How can I earn online?

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  1. JKSophie profile image68
    JKSophieposted 16 years ago

    Hi!  I'm a newbie who wants to know how to earn online.  I love writing and sharing thoughts, but I want to earn as well. Can you share something? Thanks. big_smile

    1. Lissie profile image76
      Lissieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      You need 2 write on topics that solve people's problems: not the big ones butabout the meaning of life: the little ones like how to get the stain out of the carpet - not sexy but true!

      Making money online is neither quick or simple - there are a lot scams: bewary - you might find my hub on making money online useful

      1. JKSophie profile image68
        JKSophieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Hi!  I've read the link you provided and it's really helpful.  Thanks for the tips.  smile

    2. profile image0
      Zarm Nefilinposted 16 years agoin reply to this
      1. JKSophie profile image68
        JKSophieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Checked on it, but the link was snipped. :-(

    3. guidebaba profile image59
      guidebabaposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Come up with a couple of websites on Topics that you love to write on. Use all the SEO tips and Tricks. Use Pictures, Links, RSS, Videos, Good Content. Place Ads cleverly and you are done. With a website of 100+ pages with good content (Researched), you can make between $ 10-20 per day.

      Say CHEEEEEEEEES. big_smile big_smile big_smile

      1. JKSophie profile image68
        JKSophieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, this is helpful. smile

  2. BeatsMe profile image55
    BeatsMeposted 16 years ago

    If you just want to share your thoughts, just write a lot of hubs. big_smile

    1. JKSophie profile image68
      JKSophieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the comment smile

  3. funride profile image68
    funrideposted 16 years ago

    Hi Sophie, welcome to Hubpages wink.

    If you ask how long would it take to make some money online I would say a few (if not several) months. But it will depend mostly on your work and subjects you´ll choose to write about. That said, I believe after one week it´s still to early to see the MONEY big_smile.

    If you want my advise just write about things you like and know about and have fun! The money will probably follow you when you least expect wink.


  4. ngureco profile image77
    ngurecoposted 16 years ago

    Just write hubs and have fun doing it. Money may come when it will come.

    As you can see, that Funride’s photobucket thing is continuously playing guitar and having lots of fun. And by the way, does this photobucket thing produce sounds?

  5. JKSophie profile image68
    JKSophieposted 16 years ago

    Thanks everyone for your feedback.. I will sure enjoy being a member of hubpages with all the advices I got from you all. smile

  6. JKSophie profile image68
    JKSophieposted 16 years ago

    Any suggestions on how to earn online?  We have many promotions posted on the web, and most of them are scams, can we know the difference between authentic and scam and how?

    1. profile image0
      terrygposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Easy. Buy an electronic product with resell rights. Put your site together to sell the item with a quick splash page to attract attention.

      Put the splash page on every traffic exchange you can join and promote the splash page. You will be earning over $100 every day in a very short time. That is if you sell the right product. Traffic exchanges have very willing buyers for the right product.

      I've been doing this for years and still works with minimal effort.

      1. JKSophie profile image68
        JKSophieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Hmmm, that's interesting and new to me. What's a splash page? big_smile

        1. profile image0
          terrygposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          A splash page is the one page you put into rotation on the traffic exchange.

          The page is the hard hitter, the seller or the call to action.

          Such as Make Money Click Here with heaps of graphics around it or a picture of your product with a quick reason why to buy it.

          A splash page loads fast and conveys the message quickly. When they click they go to your sales page etc.

          1. JKSophie profile image68
            JKSophieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            Oh, I see. Thanks smile

            1. sceptic profile image59
              scepticposted 16 years agoin reply to this

              A splash page is also called a landing page, the thing it is really hard to see which programmes are scams and which aren't if you don't have any knowledge. I would stay away from any programme that doesn't have a money back guarantee within a certain time. The dogs that bark the loudest in the forums are usually not the ones you would like to listen to if you want to make money. You can learn to master basics on your own do the research etc, and it can take you as long as a year to start earning money. Or you can get someone to help you out, and it wont take you as long. Either way it is a lot of work, you have keep in mind that you will need to build up a business. The last thing, that is one of the most important things to remember. DO NOT buy into something with an ongoing cost, where you get links to get page rank. The people that sell these products will rationalizing this til the cows come home, but it is just not worth it!

              Monitor different forums look at the loudest people and see what they offer, the ones that are the fastest to scream scams are usually offering something to buy them selves. Look at what people are promoting and think to your self, how would you sell this product. If I was promoting a product I would quite possibly say...I don't sell anything that I don't use my self etc...have these things in mind when you read people's blog's article's hub's etc

              1. JKSophie profile image68
                JKSophieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                Hey, thanks.  That's a great tip! smile

  7. Lissie profile image76
    Lissieposted 16 years ago

    Assume everything is a scam until proven otherwise.  If something sounds too good to be true - it is.  If you google is XYZ a scam - you will find lots of misleading info from people trying to sell XYZ! I try to check with a few places and people online that I trust: but basically will only buy if I really understand how I am going to get the money back that i am going to invest.

    To make money online you have to drive targetted traffic to your side and convert them to buy either an affiliate product, your own product or to click on kontera, adsense or similar ads.
    Its neither easy nor quick - its taken me year to get to the point that I think I understand and very slowly the money is starting to come: not at anything like a full-time income level.  Read the blogs a reference in my hub above - the info is all there  - then you just have to work hard

    1. JKSophie profile image68
      JKSophieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks again.  I've read your hub before and it really have helpful information.  I really just want to know if you guys who have been doing this for a long time have some sort of "identifier" for scams.  Thanks for the tips! smile

  8. laflat7 profile image39
    laflat7posted 16 years ago

    how about read some hubs related to this thematic big_smile

  9. profile image0
    Jim Hickeyposted 16 years ago

    From my perspective, be skeptical of anything until you learn the details; research here and the net in general to see what types of "reviews" exist (though you should be somewhat skeptical of those as well).  Be particularly skeptical of ads that promise overnight success and big $$ rewards.  Look for people offering a system to learn the ins and outs of online marketing and business plus realize that it takes months (not days) to establish your presence and build your reputation.

    Good luck and best wishes,

    Jim Hickey

    <snipped- no sigs please>

    1. JKSophie profile image68
      JKSophieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the advice.  I'll take note of that smile

  10. broalexdotinfo profile image55
    broalexdotinfoposted 16 years ago

    I suggest using Google to answer your request and one small advice since you are a newbie. Never pay for a service that promises you any kind of money, may it be small or big. You need to get familiarized with some things before you start making money online.

    1. JKSophie profile image68
      JKSophieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for that!  I am seeing a lot of promises in the internet then after checking their site, it will say that I need to pay for something (good thing, I never gave up any penny). So I ended up, unsubscribing. big_smile

  11. profile image48
    Donna18posted 16 years ago

    If you like writing then you can apply for freelance writer or work as a ghost writer. it would improve you as a writer and would give you some extra bit of income. Thanks enjoy writing. Or else if you have a website to can go for Google ad sense. This is a good way to earn healthy money.

    1. JKSophie profile image68
      JKSophieposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Donna18.  If I may ask, do you know some websites who offer freelance writing or looking for a ghost writer? big_smile

  12. kiran_lance profile image57
    kiran_lanceposted 16 years ago

    hai i want top learn about internet

    1. WHoArtNow profile image70
      WHoArtNowposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      That's a bit vague, what do you want to learn about the internet?

  13. henrytom profile image55
    henrytomposted 16 years ago

    I'd say that you shouldn't concerntrate on the money aspect too much. Just think about the positive impact you what to make. Then the money will come.

  14. henrytom profile image55
    henrytomposted 16 years ago

    I'd say that you shouldn't concerntrate on the money aspect too much. Just think about the positive impact you what to make. Then the money will come.

  15. moinseo profile image59
    moinseoposted 16 years ago

    Please anyone tell me How to make money through SEO knowledge.?

  16. Mathi P profile image61
    Mathi Pposted 16 years ago

    Hi  Moinso  , are u want  about online business ?

      wanna mail me i given free details of google adwords and adsense and earn much money ,from simple blog.


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