JFK-- gone for 45 years.

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  1. Rochelle Frank profile image91
    Rochelle Frankposted 16 years ago

    Forty five years ago today JFK is murdered.

    anyone else have memories to add?

  2. AEvans profile image73
    AEvansposted 16 years ago

    My mother was working in Fort Dodge Iowa in a restaurant when JFK was killed. She heard it on the radio , and it is odd she was just discussing this.

    1. Rochelle Frank profile image91
      Rochelle Frankposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Not so odd. Today is Nov 22. Those of us who were around then remember the date.

      1. AEvans profile image73
        AEvansposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Unfortunately I can only get the history as I wasn't even a sparkle in my parents eye:)

  3. Zsuzsy Bee profile image86
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 16 years ago

    We still lived in Belgium then, strangers stopped each other on the road and cried together. We were the only people on our block that had a TV so everyone came to our place to watch the funeral that was broadcast wolrdwide. Here to everyone cried and cried... I was 8 and I remember feeling sad that so many people were crying but at the same time I had all the neighborhood kids at my house to play while the parents mourned JFKs death in the living room.
    I'm sure most of us wonder to what level JFK could have taken the US...

    Remembering a good Man zs

  4. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 16 years ago

    We're sitting here watching "Kennedy" on public television with Martin Sheen in the title role. Seeing the fashions of the early 1960s makes me feel so nostalgic.
    I was in first grade when it happened. Mrs. Reynolds announced the news to the class and told us to go into the workroom next to our classroom. She was crying. I remember my mother glued to the TV just crying and crying. The only other time I saw her watch TV so intently was during the Watergate hearings (only that time she wasn't crying:-).

    There is symmetry somehow: Ut's the 45th anniversary the death of a history-making (Catholic) president who died at the age of 46. This same November America voted in another history-making (Black) president who will be 47 when he takes office.

  5. crashcromwell profile image66
    crashcromwellposted 16 years ago

    I missed the assassination by about four years, so it didn't have the impact on me that it had on many. My two memorable events were the Challenger explosion and of course 9/11. I was in Astronomy class when the Challenger exploded, and I was in New York just two days before 9/11. I remember seeing the world trade center as I headed toward the city from Newark, and I almost took a picture. I wish I had.

  6. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 16 years ago

    JF Kennedy.  The second US president killed in US history.... on 22-11-1964.  I remember him as one of those who shaped US destiny.  His anti-racism and anti-slavery policies are liked by all here in India. His gunboat diplomacy... his anti communist war in Vietnam, his role in India-China clashes in 1962 are to be remembered. Without him, Chna would not have withdrawn from Indian territories in 1962.  May his sould rest in peace !

    1. darkside profile image60
      darksideposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      8 US Presidents have died in office. 4 of them were assassinated.

    2. Uninvited Writer profile image76
      Uninvited Writerposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I think you have a few facts mixed up. Slavery ended with Lincoln, not Kennedy.
      It was 1963 when he was killed. He didn't start the war in Vietnam, but he did continue...

      All I remember is my parents watching the funeral in 1963. I lived in Scotland at the time. I was more effected by the death of his brother Robert in 1968.

  7. Zsuzsy Bee profile image86
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 16 years ago

    Besides JFK there was Abe Lincoln, William MacKinlay and James Garfield. I remember these names from my history lessons still in Belgium from a looooong long time ago. But there were definitely more attempts made on others. (I might not have all the names spelled right... as I said it was a long bunch of years ago)

    Isn't it weird though that because it affected me in my childhood the date 22/11/63 has been etched into my brain. Even living in Belgium at the time somehow or another I always remembered that date and JFK every year since.


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