Is it uncommon for a hub score to go higher on a weekend?

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  1. wheelinallover profile image77
    wheelinalloverposted 12 years ago

    From past experience and from most of what I have read it is uncommon for hub scores to go up on a weekend. Please let me know your experience with this.

    1. LeanMan profile image72
      LeanManposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Weekends do have an effect as many of the gnomes and fairies responsible for hub scores get drunk and lose their fairy score dust... I would not worry too much however as they often do not know what they are doing even when they are sober so your scores will go up and down all over the place.. and probably never effect you in any way!

      Just whatever you do; do not say that you do not believe in fairies as your hub score will drop below 40 and all links will become "no follow" and if you say it too often your hubber score will drop below 75 causing links on all of your hubs to become "no follow" then none of the fairy dust will be able to trickle through the links to feed google!

      1. wheelinallover profile image77
        wheelinalloverposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        leanman, I have had two shocks this week and don't know how many more I can handle. My hub score reached 100, dropped to 97 then went back up to 98 on Saturday. Hub pages and Google must be having a great weekend. Makes me wonder if they didn't spend Friday night with a friend in France who has been sampling his french wines a little heavily. I think he mentioned faeries in our conversation earlier today.

  2. WryLilt profile image85
    WryLiltposted 12 years ago

    Scores are meaningless.

    Traffic & earnings are what you calculate the success of your hubs on. hmm

    1. wheelinallover profile image77
      wheelinalloverposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Wrylit I of all people am well aware that in the end scores are meaningless to earnings and traffic. I am also a numbers person and am always trying to figure out why numbers change.

      On another blogging platform I have learned to rank my articles where I choose. College students are taught to look on page 3 or 4 of search engines, by removing this keyword and not getting this back link I can easily move a blog to either of these pages. In the end it is about numbers.

      I spent two years mentoring college students in Accounting so you might say playing with numbers is a hobby of mine.

  3. SmartAndFun profile image94
    SmartAndFunposted 12 years ago

    Maybe the gnomes and fairies are feeling sorry for me and bumped up my author score as a consolation prize, because the lower my google hits get, the higher my author score goes. I woke up this morning to find my author score at 97, which I believe is the highest it has ever been, while my traffic stats are showing that I've gottn ONE google referral in the last 24 hours.

    1. wheelinallover profile image77
      wheelinalloverposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      SmartAndFun Ouch, maybe it's time for a little social media marketing. I will pop over and see if anything fits my social groups. Many of my hubs are business related and beating out the big boys has not yet been possible. I feed readers through social media and get quite a few people sharing my hubs. I see I am not alone in an increased weekend hub score ranking Thanks for sharing that information.

      1. SmartAndFun profile image94
        SmartAndFunposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, Wheelin. I appreciate it. After conversing on another thread with some helpful hubbers, I believe I have been sandboxed. So I appreciate the help, but don't spend more than a minute or two on it, because I guess I'm stuck.

        1. wheelinallover profile image77
          wheelinalloverposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          It just happens one of the hubs you wrote interested me personally. I did share with other hub pages readers and with my twitter followers. I don't understand sandbagging. Can you please explain?

  4. Express10 profile image78
    Express10posted 12 years ago

    I noticed this on a couple of occasions and chalked it up to more people being online and having the time to read through my articles but I agree that scores are rather insignificant compared to earnings.

    1. wheelinallover profile image77
      wheelinalloverposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Express 10, This was posted because so many have said their scores go down over the weekend. Mine must have started dropping yesterday. Reputation is important and a higher score looks like a person is doing the right things. I have no idea if search engines look at our scores.

      1. sofs profile image73
        sofsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        No, scores are an internal thing for Hubpages, nothing to do with the search engines ... only if your scores are below 75 or 40 for hubs .. it become no follow.  I have seen my score reach 100 when I have done nothing and usually in the weekends when my traffic slips... I hardly understand the scoring algo...

  5. wheelinallover profile image77
    wheelinalloverposted 12 years ago

    Thank you Sofs, I am glad it is an internal process and not looked at by "the Google bots". So far nothing I have published has been below 40 and once my score hit 75 I don't remember it going lower.

    Someone asked the question in a forum "What is sandbagging" so I have the answer to that question. The most important factor to remember is you can still get traffic from social sharing, which also helps with being picked up by search engines again as long as it is not duplicate content or bagged for some other reason.

    My question for this forum has been answered. Most of the people I know here like myself were seeing their weekend hub score drop. So when mine went up I wanted to know if it was happening for others also. Now that I know it is I am satisfied.

  6. JKenny profile image92
    JKennyposted 12 years ago

    My score tends to hover around the 92-95 mark, usually hitting 95 at the weekend. Don't know what to make of it, guess its just one of those things.

    1. wheelinallover profile image77
      wheelinalloverposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      JKenny You must be doing things more right than I did, It took over 6 months to even reach 92. When I first joined my main concern was getting hubs written. It was months before I even went to the forums. I read and commented on others blogs, did a little hub hopping which I can no longer stand because it affected my writing negatively. Most of what I was reading at that time was poor quality which didn't help me learn what I needed.

      I changed to searching those who had high hub scores and made a few friends who helped me a lot. I can't remember who talked me into going to the forums but am glad they did. It is simple and fun to learn in the forums. Those who read what I write now and talk to me find it hard to believe English is my third language.


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