled" at people who would allow someone's picture to affect whether they read their stuff, I know it's how a lot of men are, and wouldn't say I "loathe" them for it.
At the same time, I want my own writing to stand for itself. If someone doesn't read it because I don't have a Bollywood actress posted, pretending it's me; I don't care.
(Hey - I think tomorrow I'll post my picture and ask if people think I'm pretty. In fact, maybe the HubPages forum needs a whole separate category for "Am I Pretty?" posts. )
Hey - I think tomorrow I'll post my picture and ask if people think I'm pretty. In fact, maybe the HubPages forum needs a whole separate category for "Am I Pretty?" posts. ) Lisa, great idea, lol
But that will just lead to...don't hate me because I'm beautiful...
Many pics on here are not actual anyway. I mean, aside from the avatars - there are celebrity pics used & such.
Personally, I don't really care. A real pic is more interesting to me, but the profile shot has nothing to do with whether or not I am into a particular hubber.
On the flipside, I think I have one or two fans that may have joined just b/c I'm a female. All in all, though, I think dern near all of my fans genuinely enjoy my writing.
I won't lie, I sometimes wonder if having a nice pic will draw follow-up traffic once someone has found my hub but I don't think its relevant within hubpages.
Call me crazy, but I think of many fellow hubbers as friends so far and whether they or I choose to post an actual pic is of little consequence.
I'd second that, it sure is of little consequence. Plus, I too sometimes wonder why the exponential effect on hub views and fans when I upload my actual pic. But then again, I don't really care. I am here not to draw traffic but to exchange a word or two with the few hubbers I really like and to read what's stored in their mind.
I'm ugly as sin but I still get page views so don't think the men here are so shallow that they'll not read my hub because of my ugly avatar. And if they're so shallow, oh well, what have I missed? Nothing at all.
Cindy, Cindy - where do I begin? I don't think that you fit the "ugly as sin" bill by any stretch, dearie.
That aside, I agree that if someone is so shallow to judge one by their supposed attractiveness or lack of it then good riddance to them!
And I cannot stress enough, Sin Devine, that you are sweet m'dear and lovely to boot - and I'm sure MANY will heartily agree with me.
Yer not ugly DeeVine yer a wee diamond tis why I always read yer hubs. Looks make no difference at all, jeeez do you think us guys are all shallow
Cindy you going to get a spanking for that, hell you have spunk written all over you. I side with BC on this one.....grrrrrr
Spunk all over you lol, please Poet never say that in the uk
Why is that BC? You mean spunk...(babe,dish,hubba bubba) Why does it have another meaning LMAO. Why are u not on Skype....Cindy needs u too is looking for u.
Daughter is at home tonight and not at her boyfriends but I will be on tomorrow night. Spunk in the uk is well not what you want all over you, hmmm in your case and DeeVines maybe you wud lol. Anyways am off to bed but I will be on skype tomorrow night for sure. Nite Poet
Here on the east coast of the US "spunk" has a very different meaning that has nothing to do with calling someone "spunky"..."Spunk" is another word for male excretions
Same in Australia, but it does depend on the sentence. "He's a spunk" is acceptable, but to use the word spunk in a sentence with "all over" still means covered in male sperm!
I don't think there are any so called *ugly* pics n it's not the exterior that's such a priority I think their personality is far more meaningful.
It's my real picture on the Profile. And i don't want to hide behind an Avatar. I receive several mails via HubPages including some from sex starved guys. Some want to start with friendship and some wants more. Whatever the case may be the case I look into the mail and hit the delete button.
You poor thing. It can be tough being good looking!
Were you able to check on the energy crystals I asked for?
Sorry about that. I have rose quartz for my own use and do not sell crystals. I thought i would check with my Guru who does reiki healing but have been too occupied with a lot of things. I will talk to him today evening and let you know if he can get you the same.
I think there's a natural tendency to see what's pleasing to the eye, but I don't think that the guys at Hubpages are interested only in looks.
There are enough people who really want to read good material.
Thanks Anamika. It really magnifies the Reiki energy I use and I would like to own my own crystals.
KCC - I missed your pic!
Cindy - when you got a smile like yours, you seriously think you need anything else?
Those Bollywood actresses now - you'll find that every single one of them is male Indian women rarely hide behind an actress avatar!
That is what I think too.. Especially those who publish female galleries and have a Bollywood Actress picture as Avatar cannot be a female because a female is not particularly interested in other females anatomy unless she is a lesbian... They definitely should be a male.
At the risk of posting in this trollish place (the forum that is) I have to say a picture of an attractive woman would not only invite clicks and favoritism from men hubbers, but other women are just as likely to give a hub with the picture of an attractive hubber a bad rating. That's just the nature of the sex. As for whether a picture is attractive or not in the words of Winston Churchill "Who gives a shit."
*Edit--LOL-Writer, I'm sorry! I misread that--thought you said 'trollish face' instead of 'trollish place,' ha! Sorry, sorry, sorry...well, its early and I was up late... Oh, well. Points below still good ones, I'd hope (ooooh, am I a good writer?, am I, am I? joke, )
More of this? Huh? Great, . Morning from San Francisco. Damn. Why is so cold?
Writer--that is a a silly thing to say, 'trollish.' Your picture is YOU, and if you don't know, you are attractive--an better yet, your photo is unique. Decent, smart people always gravitate toward the genuine--be that men or women. As far as increasing readership, as an author who has actually read about these things--it has been shown and has been employed by publishing houses that readers want to CONNECT with an author. Authors must look intriguing/accessible--that is the main pre-requisite.
As far as men or women skating by on their looks a bit--in life or anything else. Of frickin' course. What, I don't count the number of looks I get when walking through the air port, say? The fact is well researched that beauty up to a certain point only increases the chances of success in life in any realm--unless of course that beauty is way OVER the top, then the opposite results are to be found... It can be found even at a little lower level, lol, as good looks can also intimidate people (as can confidence, intelligence and talent.)
At the end of the day, though--if you write like Hemmingway, Steinbeck, or Rilke (all old fusty guys), or Joy Harjo, or Jan Austen, or say, on Hubpages--Pgrundy or Paraglider or Shadesbreath--intelligently with something to say--I'm gonna read you. Nothing draws my attention more than well conceived ideas produced with a definite style in prose.
And as far as money--well, that is a different thing--but an equally smart way to approach writing. I'm an equal opportunity writer/reader--because I have to be if I want to eat (or take trips to San Franciso, lol). I'd point out, those writing informative feature hubs on here to attract outside viewers (chuch, Mark Knowles, Maddie Rudd), all have their OWN photos posted, and a couple of them are not pretty women. They just know what the h*ll they are doing. Which is always gonna be equal to success.
Yes, Men will be men! But I do not think that they would view your hubs just because you are a woman. If the topic appeals to they them may otherwise not.
I wouldn't mind having a few admirers. Oh ya, and I'm guilty of gravitating towards the hunkier hubbers. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!
My avatar is really me but I choose a shadow so my amazing good looks don't give me an unfair advantage!
See? It's turning into a "don't hate me because I'm beautiful thread"
All I can say is that if you are more concerned with what people look like on a writing site (or what you think they look like) then you are missing the whole point.
Let's start an experiment. All the ladies change their pictures to something funny or whatever and then notice the response/hub hits for the following , say 4 days ... Whom can I count in?
Count me in! Is my current pic funny enough?
I'll do it. 4 days- starting as soon as I leave this forum.
Have to go with Lita - I cannot speak for other guys, but I prefer to be entertained by high quality writing than an avatar of dubious authenticity.
Personally, I find intelligence to be far and away the most attractive trait in a woman!
lol And I in a man, Sufi. Definite top pre-requisite.
*edit--I should also say, in my experience, it is usually those men and women who are unsure about their looks or who have been castigated in some way and not over come it--who put so much emphasis on this kind of 'phony attraction,' I'd call it.
Men seem to be attracted to goodlooking women in real life as well, so I wouldn't be surprised if that goes on online.
I think if someone writes well, eventually people will begin to read their writing, regardless of how they look.
As a woman though, I think it's not very nice to click on pages just because you like what you see, but as long as it doesn't harm anyone, it's alright.
We're judged based on the way we look all the time, so this isn't something new. And if someone doesn't want guys clicking on their page for that reason, they can just elect not to post pictures of themselves like I did hehe. = )
In my experience people care about perfect look only under a certain age.
In my experience, only if they are shallow and not that bright, And sounds like I have a little more experience than you.
Lita, it depends on who you have your experiences with.
Only Grade A, lil Mango. Why, afraid you won't make the cut?
Oh! And we should really talk about your hair sometime! Both your former and latter photos, really. Even if you are attractive, being stylish and not looking like a dishwater colored dish mop is a real skill all should take some time to learn...
I like soulful eyes and a pretty smile, but I think that comes with the intelligence
I really love your new picture!
Lita - thank you
I like the pic but it is a little irritating. I want to fly off that fly.... its ANNOYING!
I guess women a totally immune to being attracted by a good looking face. How come it is always the guys that get pointed out. One of my favorite women, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg made a point about sexaul harrassment in her confirmation hearing. He said the she noticed a particularly handsome flight attendant on a recent flight. She claimed her interest was natural and not harrassing. At least that's one woman that will admit to physical attraction.
I don't think the guys here are silly enough not to know a avatar when we see one. I believe if you checked; the distribution of guys and their choice of fan clubs does not trend as suggested.
Pete, you have touched upon a subject I have been thinking about turning into a hub: Gender discrimination/generalizations FROM women. There are a plethora of sites dealing with how women are perceived/dicriminated against, but prcious few in regard to how women act towards others; especially men. I'm just kicking the idea around at the moment, but it would touch upon things like double standards, and accepetable behavior from women that would be "bashed" if men did it.
I think this would be a great idea as this is something I think many of us have known about but few really examine or give credibility to. I'll be excited to read the hub - hope you will decide to write it!!
Thank you; that would be an interesting read. I'm not saying guys can't be jerks. Women haven't as much of a chance to be jerks. Now when men go to a strip club; they are animals. If women go the are asserting their independence.
I would happy either way. Either both can go or both are animals for going.
As a man I don't look just because someone has a nice picture of themselves. Who's to know for sure or not if it's really them anyways? I just go by what interests me or could help me in some way.
RooBee I much prefer your other Avatar you are a beautiful woman. I read a really stupid comment here, and it has irked me."If you are a pretty woman keep it to yourself and don't have an avatar of your picture." That is total crap. I don't understand that mentality which is basically saying, "don't post your pic unless you are ugly."
Let's reverse this theory using the men for example.You see a nice picture of a guy and naturally you admire it. You go check his profile out, if it's good you stay if it's crap you leave. Simple as that.
Hell I think people have brains big enough to be able to determine whether they will stay around for just a face alone or because they like the writer's style.If you have a nice picture post it up with pride,and don't feel it is wrong.
Hey RooBee Fiona is a big spunk anyway, almost as gorgeous as Shrek,LMAO. So glad you read my post.Have a great day.
I dont think the guy taking the money cares who is poking it down his pants just so long as he gets it lol
Someone would need to pay me to go to a strip joint. lol.
LOL, I thought the same thing about the use of the word "spunk." No polite way to explain it though...
LMAO well I can honestly say I did not know that. Earnest as a fellow Aussie I didn't know we used it here,I thought spoof was the common thing here amongst other words, and I have heard many a term for it. I will be sure to say spunky next time not spunk, haha.
I think I gravitate towards blondepoet... did I post this already?
I heard blondepoet was here and I kinda gravitated to this forum.
ha its true! Blondepoet comes and the guys start pouring into the forum!
Besides, a camel's backside is sexy in every country thats what attracts my views.
Jokes aside, I don't think it matters what my avatar or picture is because my hubs are directed to a specific audience, either you need the information or you don't...
I know I for one one hate all the attention my looks get me. Chicks dig the giant eye.
Its all about the content.
I just like hot chicks like blondepoet too. No one wants to see fuglies.
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