Why Is The Government Suddenly Trying to Colonize Mars

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  1. Shakka James profile image61
    Shakka Jamesposted 12 years ago

    So, I read that the government, not only the United States government but governments of other countries are working towards colonizing Mars. Colonization of Mars should begin in the year 2023. This is the next 10 years. Can anyone explain what the rush is about? Why now?

    1. paradigmsearch profile image59
      paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      There is a pesky asteroid that was recently discovered...

      1. Alexander Mark profile image81
        Alexander Markposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        No solid plans to go to Mars, instead we are going to an asteroid. We aim high...

    2. Bendo13 profile image76
      Bendo13posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Actually the dates you're talking about refer to this http://mars-one.com/en/
      and from what I'm seeing it has nothing to do with the government.

      It's going to be a reality TV show... yes, people will give up their lives on earth to live on Mars for a TV show, and of course research.

      Could be very interesting and it is done by sponsors and investors - all private... so, this won't cost the tax payers anything.

      Sign up next year and maybe you'll be one of the 40 to go wink

      1. cryptid profile image88
        cryptidposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Are you allowed to nominate people you'd like to send to Mars?  smile  I can come up with a list.

        1. Bendo13 profile image76
          Bendo13posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Haha, I'm pretty interested in the project and it'd probably be the only reality TV show I'd ever watch.  I wonder how they will choose people myself - probably a certain age, health, background and so on.

          I doubt they want drama between the astronauts to be the focus - the things they see and experience should be drama enough.  But they'd have to be sure that they don't send anyone sick... who's going to heal them?

          I bet one of the first four will be a doctor.

      2. profile image0
        scottcgruberposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Wow! I hadn't heard about that - thank you!

        I'm a bit skeptical about it actually happening. It's an extremely ambitious project, even if SpaceX is one of the partners. I can't quite fathom how they're going to find people who are intellectually and emotionally capable of carrying out the mission who are also eager to die on another planet.

        It will be interesting to watch it unfold, to say the least...

        True. They'll also need a brave and sure captain to lead the mission. And a likeable but somewhat bumbling first mate. I envision there also being an older, wealthy couple to give elderly viewers someone to relate to. Plus they'll want a couple of female leads to round out the cast - perhaps a washed-up actress and a girl-next-door type. That's a good source of dramatic tension.

        This could be a hit!

  2. relache profile image65
    relacheposted 12 years ago

    It's to distract people from focusing on actual Earth issues, like fixing governments, the environment and reinventing the world economy.

    1. profile image0
      jomineposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      +1, if what she 'read' is true.

  3. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 12 years ago

    And why exactly does two threads on this topic need to be in existence?


    You starting two separate thread on the same topic is against forum rules.

  4. knolyourself profile image60
    knolyourselfposted 12 years ago

    Like what the movie 'Star Wars' did.

  5. profile image0
    scottcgruberposted 12 years ago

    Where did you "recently read" this? Your other thread on the same topic? The U.S. government might have a launch vehicle and operational human-rated crew capsule by 2021, if there are no budgeting or production delays. Mars exploration isn't a remote possibility until the mid 2030s, and even then we mightr just be sending humans to Phobos. Besides - all of the experiments that have tried to simulate life in a self-sustaining bio-dome have been failures, as far as I know.  If we can't even build a working replica of a Mars colony, we're nowhere near the real thing. Mars colonization is a distant fantasy.

    1. profile image0
      jomineposted 12 years agoin reply to this


  6. recommend1 profile image60
    recommend1posted 12 years ago

    Bush and Cheney clan probably have a total world war planned and need somewhere else to stack up all them dollars they will make from it.

    1. kirstenblog profile image79
      kirstenblogposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Can you eat, breath or drink dollars? hmm

      They don't really seem like the sharpest knives in the drawer if that is their thinking hmm

  7. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    Getting to Mars "within 30 years" has been the official plan since the sixties.

    Given that we currently have to hitch a ride with the Russian to get to an orbiting station ... well, I somehow doubt that Mars is a plausible goal.

    Its a pie-in-the-sky idea to distract from the fact that the US currently has no space flight capacity whatsoever. Not even rockets.

    1. recommend1 profile image60
      recommend1posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The Chinese have just successfully docked with their own space station and several Chinese astronauts are up there now - they have plans for a Mars lander or a Mars moon lander, I forget which - but they will be the only ones left who can afford it soon anyway, especially if they team up with Russia and cut us  out of the deal.

  8. cryptid profile image88
    cryptidposted 12 years ago

    I'd be interested in seeing this source as well.  As far as $$ goes, putting live humans on Mars does not seem to be a priority for the U.S. government. 

    Sure we're working toward it, but in the next 10 years?  That would take some serious resources and dedication, neither of which the government is currently willing to allocate to the space program.

    1. psycheskinner profile image76
      psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      It is a thirty year plan to be done by private companies.

      It ain't gonna happen.

  9. Cheeky Girl profile image67
    Cheeky Girlposted 12 years ago

    It must be an election year. This comes around ...

  10. Druid Dude profile image60
    Druid Dudeposted 12 years ago

    We, as in the U.S.A., barely have the capability at present to even get to orbit (manned). I think Mars, asteroid, or Sea of Tranquility is out of the picture.


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