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Nibiru Planet X December 23, 2012, The Mayan Calendar is Not Related to the Polar Shift

Updated on August 12, 2013

Mayan Calendar

The Mayan Calendar was used to track planetary cycles over 5,125 year periods of time.
The Mayan Calendar was used to track planetary cycles over 5,125 year periods of time. | Source

Mayan Calendar

To be clear the Mayan Calendar is not related to the ongoing Polar Shift and Nibiru Planet X. In this 16th edition of my weekly series Nibiru Planet X December 23, 2012, The Mayan Calendar is Not Related to the Polar Shift I will try to make sure my readers understand that these two subjects are completely different.

Many comments have been left on my Nibiru Planet X weekly articles declaring that nothing happen today of any significance, that the World Didn't End?!

To be clear the Mayan Calendar was not intended as prophecy but just a way for the Mayan Civilization to chart the stars and record time. So why was the Mayan civilization so obsessed with charting time and why did they use the complex system they did?

How did the confusion leading to a Doomsday scenario come to be associated with the end of the Mayan Calendar and why do so many people connect the arrival of Nibiru Planet X in our solar system with it? In this article Nibiru Planet X December 23, 2012, The Mayan Calendar is Not Related to the Polar Shift I hope to answer these questions.

I suspect the Mayan Calendar end date Doomsday Scenario was created without knowing for sure if it was correct, far enough into the future by author's in the 60s to sell books, knowing they would not live long enough to have to explain themselves when and if nothing happened.

Tungaruhua Volcano in Ecuador 12-17-2012

This photo of the Tungurahua volcano shows that the increase in volcanic activity world wide is increasing.
This photo of the Tungurahua volcano shows that the increase in volcanic activity world wide is increasing. | Source

The Mayan System in a Nutshell

The Mayans used twenty day months called a winal, in which everyday was given a name, such as Wednesday or Thursday. Eighteen winal's are counted to form a year of 360 days known as a tun (360° is a perfect circle), with five extra days called nemontemi in some cultures and wayeb by the Maya's to arrive at the 365 days we currently use in our culture.

The counting of an Earth year was known as the Haab and interestingly they also assigned each of the winal days a number however their number system only went up to 13 and then started over at one. This means that their thirteen-day cycles and twenty-day cycles didn't align until you reached 260 (13x20) which they called a tzolkin cycle. This tzolkin cycle is the oldest known timing system in Meso-America appearing before the Mayan civilization even began, so obviously they borrowed it from an even older culture, perhaps the Olmec.

This tzolkin cycle was used to chart planetary movement and orbits and so was very important to the Mayan culture for this reason. This tzolkin cycle was a more accurate way of tracking the orbits of Mars, Venus, Jupiter, the Moon and the Earth.

The Mayans also counted a Katun cycle which was made up of twenty tuns (360 days) or 7,200 days which is slightly less than twenty of our years. This cycle allowed them to track the revolutions of planets which gave them the ability to know when each planet would align with the Sun and the Earth.

The next cycle they were interested in tracking was known as the Baktun cycle which consisted of twenty Katuns or 144,000 days (394.3 years). Interestingly enough this is very close to the amount of time it takes the Earth's core to make one full rotation. According to Dr. Song and Dr. Richards of Columbia the Earth's core takes about 400 years to complete one full rotation.

Many scientist's believe that the Earth goes through 400 year warming and cooling cycles, the Medieval Warm period lasted from 1,000 to 1,400 and the Little Ice Age went from 1,400 to 1,800. However I doubt the Mayan's were too interested in this and according to David Wilcock in his ground breaking book The Source Field Investigations they may have been using this intricate time tracking planet alignment system to track far more interesting phenomenon, such as time-portals.

The last cycle is the complete calendar length itself of thirteen Baktuns which is 5,125 years or 1,872,000 days. Five Mayan calendar's equals approximately 25,627 years which is incredibly close to the precession of the equinoxes or Great Year. In 2000 the International Astronomical Union fixed the precession at 25,771.5 years which is a difference of only 144 years.

In conclusion the Mayan civilization considered science and religion to be one and the same. Because their Gods were based on nature being able to track the planets and the changing seasons were very important to them. Their advanced practice of astronomy and mathematics was intimately related to their religious rituals.

The Mayan culture believed the World had been created five times and destroyed four, this alone is probably what has contributed the most to the recent Doomsday Prophecies of 12-21-2012. However what I would like to make clear is that since most scientist still are debating when their calendar began it is difficult for anyone to make an accurate prediction of when it would end. For all we know the Mayan Calendar may have ended ten years ago or ten years from now, no one knows for sure.

Many author's claim the Mayan's were obsessed with time but what would be more accurate would be they were meticulous in their charting of the cycle of planets. Yes, they had a very accurate calendar but it was more geared to astronomy than it was for the seasons of the Earth. What is interesting to note is that the Mayan civilization inherited the cities they lived in but did not build them, they did not invent the advanced astronomy and mathematics they used but borrowed them from an even more ancient culture.

West Virginia Natural Gas Explosion

This huge explosion was under publicized and yet melted I-77 in West Virginia.
This huge explosion was under publicized and yet melted I-77 in West Virginia. | Source

BOOM Baby!

One full scale volcanic eruption releases more poisonous gas into the atmosphere than industrial pollution can cause in a decade.
One full scale volcanic eruption releases more poisonous gas into the atmosphere than industrial pollution can cause in a decade. | Source
The Polar Shift is happening even as I write these words . . . can you feel it?
The Polar Shift is happening even as I write these words . . . can you feel it? | Source
The increase in volcanic activity world wide is just a precursor of things to come.
The increase in volcanic activity world wide is just a precursor of things to come. | Source

The Continuing Polar Shift

As the tectonic plates of the Earth continue to shift we will see more natural gas explosions like the one in West Virginia that shot flames 100 feet into the air and destroyed four homes while melting a nearby highway.

Federal and state investigators are looking into the cause of the explosion but have not released any preliminary reports.

"It's one of those rare events that happen," the governor said, "and at this time we do not have those answers," he said

Hundreds of natural gas explosions have been occurring nationwide and all over the world in the last year, these are a direct affect of the Polar Shift and Nibiru Planet X in our solar system. The magnetic force of Nibiru Planet X is much stronger than the Earth's and is causing its tectonic plates to shift, which in turn is creating sinkholes, cracks and fissures in the Earth's crust, an increase in volcanic activity and earthquakes, train derailments and landslides. For more on this activity see my recent article Nibiru Planet X Tunnel Collapse, Train Derailments, Sinkholes and More are Signs of the Polar Shift.

Even minor tremors and earthquakes can cause train derailments, land and mudslides and of course displacement of buried natural gas pipelines. While The Powers That Be and the mainstream media (MSM) use a wide variety of excuses to explain these events, the simple explanation is that the Earth's mantel or tectonic plates are shifting on a daily basis.

This is evident by the increase of volcanoes erupting worldwide in regions of the world unaccustomed to such events and also from volcanoes that have been dormant for years.

  • Copahue Volcano • December 22, 2012 • Chile/Argentina Border • This volcano's last known eruption was in 2001 and the recent activity has raised its alert status to orange.
  • Tungaruhue Volcano • December 21, 2012 • Ecuador • This active volcano continues to create pyroclastic flows, seismic activity and a continuous ash plume.
  • Fuego Volcano • December 21, 2012 • Guatemala • Eight strombolian explosions were recorded Friday bringing the count to fifteen in the last three days, this volcano is considered very active with continuous lava flows.
  • Heard Volcano • December 21, 2012 • Australia/Southern Indian Ocean • This volcano shows signs of awakening but dense cloud cover prevents more data from being recorded.
  • Popcatepetl Volcano • December 21, 2012 • Central Mexico • Over 70 gas exhalations have occurred recently creating a column of ash and gas over 2 kilometers into the atmosphere.
  • Paluweh Volcano • December 21, 2012 • Sunda Island Indonesia • This very active volcano now has a pyroclastic flow that reaches the ocean and an ash plume over 11,000 feet.

These are just a few of the most recent volcanic activity in the world but Japan's 110 volcanoes are showing signs of awakening, scientist are studying a violent submarine volcano off the coast of Baja, California and Alaska's volcanoes are beginning to show signs of life.

The Ring of Fire continues to experience large earthquakes and unusual weather such as the recent mega Typhoon Bopha which aren't supposed to happen so close to the equator.

Mudslide Train Derailment

Mayan Calendar End Date

Be honest now, how many of you made the common mistake that Nibiru Planet X and the Mayan Calendar end date of 12-21-2012 were connected?

See results


Perhaps many thought that the Mayan Calendar was some how linked to Nibiru Planet X and the continuing Polar Shift but clearly by the continuing tectonic plate movement and increase in volcanic activity, sinkholes, extreme weather, landslides, natural gas explosions and earthquakes this is not the case. The Mayan Calendar begins a new cycle and although this fifth world may still end it is not an event that happens on one particular day that you can mark on your calendar.

However what can be noticed is the intense glare our Sun now shows on cloudless days, this is because Nibiru Planet X is now moving across our Sun as it leaves the solar system. The light from our Sun is shining off the dust cloud that surrounds this planet creating an even more intense glare.

Many people around the globe are noticing that our Sun, Moon and constellations our showing up in the sky in places where they are not normally found, this is due to the increase in the Earth's Wobble. This increase in the Earth's Wobble is what is affecting the unusual weather and continuing drought that most of America is experiencing.

It is hard to pinpoint how much time the planet Earth has before the Polar Shift will begin to affect the public as a whole, many in the Ring of Fire have been feeling the affects of Nibiru Planet X for years now.

Hopefully this article Nibiru Planet X December 23, 2012, The Mayan Calendar is Not Related to the Polar Shift shed some light on the issue of the Mayan Calendar end date. One thing is for sure The Powers That Be certainly did a good job of confusing the public and spreading disinformation, as the public now seems to think the Polar Shift has past without incident.


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