Angels and demons-Thumbs up!

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  1. Skydweller profile image59
    Skydwellerposted 15 years ago

    Angels and demons was a really great movie. Tom Hanks has done his job really well and the story is awesome. I was amazed by the beauty of Vatican city. The movie is a mixture of Action and suspense. You'll love it for sure...

    1. profile image48
      badcompany99posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      I heard it was good, must get a chance to go and see it, cheers !

    2. profile image0
      fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      its directed by Ron Howard for heaven's sake - so sure, I'm supposed to love it! The guy is yet to mess up his videography!

    3. profile image0
      Madame Xposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The book was really good but IMHO the movie stank. The plot was reduced to a 6th grade level and the camera jiggled so hard it made me dizzy. It was also full of strobe light effects - that constant blinking is not what I would call conducive to following a plot line. But maybe that's why they dumbed it down so much.

      I went to see it because I thought Da Vinci Code was so much fun. But this was, sadly, far below the quality of the other.

      1. profile image0
        fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        This here person clearly knows very little about Cinematography...

        1. profile image0
          Madame Xposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, I know a lot about it, if you had thought to ask . . . . I just don't buy into the garbage that passes for Cinematography today. I'm also not on Ritalin . . .

          1. profile image0
            fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            see, that's what you should have said, not talking all that amateur critical bull about the movie. Sorry for your condition.

            1. profile image0
              fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              O glorious movie expert, pls enlighten us your children on what passes for Cinematography, according to your glorious judgment that is.

              1. profile image0
                Madame Xposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                Why are you so upset? You have another opinion - so what.

                1. profile image0
                  fierycjposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                  who's upset? You said Ron Howard's idea of cinematography is shit - who by the way, has 3 Oscars to his credit, how many do you have by the way? Hey, just back your words up and show us what quality Cinematography is. Enlighten us?

                  1. profile image0
                    Madame Xposted 15 years agoin reply to this

                    Yeah, that's my opinion, this movie was sh*t. So what? Who cares what I think? Or are positive opinions the only ones allowed on this thread? I could care less how many oscars he has - so why don't you get out of my face about it. As for enlightening you, how about this . . .

                    Blinking strobe lights affect one's cerebral cortex. It creates a disorienting effect on the brain so that it is conducive to visual programming. When combined with intense and continuous camera "jutter" (camera never still) it has the effect of opening up one's mind to subliminal messages and the injection of ideas that disallow one's ability to discern for oneself whether or not to hold those ideas as one's own.

                    In short, I don't want no stinkin' programming.

                    How's that.

  2. kmackey32 profile image65
    kmackey32posted 15 years ago

    Hi badcompany, smile

    1. profile image48
      badcompany99posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Angel says the Demon lol smile

      In work so can't really talk, but hope you are well smile

      1. kmackey32 profile image65
        kmackey32posted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Yes just couldnt sleep. smile

  3. Shalini Kagal profile image54
    Shalini Kagalposted 15 years ago

    Loved the book - loved the movie!

  4. packerpack profile image60
    packerpackposted 15 years ago

    Haven't watched the movie yet but have read the book and it is the best among all four from Mr. Brown. Hope that the movie lives upto the expectation of the book!

  5. Shalini Kagal profile image54
    Shalini Kagalposted 15 years ago

    It does packerpack - highly recommended smile

  6. imadork profile image69
    imadorkposted 15 years ago

    Haven't seen the movie but I read the book twice.

    1. darkside profile image59
      darksideposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      The plot is shortened somewhat, which I understand has to happen. Otherwise it would be a film of 6 hours duration.

      They sped things up at the start, I don't think I'll be ruining it for anyone by saying that it's the Vatican who bring in Robert Langdon rather than CERN. Which is fine, it quickens the pace of the movie and goes straight for the meat.

      There are (at least) two other big changes with the script. One a powerful plot point that was axed. A big twist that they left out completely. I went and saw the movie with a friend and when we had a bite to eat afterwards I explained to him that bit, as he hadn't read the book, and while as a movie for the uninitiated it doesn't suffer for its omission, it could have been so much better if it kept it.

  7. profile image0
    fierycjposted 15 years ago

    People, Dont you just wanna puke your guts out, when people who know shit about movies open their ignorant mouths and talk about people who've been in the game for decades and know what the heck they're doing.

  8. profile image0
    dennisemattposted 15 years ago

    havent seen it, or read the book, in fact, this is the first Ive heard of it. WIll go check it out tho. my netflix que is getting low. Ill be back to give my "expert" opnion. lol

  9. profile image0
    fierycjposted 15 years ago

    Cos I get a kick out of that kinda stuff. Ignorant people make me laugh. There you have it. I said it.

  10. cindyvine profile image67
    cindyvineposted 15 years ago

    Think the book was far more compelling and exciting

  11. Skydweller profile image59
    Skydwellerposted 15 years ago

    I agree that there was a great reduction of plots in the movie but how would you except anyone to cram up everything contained in a thick gigantic book into a 2 hour movie?

  12. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 15 years ago

    Mostly nice Reviews from the Thread. Look forward to watching it on DVD when it's out.

  13. lokoyizone profile image67
    lokoyizoneposted 15 years ago

    i have seen the movie,but i honestly the book was far much better than the movie.i was very very disappointed with the movie

  14. lokoyizone profile image67
    lokoyizoneposted 15 years ago

    did u not notice that so many details from the book were omitted in the movie? why should they have to remove the character of maximillan kohl for instance,and even the hassasin was much different from the book.
    they should have included these two characters,at least.

  15. Philent profile image69
    Philentposted 15 years ago

    Haven't seen it yet, but I'll try renting. smile


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