Who here has tried writing a novel?

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  1. profile image0
    setarehposted 13 years ago

    I've tried many times but midway lose myself and just stop. Ahhh!

    1. fancifulashley profile image67
      fancifulashleyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I am currently working on a novel. I am now 22 and first started writing it when I was 10. Along the way I have made many changes, matured my writing style and techniques, and have lost the whole thing multiple times (always back up your writing). I keep pushing forward and encourage you to do the same. You will feel such accomplishment when you are finished.

      1. fancifulashley profile image67
        fancifulashleyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Oh, I also have to say, if you lose yourself midway, you may want to try writing down your general plot ahead of time. This way you can keep on course even if you do not touch it for months at a time (which can be useful). Also, stop writing for the day/night at a section where you know exactly what is going to happen next. Not only does this reduce the likelihood of writer's block, but it also forces you to get up the next day and continue the piece.

    2. lovebuglena profile image81
      lovebuglenaposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I wrote my first novel. Now in the process of editing it. At one point when I hit a road block when writing the novel I stopped working on it for a while. But then I came back to it and didn't have any more road blocks... Everything was working out. Now the hard part is getting it edited. Waiting for a friend to help me... but he is taking too long. He hasn't even finished chapter 1. sad

      1. profile image0
        setarehposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Past chapter 1 now?! wink

    3. Dave Mathews profile image61
      Dave Mathewsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I have written two novels but never been published.

    4. Neerizzle profile image70
      Neerizzleposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I've always wanted to but haven't even started yet. I have an idea though just need to start getting it on paper lol.

    5. cdub77 profile image70
      cdub77posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I have a novel currently under consideration at a few publishers after spending a few years writing and self-editing it.  It's a long, but rewarding process. 

      I found, through the process of sustaining and finishing the book, that it, like many things, simply took making small attainable goals for myself.  From this perspective, outlining chapters beforehand might help keep you productive through the dry period in the middle when everything is work and nothing is reward. 

      Also, I find it's good to have another form of art, be it film, photography, music, or even video games, in which you can lose yourself between writing periods. 

      Two last tricks:

      1.  I always stop writing for the day while I still know what I'm going to write next.  This seed of an idea will sprout overnight as I meditate upon it and then sleep and dream.  The next day, I awake already knowing what I need to write because I knew that when I stopped the day before.  On top of that, I find my "well" of ideas has filled up from this one seed and I can make much more progress than starting afresh each day.

      2.  The last trick that really worked for me was to find a place to write in public.  This allows you to people watch in moments of reflection.  If you can see people doing something they know how to do well, like their job or daily routine, I find this helps me tap back into my muse by connecting me with others.  For what it's worth, it actually works to keep me productive longer and to help my work be more inspired.

      Keep trying! The only way you can fail is if you stop! smile


    6. lotusb34 profile image82
      lotusb34posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I am actually in the process of writing 2, lol yes 2. What can I say it takes alot to keep my mind busy

    7. ambassadornchains profile image62
      ambassadornchainsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I tried to write a couple books...The first time I got too busy and the second time I began to write a book, I wrote about 200 pages and something happened to the document and I lost everything.  I was SO incredibly upset and have never really gotten over that...I've never been able to get the motivation again to write anything more than lyrics and poetry, maybe a short story or two.

    8. Morena88 profile image68
      Morena88posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I have, but in my twenty-three years of life, I don't feel as if I have experienced enough in order to write a novel.

      Though there are many authors around my age and younger, I personally don't feel ready to pursue writing something of great length.

      Does anyone else feel this way?

    9. nadejda13 profile image60
      nadejda13posted 13 years agoin reply to this
    10. profile image0
      kimberlyslyricsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      When your ready it will come, fears also play a big role, allow yourself to just not be ready yet big_smile

    11. Greekgeek profile image76
      Greekgeekposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I wrote a novel when I was a kid, and it was horrible. Then I rewrote it, and it was still horrible. Luckily I had enough glimmers of sense to know it was not a great work of literature, but practice.

      I'm trying to finish up a novel I started in 2007, so I definitely hear you. I've gotten stuck so many times, even though I have an outline and pieces of it written throughout. The later chapters have become increasingly difficult, as I've built up all kinds of expectations for the final chapters (and too many plot threads and character arcs that require resolution, oops). It's like climbing a mountain: every thousand feet, it gets more difficult. I'm determined to finish this year, but I haven't finished a chapter since December. Not a good start.

      How do people publish dozens of books in a lifetime? Clearly, we all need to be independently wealthy so we can hone our craft! 

      To all those who have published, or who are waiting for that happy notice of publication: congratulations. Those of us who write a little bit have some, only some, inklings of your hard work!

    12. aisha91 profile image55
      aisha91posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Me! smile I finished 2 novels, one was rejected and the other one is subject for revision, and I am making a new one now...Yes it is really hard especially on making the climax and ending, but from experienced as long as I don't give up writing, the more I try, the more fast the idea flows on my mind. I guess, to be really a good novelist, one should continue writing and writing despite of many stops and thoughts of giving up.
      Good luck to you Setareh, I hope me and you will be a good novelist too someday..smile cheers...
      P.S. Don't stop writing and every now and then look for inspiration and emotional disturbing thoughts, challenge yourself and your mind, close your eyes and let yourself journey in the world you made and feel every little thing inside it. Just see, you'll finish your novel too.

    13. readytoescape profile image60
      readytoescapeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I would suggest to you that if you are having trouble writing the book straight through because you lose interest or run out of ideas, first create a storyboard outline or a story map highlighting “intrigue points” from start to finish.

      One, it is a good way to stay on your original track and get to the destination, but two, as you navigate the map, just as you might on land, you could run into some interesting things the map didn’t show you.

    14. Anishpat profile image76
      Anishpatposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I have written and published a graphic novel does that count?

      1. profile image0
        setarehposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yes! That's amazing! big_smile

  2. Anna Marie Bowman profile image71
    Anna Marie Bowmanposted 13 years ago

    I've tried writing a novel.  I started it years ago.  Got a good way in, and just lost where I was going with it.  Started to sound contrived.  I gave up.  I think I threw it away a few years ago.  Haven't tried writing a novel since, but wrote a few short stories.

    1. Marlena Oechsner profile image59
      Marlena Oechsnerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I completely know how you feel. I have always wanted to write a novel, but then I get so far in and completely lose my thought process. Short stories are the way to go! Short and simple and it doesn't require to much. Hopefully it's just a stepping stone and eventually I can get back on track with writing something a little longer. smile

  3. kaydenlee profile image61
    kaydenleeposted 13 years ago

    I have written a romantic suspense novel, Abandoned Angel, and I am on my second. The first one seemed to go a bit smoother than the one I am currently working on - everything just feel into place. I am having to work harder at the one I am currently working on. Actually feels like work, and no one wants that. smile

  4. wellspoken profile image60
    wellspokenposted 13 years ago

    I have tried several times and have several that I need to go back and finish. Its hard to stay focused and keep the same style of writing. I think before I resume I need to be more organized because the thoughts come in so fast I just want to get them all out and then have to go back and re organize later. How about you?

  5. ailrox profile image59
    ailroxposted 13 years ago

    I have written my own novella. I did lose it a lot in the midst of it, and sometimes I would leave it for months at a time. But as long as I picked it back up again once I felt the writing vibe, I was able to get through it. And I finished it. It took more than a year, but I finished.

  6. Pinkchic18 profile image66
    Pinkchic18posted 13 years ago

    I've started a novel and got about 16 chapters into it then got stumped. I think you can get over the hump if you plot out how you want the ending to go - then work the minor plots around it. Best wishes with the story!

  7. profile image0
    setarehposted 13 years ago

    I've tried to write a plan and there's still a couple of things i need to work on. In the meantime while i'm working on that, i write random scenes that i can easily mould to fit into the storyline.

  8. profile image0
    setarehposted 13 years ago

    I think i may have worked out the little details, thank you all for the feedback! Appreciate it!

  9. profile image0
    setarehposted 13 years ago

    Wow! If you don't mind me asking, why not publish?

  10. HattieMattieMae profile image60
    HattieMattieMaeposted 13 years ago

    I'm working on some ideas write now to write one! smile

  11. profile image0
    peter.matthewsposted 13 years ago

    I have wrote a novel based on a true story from my childhood. It is very hard to get published unless you self publish and this can be a very expensive thing.
    If you find yourself lost midway through a novel i find it best to put it down and concentrate on something else, then go back to it again at some other point. After all we all get writers block.

  12. JEDIJESSICUH profile image79
    JEDIJESSICUHposted 13 years ago

    Yes. I finished my first novel only because I got involved with NaNoWriMo back in 2008. It took me fifteen days of forcing myself to stay awake and stop procrastinating to get it done. I haven't really edited it since, but I still have it.

  13. Jonathan Janco profile image60
    Jonathan Jancoposted 13 years ago

    I've tried writing several. I have finished a couple of them but as time goes by certain parts begin to appear irrelelvant and I keep making changes.

  14. profile image0
    Emile Rposted 13 years ago

    I've written two. I liked how both flowed, but I never got the ending right in the first. The second, I love the ending. I think wrapping it all up is the hardest part.

  15. silkwormy profile image67
    silkwormyposted 13 years ago

    Not me. Not yet. Maybe. wink

    1. profile image0
      setarehposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      DO IT! big_smile

      1. profile image0
        Website Examinerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I am wondering how many copies of the first novel a new author expects to be printed and sold - after all their hard work? In case that even matters...

        1. profile image0
          setarehposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          In my case, W.E i'm writing because i can't imagine not writing. It's reason enough for me-i'm alwayd coming up with plots or jotting down thoughts.
          Now if these novels are ever deemed as decent enough to be published that'll be a dream come true!
          How many, therefore, I expect to be sold, i can't really say. Depends on the audience it's aimed at, doesn't it?

          1. profile image0
            Website Examinerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Satareh, I appreciate the response. I'm with you all the way. I write fiction every day, and have done so for years. As long as I can complete my stories, I am quite content.

            I agree that the genre and target group will affect the sales potential. I really hope that new authors have realistic expectations and be patient, so that they will stay clear of the disreputable publishers waiting out there to "catch" them.

            1. vespawoolf profile image95
              vespawoolfposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I do think it's best not to set our expectations too high. There's so much competition to publish and it's a difficult market to break into. I think when we get too desperate to publish, it can make us more vulnerable to unscrupulous individuals who would like to take advantage. Right now, I'm enjoying the HP community and have been publishing strictly non-fiction hubs, although fiction is still my first love.

              1. readytoescape profile image60
                readytoescapeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                I might tend to agree, however if you allow your enthusiasm to wane, your promotional efforts are going to suffer. What sells books initially is advertising and self-promotion, it takes that to get the word-of-mouth ball rolling.

                People can’t talk about your book if they haven’t read or even seen it. You have to get it in front of them. 

                As an example I am donating up to 10,000 free copies of my book to Active Duty Military, through Operation Free Ebook Drop.

                <link snipped>

                1. vespawoolf profile image95
                  vespawoolfposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  You're right, and I haven't been very good about self-promotion. I feel like I'm learning a lot from the online community, though, so perhaps that will change in the future. BTW, congratulations on your book!! What an accomplishment.

                  1. readytoescape profile image60
                    readytoescapeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    And as an example the above forum entries are easy ways for self promotion of yourself and your work. Small but they work, especially if you do it honestly

                2. profile image0
                  setarehposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  That's such a nice thing to do!
                  Bookmarked-it sounds thrilling, dark but beautifully hopeful!

                  1. readytoescape profile image60
                    readytoescapeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    If you would like a discounted copy of the Ebook you can go to the below website and use the code EG22F and get 37% (2.59)off the retail list price. 

                    <link snipped>

        2. readytoescape profile image60
          readytoescapeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          I just announced yesterday on Facebook that my "final print proofs" were prepared and shipped and that my book would be available in paperback probably by next month and I have over a hundred pre-orders already.

          1. profile image0
            setarehposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            That is absolutely amazing!! Oh, you must be ecstatic! I would be!
            What's it about and how long did it take to write?

            1. readytoescape profile image60
              readytoescapeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Thank you! I am pretty excited about it. It has been a long haul putting it together, over ten years. But most of that time the manuscript sat on a shelf.

              The Novel is a thriller set in the area of Central Florida I live in. It is kinda of cross genre work of commercial fiction. If you follow the link above to my website there is a lot more information about it.

              1. vespawoolf profile image95
                vespawoolfposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Thanks! I'll take a look....sounds fascinating. It seems the first novel often takes a decade to put together. I wonder if the second novel is often easier? With learning a language, the first language (not the mother tongue) is the most difficult. Once the pattern is already there, though, it's usually simpler to learn another. Of course, it does depend on the difficulty level of the language. I suppose the same concept could apply to writing novels.

                1. readytoescape profile image60
                  readytoescapeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Mine took so long because I only wrote when I was on forced construction industry sabbaticals. In essence the initial writing only took a couple of months, the re-rewrites about a year. The constant fighting with editors about the differences and nuances between proper grammar vs Southern vernacular as it relates to the story and the theme took the longest amount of time. Almost 2 years, but remember this; the Talent always wins.

                  1. vespawoolf profile image95
                    vespawoolfposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    My interest is piqued. I'll definitely have to take a look at your book!

  16. Wolfkat93 profile image62
    Wolfkat93posted 13 years ago

    I've tried writing a few different novels they are still in progress though.

  17. profile image0
    Longhunterposted 13 years ago

    setareh, have you tried outlining before starting to write?

    I ask because I thought an outline was a waste of time for a long time. Unfortunately, I was getting no where fast. Then I decided to try an outline and it's made a world of difference at least for me.

    I now have 44 chapters outlined, looking to do at least 60-65, then I'll start writing.

  18. profile image0
    setarehposted 13 years ago

    Yes, i've recently started - it's really useful! Appreciate the idea!! smile

  19. Wolfkat93 profile image62
    Wolfkat93posted 13 years ago

    Really stupid question what is lineing maybe that is why I'm having trouble

  20. profile image0
    starsofeightposted 13 years ago

    I have written one novel: a fantasy.

    Before I began, I made an outline. Not only that, but also a psychological profile for each character. I fleshed out the world down to the grass, flowers, and insects. I even drew maps, and made sketches of some of the characters.

    I wrote just a little each day after work. I never grew tired of writing it.

    I wrote it from the inside out.

  21. SylviaSky profile image69
    SylviaSkyposted 13 years ago

    I have tried writing a novel three times, but the third  time is the only time I remain completely interested in what my characters are doing. They take me much farther than I would have imagined on my own. You have to really enjoy your characters, let them populate your mind, and the things they say and do will surprise you. Start by writing your favorite fantasy and keep adding. P.S. If your novel is your own autobiographical story"veiled" or "in disguise" as fiction, the writing of it will "short out" well before you finish.

  22. profile image0
    setarehposted 13 years ago

    What do you mean by short out? Though it isn't about myself, i wrote one story about myself but don't plan on showing anybody!

  23. fancifulashley profile image67
    fancifulashleyposted 13 years ago

    I agree with your trick #1. I find that I know I must do that, but I never do. Now I am stuck. I wrote until I had no more left, and I have not touched the writing since. It has been about 2 weeks now. I am finally forming faint inklings of where I want to go next, but I have definitely learned my lesson. Thank you for sharing your tips and tricks with us.


    1. cdub77 profile image70
      cdub77posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It's funny the little things you pick up that work for you and things that don't.  I also have a moleskin and outline every short story or chapter before I type it up.  For some reason, I love having a pen and a notebook I love writing in to start things out.  On days when all I have to take with me to go write is a notebook and pen I feel particularly free and it translates itself into a playfulness that is useful at the start of a project. 

      Also, since you've mentioned you've been writing the same novel since you were 10ish and you aren't quite sure where to go next, you might find you'd really enjoy or benefit from writing something different about your main character.  For example, I write short stories to accompany every main character in my novels, this helps me (1) have stories to publish which paves the way for the novel being published. (2) gives me a new environment in which to work out my characters.  I ALWAYS learn something new about them from this that I take back to them in the novel.  (3) It's sort of like advertising in a way because if you publish the story, you can always "Read more about so and so in  My Great American Novel".  smile  Of course, this "story" could turn into "where you go next" in your novel as well.   

      When you are involved with characters over years, a new story or setting for them can sometimes really get the creative juices flowing for your bigger project.

      Again, for what it's worth, this is what works for me.  Change it up, modify it, only take one tiny piece, etc.  Just figure out what works for you.  It's better to learn to fish than just take the fish I give you, if the analogy holds, right?


  24. frogdropping profile image76
    frogdroppingposted 13 years ago

    Yes. It's called 'How To Be A Bore In The Bedroom - And Other Facetious Advice'.

    It's not a novel. Just a whole heap of horribly misleading drivel.

  25. Hui (蕙) profile image60
    Hui (蕙)posted 13 years ago

    I've been planning a long story for a long time, but have yet gone into any action on it. What a shame!sad

  26. AdeleCosgroveBray profile image91
    AdeleCosgroveBrayposted 13 years ago

    I've written a series of dark fantasy novels set in contemporary Liverpool and Wirral.  This runs to four books so far.  The first was 85,000 words but the other three are all around 100,000 words in length.

    There is no secret to writing a novel.  Have a good idea then start writing, then keep writing until it's done.  Patience and perseverence are the keys, along with a genuine love of writing.

  27. Stacie L profile image86
    Stacie Lposted 13 years ago

    I've tried to write a novel years ago.i start and stop so many times. I then tried to a make my idea into a screenplay which seemed a bit more plausible..Now the e-book is looking more attractive.I have a short attention span tongue

  28. LABrashear profile image62
    LABrashearposted 13 years ago

    I started out with a challenge from a friend to do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).  I had a weird dream a couple of nights before we were going to start and jotted it down as my idea.  I had no clue where I was going to take the idea, but the deadline of so many words a day pushed me.  I finished a day ahead of schedule.  I'm stuck in editing, but I've had a couple of people read it and said it's pretty good.  So, apparently something in the creative side of your brain wakes up and takes care of you.

    I decided to try it again this spring, but started in May (school was getting out.)  Needless to say, those two novels have been sitting all summer and I still haven't went back to them.  I'm going to restart them today and challenge myself to the 1600+ words a day.

    Maybe you could try starting a new novel and go back to this one.  By finishing something new and fresh, it could excite you to go back and finish your first work.

  29. profile image0
    setarehposted 13 years ago

    I signed up on the website a week ago after getting the same advice - hopefully it'll inspire me enough not to give up! Thank you!

  30. tsmog profile image87
    tsmogposted 13 years ago

    I have three novels started. Brief descriptions are at my bio. One I have written five chapters. The other two only intro chapters. I keep adding research and stuff, stuff, stuff. Sooner or later I will write it. Time is my "Nemesis." I have outlined "Sojourner:  A Trilogy of Short Stories."

    My novel in works "Lost on the Beach" now is a collection of poetry and paragraphs dancing here and there. I am leaning toward making it a mystery and a love story. Now, I'm becoming lost in thought about it - LOL. The funny thing is I think we write it in out heads as time goes on, and they story has continuity now changing, the plot holds true, but the writing style begins to change from this to that.

    I think what hubpages is teaching me is to do it in steps. Write a 1st chapter as a short story, publish here in creative writing. Expand and look into a Kindle book. Then finally complete the novel. That way at least I would be accomplishing something toward the goal.

    Good luck and best wishes setareh! Remember to smile and have fun, fun, fun, with writing your heart out!

  31. profile image0
    sonnetwolf1posted 13 years ago

    I have stopped and started so many Novels.  Problem is, I get tired of my characters and the plot fizzels.  If I could stay in the glow of it, I might finish.  Guess that's why I'm more a Poet and short story writer.

  32. fancifulashley profile image67
    fancifulashleyposted 13 years ago

    I happen to disagree, partially. I think it depends on the type of writing. For a sci-fi of fantasy novel, I can write perfectly fine and I feel very gifted that I can write and have the ability to write. I don't think life experience really has anything to do with it depending on what you are writing about.

  33. Dingpo profile image60
    Dingpoposted 13 years ago

    I never started writing until i was 67 a year or so after my beautiful wife died i found i could write verse expressing my love and loss of her where the inspiration came from i haven't a  clue but i found it took me from a world that hurt to a world where i could be with her again, writing a adventure fairy story based on our holidays in the Scotish Highlands. it took me 10 years on and off to complete  when finished it was almost 300 pages, after which i hard bound 10 copies for my children and grandchildren. Now i belong to a creative writing group and write at least one short story every two weeks, anything from space travel, to first being born into this world, i do it souly for my own pleasure. The way i find to write is to enter the world you are writing about look for detail and characters smell it feel it live it  I have so many stories that i have writen a short plot for i dot think i will ever stop

    1. Tusitala Tom profile image68
      Tusitala Tomposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Depends what is meant by a novel.   I have wrttten tghree major works of fiction.  The first was set against a background of Aviation in Papua-New Guinea.   I called it 'Searchtime Expired.'  I wrote it at age 32-33 in 1968.
      Next followed Sailorboy Blue, written in 1976-77, and finally The Sealers in 1980.

        I have backgrounds in Aviation, the Maritime and had been on an Antarctic expedition so I could draw on my life knowledge to write works of fiction set against something I knew about.   But were they novels?   Or were they, as the famous British writer Graham Green used to say, 'entertainments.'?

    2. profile image0
      leann2800posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Dingo, I think its beautiful that you kept and honored your wife's memory through your writing.

  34. profile image0
    leann2800posted 13 years ago

    I am currently trying to write a novel in 30 days. Its not going as quick as I like but I have managed to get support from my family and friends for my writing work. I am hopeful that I will finish it one day.

    1. Dingpo profile image60
      Dingpoposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Keep at it leann i should imagine you are not getting much sleep, all my best plots come to me in the early hours so i am up and down like a YOYO the very best of luck.Bob

  35. profile image0
    leann2800posted 13 years ago

    Thanks Bob. I do miss sleep. I don't know if its cause the story in me head wakes me up or if I can get more done in the middle of the night. But I am writing in wee hours too.

    1. EmVeeT profile image71
      EmVeeTposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      You said: I do miss sleep. I don't know if its cause the story in me head wakes me up or if I can get more done in the middle of the night. But I am writing in wee hours too.

      I wrote a romance novel on a dare between the hours of 11 p.m. and 3 a.m.  There were no other sounds in the house during those moments, no distractions, no need to cook, clean, care for or attend to anything. The book is in a drawer now. I have no intention of publishing it (at least not until I write something I believe capable of making a splash... that's my dream).

      I didn't miss sleep. However, I ended up at a sleep clinic and was diagnosed as sleep deprived, right after! (LOL)...

      Enjoy! smile

      May your effort be Blessed! smilesmile

      1. profile image0
        leann2800posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Oh no! Really? Sleep deprived to the point of needing a clinic? Man! I got to get this book done and over with.lol

        1. EmVeeT profile image71
          EmVeeTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Ha.... It took six months worth of writing to finish the book... six months worth staying awake during the wee hours, then waking up to go to work the next day. If you don't have other obligations, you're probably fine. If you do, spread your writing time out. Maybe don't write night after night... although momentum is bliss, isn't it?

          BLESSINGS to you as you move forward... I'm just making an attempt at a breakthrough novel. If I succeed, this should be a blockbuster! So, I'm off to write too...

          Enjoy Leann! BLESSINGS to you, again!


  36. profile image0
    Phoebe Pikeposted 13 years ago

    I've written many, but so far none have been published. So many publishers aren't looking for "first time authors" because they want a writer who all ready has their foot in the door... it's kind of sad actually.

  37. AudreyHowitt profile image77
    AudreyHowittposted 13 years ago

    Have you thought of self publishing @Phoebe Pike?

    1. profile image0
      Phoebe Pikeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I can't afford to. It costs too much.

      1. marriedwithdebt profile image73
        marriedwithdebtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        It's free on Amazon Kindle, I believe. Might need to get a cover designed but you could do that yourself.

  38. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 13 years ago

    I wrestled for years trying to find a publisher or agent for the two novels I've written.  I didn't want to self-publish because I didn't write the books just to give them to my family as Christmas presents.  I wanted to be read by the general public.  It was so frustrating. Then, self-publishing on Kindle changed all that.  I'm now working on a third book.  Let the marketplace decide what's good and what's not!  Good luck to all you writers out there.  Don't give up on your story.

    1. marriedwithdebt profile image73
      marriedwithdebtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      How are you doing on KDP? I'm closer than ever to finishing something that will be between 50,000 - 60,000 words and will definitely use KDP

      1. EmVeeT profile image71
        EmVeeTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hey there, Marriedwithdebt!

        Congratulations on your work! I would like to answer your question, but I don't know what KDP is, therefore, I'm guessing I may not be good with it... Can you tell me what KDP stands for?

        Also married, with HUGE debt, a partial novel completed, and a LIVING G'D I TRUST with all that I am...

        1. marriedwithdebt profile image73
          marriedwithdebtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          KDP is Kindle Direct Publishing, or what you would use to publish your book on Amazon for the Kindle Reader

  39. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 13 years ago

    Hey married, you have a great topic you know, if you understand KDP.  So many don't except they know it is not free. At least that is what I have been told.

    1. marriedwithdebt profile image73
      marriedwithdebtposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      If people think KDP costs money, then Amazon should do a better job of advertising that it is free. Of course Amazon takes a cut of the sales, but if you price your book over $3 you get 70% of royalties

  40. profile image0
    setarehposted 13 years ago

    And here i had no idea!
    I'm on page 60 now so still have a long way to go but i'm getting there (fingers crossed).
    Appreciate the information of course - KDP is a concept i hadn't heard of!
    Thank you my forum postees!

  41. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 13 years ago

    KDP does take 30% of any sales you make, and they have done a good job at depositing my sales by direct deposit monthly in any amount I earn.  I also like - no - love that I can go into my books and edit them at any time.  That's the beauty of e-books.  So as I get feedback from readers, I can add to or correct my text immediately.  It takes Kindle/Amazon about 24 hours to repost my book. 
    I have a scene in Take This Man when the three wives have been sitting in a bar talking for an entire afternoon and I never have them go to the Ladies Room!  Duh?  No problem.  I'm adding that today!
    I paid a considerable amount to self-publish this book and wish I'd saved the $$$.  They charge me for any changes and it's an e-book - sheeze.  KDP is much more author-friendly.

  42. TheMagician profile image84
    TheMagicianposted 13 years ago

    I wrote a short novel, about a man who's super nice and so optimistic that it's irritating with leukemia who went to travel around the world (despite his best friends disaproval) and met a cynical girl in Ireland whom he finds insanely interesting which bothers her, haha.

    I'm also in the midst of writing another novel, about a young man and his friends in a "dream world" after he drifts off to sleep in Gov. class, where they've achieved total anarchy... it's supposed to show how without them even realizing it, they're creating a government all over ago.

    I haven't published yet (because i'm lazy), but I've heard Amazon was good. I'd also been told to go through Lulu, but I dunno about it too much.

  43. Dave Mathews profile image61
    Dave Mathewsposted 13 years ago

    I have written (two) complete explicit romance novels, but I could not find a publisher for them.

  44. Sue Adams profile image91
    Sue Adamsposted 13 years ago

    I wrote a novel and will publish it as an ebook when i get the time to do all the logistics.

  45. tlpoague profile image82
    tlpoagueposted 13 years ago

    I have wrote one novel, and a few short stories. I have wanted to publish them for years, but couldn't afford to self publish and didn't trust anyone to send my work out to an agency. I am glad to hear that you can publish them on Kindle now. I will have to look into that.

  46. iviskei profile image71
    iviskeiposted 13 years ago

    I keep trying every year during NaNoWriMo, but my inner editor keeps telling me its not good enough so I never finish writing them.

    1. Sue Adams profile image91
      Sue Adamsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Show your work to your friends / family, get some feedback.

  47. Joelle Burnette profile image72
    Joelle Burnetteposted 13 years ago

    After sitting on one of my books for too many years, I finally published my first book this week on Amazon. It's a children's book called, "Freedom Doesn't Just Come Along With A Tree."

    The final push came from having a really good editor who could help me work out the parts that had been nagging me for years (yes, years), but I couldn't make it work. It's great to show your work to others, unfortunately, most have no idea (or don't want to hurt your feelings) how to tell you what doesn't work.  I knew something was wrong, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

    If you can find a really good editor who hears your written voice and can offer exactly what you need to get over that final hump (even if it's only changing a few words or pointing out issues of proper tense usage), you can make it happen and get your work published.

    Now, with another child's book in the wings (already written and I'm waiting for the artwork), an idea for another (came up with that one two nights ago -- when it rains, it pours) and another two novels (one fiction, the other non-fiction), for me it's a matter of finding the time to get everything done that I need to...on top of raising two kids, helping elderly parents and working as a reporter on a daily. Sometimes, the reporter duties steal so much of my creative juices, it's difficult to focus on my own writing, blogs, etc. (like I should be doing now)

    When you have an idea. Write it down, type it, just get it done. Last night, I was up until 4 a.m. doing just that. I'm paying for it today, but I wrote what I needed to. If you're a writer, it is who you are as a person. It's like an artist that needs to paint. If only I had as much dedication to my workouts, I'd still fit into those jeans I wore in high school.

  48. profile image57
    SanXuaryposted 13 years ago

    I am on chapter 12 of my book and tried this hub pages to see if it gave me any desire to actually ever publish it. What I know so far is that hubbing is way off the mark of writing a book. Still it provides me with ideas and some chances to generate opinions. A lot of what is on here is not all that constructive.

  49. lex123 profile image84
    lex123posted 13 years ago

    I have recently published my first novel which was originally started several years ago.  I had left it in an unfinished state due to lack of time and finally finished it last year and got it edited and published, with a small publisher. I didn't want to waste further time approaching the well known publishers, and hence I opted for that path, which even helped me to go for epublishing, with smashwords.  You can see my novel in my profile.

  50. Xenonlit profile image61
    Xenonlitposted 13 years ago

    I've written a novel. It is a decade old.  I even started redrafting and got through the first three chapters. For some reason, however, touching that novel is the last thing that I can bring myself to do. I have a real fear of doing anything with that book for some reason...


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