where do I find medical billing and coding jobs?

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  1. profile image48
    jackson26posted 14 years ago

    where do I find medical billing and coding jobs?

    1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image89
      Patty Inglish, MSposted 14 years ago

      Health and Medical Industry jobs continue to increase in many US States. Because of a steady increase in population average in America and the world, a higher number of medical visits and bills are occurring Medical Billing and Coding jobs are increasing to keep up with the increased demand. Find those jobs in USA, Canada and UK here with our help. read more

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      2. wychic profile image82
        wychicposted 14 years ago

        Just about everywhere! They are in pretty high demand, so a lot of it depends on your experience...some places are willing to train you, while others want someone who has already taken a certification course. Get into contact with your local hospital(s) and any private practices or outpatient care centers. Jobs can sometimes be found online, though most health care providers seem to prefer to get to know you before they allow you to take the work home...this is, after all, very sensitive information.

      3. Shawn M. profile image61
        Shawn M.posted 14 years ago

        There are a variety of resources that you can use to locate a medical billing and coding job.  Some of these include Online Searches, Job Boards and your local classifieds.

        I would first recommend that you look online through a search in any of the top search engines.  Looking for keywords related to "medical billing", "medical billing and coding jobs" or "local medical billing jobs" could direct you to some great sites.

        In addition to this, there are job boards online that are specifically are geared toward Medical Billing & Coding jobs at home; some of them are as follows:


        I can not guarantee what type of positions they have available, but certainly looking through any of them might yield some results.

        Finally, you can look in your local classified ads to see if there are any medical billing & coding positions available.

      4. cathyaddams567 profile image60
        cathyaddams567posted 12 years ago

        You first stop should be the hospital since they are the one's who are most in need with that. To know more about medical billing, visit us at http://advantmedicalbilling.com/medical … pecialist/

      5. Rupert Taylor profile image98
        Rupert Taylorposted 14 months ago

        Resurrecting a 13-year-old post in order to drop spam. Reported.


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