Please help me my dear HP staff...

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  1. GeneralHowitzer profile image53
    GeneralHowitzerposted 12 years ago

    I think my account run into a maze of bugs hehehe...

    I think my account GeneralHowitzer has a bug... Every time I edit my hubs an alert like substandard, unrelated links, etc. appears. And before I edit a hub this also appears: "Note: "This Hub is currently published. However, if you make any changes to it, it will immediately be unpublished until it has been re-approved for publication (which can take 24-48 hours)."

    I already deleted around 8 hubs then because these alerts keeps on appearing.

    I worked hard on these hubs and did my best to make the necessary corrections yesterday. These hubs made the grade before and seeing them go away will certainly make me sad and certainly will deal big blow on me.

    I am more than willing to make adjustments if I committed some faults why these alerts keeps on appearing.

    I hope you will make an action regarding this.

    Please reply...

    Happy New Year and Many Thanks!

    PS just sent an e-mail to HP team and to Sir Jason Menayan

    1. GeneralHowitzer profile image53
      GeneralHowitzerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I hope you can get rid of the alert: "Note: "This Hub is currently published. However, if you make any changes to it, it will immediately be unpublished until it has been re-approved for publication (which can take 24-48 hours)" for me so that I can freely edit my hubs, removed unnecessary links, and make updates and improvements....

      Many many thanks again...

    2. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      General, it's not a bug.  You've been put on probation.  HubPages does that if it feels a Hubber has broken the rules once too often.

      If you edit a Hub, it will be unpublished so the HubPages team can review it (to make sure you haven't broken any more rules) before it gets republished.   It's annoying but not the end of the world - it just means waiting a day or two for the approval.

      If you have Hubs that have no warnings on them, leave them alone and they will be just fine. If you have Hubs that are substandard, or have unrelated links, then they'll be unpublished anyway eventually, so you may as well edit them to fix the problems and get it over with. 

      If you click on the warning at the top of the Hub, there's usually more detail available, to help you understand where you're going wrong - but if you can't understand it, post on the Extreme Makeover Thread BEFORE you edit the Hub, so we can look at it and help you identify what needs fixing.

      Once you've got all your Hubs fixed up, they may take you off probation and back to normal again.

      1. GeneralHowitzer profile image53
        GeneralHowitzerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Good day Marisa... Thanks a lot for this wonderful reply now I know further what to do...You are so kind...

        This probation started when I one time get rid of broken links on some of my hubs... and like a virus the alerts appeared on my other hubs... i tried fixing them but they were not good enough and eventually I just deleted them and transferred them on our websites...

        This kind of situation is not only annoying it is actually an ordeal for me...

        But I hope I can get over this with your tips... and I will go to extreme makeover thread asap...

        Will I printscreen my unpublished hubs then paste it on the thread or just copy paste the warning at the top of the hub to the thread...

        Thanks a lot Marisa!

        A wonderful New Year to you and your family!

        1. Marisa Wright profile image85
          Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I was suggesting that you post links to the Hubs that are still published but have warnings on them. 

          For the unpublished Hubs, you could try copy and pasting the warning. Be sure to click on the warning, as a screen will usually open up and give you a longer explanation which will be more helpful.

          1. GeneralHowitzer profile image53
            GeneralHowitzerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I decided to just delete the hubs... I made errors and I should pay for it...

            I'll just be careful next time and do my best to make better hubs... this is a great learning experience for me on making hubs in the future and even articles for our sites...

            ...I concur this is the best thing to do. I don't have enough time to make the fix it is quite taxing physically, psychology and emotionally...

            1. GeneralHowitzer profile image53
              GeneralHowitzerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks a lot for spending time with this thread Marisa you are so kind and very wonderful...

              You are indeed an asset to HubPages...

              I will bounce stronger this year... I hope HP team will lift the probation... for I vow to make quality hubs and free from any any violations...

              I am very thankful to HubPages for it gave me this wonderful opportunity to earn a passive income over the years...

              TLC hehehe,

            2. GeneralHowitzer profile image53
              GeneralHowitzerposted 12 years agoin reply to this


            3. mistyhorizon2003 profile image89
              mistyhorizon2003posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              It would be a shame to delete a hub and then find out later your only 'crime' was a pixelated picture or a link to a site that HP consider inappropriate! These would be problems it would take seconds to fix, and you could still earn from those hubs in the future. I have not read your hubs, but would urge you to 'undelete' the ones you deleted until you hear back from the Hubpages Team. At least that way you can probably resolve the problem and your work will not have been in vain. The team are easy to contact if you use the email address. Not sure why you had a problem with this as you didn't specify what the problem was!

              Good Luck

              1. GeneralHowitzer profile image53
                GeneralHowitzerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Hi misty i don't even know I am in probation not until Marisa came along to tell me, Hubpages didn't send me message about this... I already contacted them... but they are difficult to reach or maybe they are very busy...

                I already deleted all of my Christmas hubs which gave me good traffic and has good potential to improve in the coming years... and deleted 8 hubs then... and just to day around 7... I deleted a total of 15 hubs and this will increase tomorrow if my hubs with warnings will not be republished, though i made the necessary changes...

                I am in a situation where it is so difficult to republish and it is so mind-sapping and deleting those with violations is my practical option...

            4. Marisa Wright profile image85
              Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              That won't help GH - any new Hubs you write must also go through the manual approval process, until the HP team decide they can trust you to get it right.

              Misty is right.  Deleting those Hubs is a mistake, because the "violations" are probably very minor and easily fixed.  If you don't take the time to work out what you did wrong with the old Hubs, you won't know what to avoid on the new ones, and you'll get into trouble all over again.

              It's the holidays so the team is probably slower than usual to respond - and anyway, they're quite likely to just tell you to read your warnings properly.  Have you done that?

              1. GeneralHowitzer profile image53
                GeneralHowitzerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Thanks a lot I whew they were almost gone after several hours... just undeleted the 7 hubs... I trust your words Marisa... deleting will not help...

                I will write on my other account if ever although it is not an established account yet hehehe...

                The process is so tedious especially the substandard warning and I cannot post original pictures emulating the sample hubs displayed on the warning... since I don't have a digital camera yet, my wife just conceive our new bundle of joy through caesarian operation and I cannot afford to buy such... I also tried my best to correct any grammatical errors and misspellings, well maybe I committed one or two hehehe... I do not know, I am not perfect...

                I might lose my account if I keep on republishing and be banned... but I will make it a try... again I hope I can reach the team...

                I am going to the extreme make over later or tomorrow and post the alerts....

                1. GeneralHowitzer profile image53
                  GeneralHowitzerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  if you are just on my feet the manual approval seems very difficult to overcome... i tried it before before and few made the cull... and ended up deleting 8 hubs then...

                  1. Marisa Wright profile image85
                    Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                    GH, I just had a look at some of your Hubs and I think I see the problem.

                    In all the Hubs I looked at, your English grammar is not good.  For instance the title "Does do-it-yourself tests really effective and efficient" doesn't even make sense.

                    If I didn't know you, I would think that Hub was not your own work.  It reads exactly like you have copied the information from a magazine or blog and rewritten it using "spinning" software, which is against HubPages' rules.  I'm assuming that's not the case and it's just that English is not your first language.  However, HubPages staff may suspect you are using spinning software and that's why they want to check everything you write.

  2. Cagsil profile image69
    Cagsilposted 12 years ago

    You would be better off emailing Staff directly -

    The multiple warnings you are receiving doesn't make sense, but it does seem as if HubPages has put your account on moderation over-watch, which means if you make changes to the hubs, then before you can officially make the change it must be approved by a moderator.

    It does happen due to topics and other reasons. And, yes what you were able to publish before isn't actually allowed now and must be moderated by someone manually. A lot of the those settings are part of the filter system attached to hubs and some are from the moderators themselves.

    If it's tell you that you make a change(edit- even keywords or tags) then the hub will be unpublished and you will have to submit it for publication(which means it needs to be manually looked at by a moderator) before you can republish the article.

    Sorry to hear that you've run across this, but it's about quality control more than anything else and isn't personal.

    1. GeneralHowitzer profile image53
      GeneralHowitzerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      i tried to contact them before but I cannot reach them... that's why i decided to go to forums...

      Thanks a lot Cagsil, but I hope HP will notice me here and i am crossing my fingers that my account will be lifted up from moderation over-watch...

      i could've published more hubs before but the alerts were just too much handle and it is indeed very bothersome... it crushed my momentum... I was happy with the sudden increase on my traffic and even earnings but the alert prevents me from publishing again here on this account...

      I was been loyal here and tried my best to contribute to HubMobs before and join in the community...

      I am not that very active now in the forums since my work and tending to my new baby is spreading my time and energy...

      Thanks a lot Cagsil for your insightful reply... i really appreciate it... Happy New Year and Have a Nice Day!

      1. GeneralHowitzer profile image53
        GeneralHowitzerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        *spreading my time and energy thin (rather)

        1. Cagsil profile image69
          Cagsilposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          You're welcome. I certainly hope you do get an answer from Staff. I also hope you have a great New Year and remain safe. smile

          1. GeneralHowitzer profile image53
            GeneralHowitzerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            You are so kind man... as always! Have a Wonderful New Year to you and your family!

            Thanks a lot again...

            1. CASE1WORKER profile image62
              CASE1WORKERposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              You might have tyo give them a little more time than usual for a reply as it is a holiday and I am sure that one or two might wake up with a bit of a sore head this morning.

              1. GeneralHowitzer profile image53
                GeneralHowitzerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Yeah you are right my timing is not good...

                Thanks a lot case1worker...

  3. emievil profile image63
    emievilposted 12 years ago

    Hi GH. Don't know how I can help you but I really hope you will get your answer from the HP staff soon.

    1. GeneralHowitzer profile image53
      GeneralHowitzerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks my friend... you are so kind


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