Being Prepared

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  1. gmwilliams profile image83
    gmwilliamsposted 11 years ago

    Today's socioeconomic climate is highly tenuous and precarious.   Jobs are downsized and outsourced.  Being highly educated is NOT necessarily a guarantee regarding obtaining a job and/or keeping a job.  In this postmodern, postindustrial economy, one has to develop a high demand skillset and/or product name/brand.

    In light of the ever metaphoring socioeconomic climate, what steps should be implemented to prepare our children and young people to thrive  and succeed?  The concept of jobs are becoming extinct.   The concept of careers are becoming extinct.  The concept of job security is a dinosaur.   

    Children have to be taught and educated in the psychomethodology of this postindustrial era.  Those who are inculcated in a 21st century, postjob premise will thrive and succeed.   Those who are still inculcated in an earlier 19th-20th century job premise will fall/be left behind, be totally deluged, and become part of the new poor with no transferrable skills.

  2. profile image52
    wendyjames2posted 11 years ago

    Hi GMWILLIAMS!  Right on! I perfectly agree with you on this.  I have believe at success starts from the roots.  Children have to be educated properly and effectively.

  3. wilderness profile image95
    wildernessposted 11 years ago

    You can start in grade school, continuing on to high school.

    Such concepts as "Eubonics", teaching our children that it is reasonable to make up their own words or spelling needs to go out the window.  Kids need a solid grounding in reading, spelling and, perhaps to a lesser extent, grammar.  Comprehension skills are a must - if you insist on "seeing" what you want to see instead of what the words actually say you can't read.  If you can't communicate you are NOT going to find work. 

    Move on to math - pounding the rules of arithmetic into our kids isn't enough.  A thorough knowledge of algebra and at least a working knowledge of geometry and trigonometry is a necessity.  "Story" problems aren't optional - if you can't solve them you can't do math - and should be concentrated on.  Learning to do algebraic "proofs" should be a requirement (see next paragraph).  Statistics and probability should be included.  Our kids simply must be comfortable dealing with numbers - they days of sloughing off anything to do with numbers as just "too hard" or "my brain doesn't work that way" for some (often a majority of) kids has to stop. 

    Critical thinking should be emphasized at all grade levels.  While current theory is that people don't develop the logical thinking areas of their brains until the early 20's that isn't good enough.  If necessary, force that ability at an earlier age; high school desperately needs classes specifically for critical thinking.  Successful completion of classes in logic should be mandatory for graduation.

    At least some science should be mandatory, and I don't mean a "science" class touching on a tiny bit of everything.  At least one class devoted to a particular science after that general class.  Biology, chemistry, physics, geology, etc.  A class where observation and experimentation is done.  Science classes are heavy in critical thinking; put that class to use, driving those skills in by using them.

    The purpose of lower education is not to prepare for a specific job, but to prepare to learn a specific job.  Trade schools and, to a lesser extent, college will build on those skills and prepare the student for that task.

    And finally, during all this, the beginnings of a work ethic needs to be brought into play.  It isn't OK to skip classes (family vacation?) or do less than your best.  It isn't OK to ignore instructions/orders; they must be followed to be successful.  Failure has consequences, as does success, and our schools aren't teaching this any more; it is more important now to make every kid "feel good" by rewarding them for little or nothing and that needs to stop.  A hundred years ago the kids had the job of feeding the livestock and cleaning out the barn; now it's to go to school and learn.  It's their job, not playtime that can be skipped or ignored; treat it just as the successful adult treats their job.

  4. psycheskinner profile image77
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    In my experience the old fashioned idea of learning a trade or profession is still the best for long term employment.  Even if you end up working outside that field the training is concrete and transferable.  The modern idea of doing a degree in eclectic studies with a minor in navel gazing, not so much.


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