Maybe its just me but I realize the work people put into their writing so I comment. Even if its just a thanks for sharing. How about you?
I dont understand Kim. Whats not enough. That you comment or short comments like great hub thanks for sharing is not enough.
not often enough and no not too short-kewl to see your original avatar again, good memories. xo
If something comes to my mind, then I do comment on that hub.....
Sometimes I comment and sometimes I don't. Anyway, I never just say ''thank you'' or ''great hub'' and that's it. If I do say ''a great hub'' then I add why I think it is great. I always vote up the hubs I like even if I don't comment on them and rate as useful, funny etc.
I scan a lot of Hubs...I'm looking for topics of interest and also good writing. When I find a Hub that's interesting and well written, I stay on the Hub to read it from beginning to end. Sometimes, I find I have nothing of value to say, but I rate it up, because it engaged me. No, I don't always comment when I read a Hub. If I don't have anything of value to add, I don't comment.
I only comment if I have something useful to say. I will vote it up if it's good though.
Great question
I worry when ppl just follow you and do not leave a comment .
My worry is, or should I say queery is ... WHY ?
Why not leave a comment, good , bad, or indifferent.
Not to leave comments, suggests to me, that...
You are just collecting points, and not prizes !!!
i comment only when i have some thing to say , not just great work or nice hub!
It depends. If I really have sth to ad then I comment, if not, I simply vote it up...
There are many people, although I'm not one of them, that will delete comments that simply say "thanks for sharing". Some find that annoying and adds no worth to the article. If I don't have something to add more than a pat on the back, I simply give them a thumbs up.
I'm like KCC...I won't comment on every single hub that I stumble upon...but I'll usually give a thumbs up or 'vote it up' if I don't have something profound to say.
I usually do, if not I'll always rate it and click an accolade. if I'm on a mobile device, I usually don't comment.
I do agree with you as far as time and effort put into writing. I think it's a good habit to leave a worthwhile comment.
Totally agree.
I also think its good for the hubber. Its nice to know someone just visited and left a comment, accolade or thumbs up. I think its can be quite inspiring to many, to know someone just read your work.
Even if all a visiting hubber says is 'Great Hub' its still okay because sometimes its a chore to type out comments. I only delete spammy comments.
I always try to leave a worthwhile comment. If I can't, I give a thumbs-up, because, as KCC says, there are some who delete comments like 'Great Hub'. Who wants to be deleted?
I am terrible for reading and giving a thumbs up if I like it but not commenting!
Must make it a New year's resolution to comment more!
Making comments benefits the commenter most. It's another backlink pointing towards your profile page every time you make one!
No, I'm not going to comment just to say nothing. If I have something real to say, I'll say it, but otherwise no.
Nor do I want valueless comments on my hubs. Admittedly, it's a tough line to draw at times. I sometimes vacillate over whether to delete a comment or let it stand, but lately I'm leaning more toward deletion.
i dont comment on all the hubs i read unless i have something valuable to say, because you never know who is reading and thinking who the heck is this(i mean apart from the hub owners), visitors read comments and can even visit your hub through valuable comments made. So i would say, only make comments that will add value to the hubbers page
Can other people leave comments on your hubs? Wow. I thought they were there so you could add your own comments later - like "this needs editing" or "add more tags".
You mean someone could like actually visit a hub and make a comment of their own?
Bit scary.
I'm with Pcunix - I'd delete it. Stalking's not funny.
I don't know if it is stalking so much as people who generally think they are being helpful.
I had one of those yesterday. It just rang false to me. I let it sit overnight, but after looking at it again this morning, I decided to delete it. I may have been wrong, but overall I didn't feel it really added anything, so that was that.
I dont understand the point of deleting comments. They are there for people to give feedback. Just seems a little false to me to only allow comments that are flattering. I dont know. I guess thats just me.
I think you might be misunderstanding.
It's the fawning, pointless comments I'm most likely to delete. If someone has a complaint and it has at least SOME substance to it, I leave it.
Ok. I can dig that. I just never thought of comments as adding or taking away from a hub. I just see it as a sign of appreciation or constructive criticism.
You are right , this comments can hurt you more than its benefits.
When I read someone's hub all the wat through, it is because it held my interest. I always make a comment and I try to convey why it held my interest and why I personally think this hub has value for others. I have never deleted a comment, even the occasional negative one.
What is more annoying to me is when a person follows another writer without giving a comment or reason for doing so.
Not always, unfortunately, though I should. And the vast majority (as in almost all) of people reading my hubs and even following don't either. It's frustrating sometimes... But I'm not without blame myself, so I have no real right to complain about that, I guess.
When I read I comment. Sometimes I take a quick look and comment. Sometimes I make very short comments like "wonderful" too though only in hubs [mosty poems] of my known and favorite hubbers.
When one of my known or favorite hubber especially poets leave a very short comment I accept that gladly. When a sub standard hubber leave a very short comment I accept that annoyingly.
Be glad you get comments at all... Especially on poetry. Hardly anyone comments on my hubs. But the shorter ones are probably not too beneficial as feedback, but at least they let you know if you're doing something right or not.
Is it in your experience a bad sign if people visit but don't leave comments or a good sign (with regard to the quality of your hub)?
Nothing bad with it but it's better to encourage a hubber with a feedback or share own experience or leaving some suggestions or anything that adds value to a hub.
I myself at least rate up/down the hub and mark it useful/beautiful/......occasionally flag too.
When it's good, yes.
When I have something to say, yes.
Otherwise, no.
I believe the comments I leave are for several reasons. One, because I enjoyed the topic. Two, it was funny, and three, it was something dear to my heart. Heck, if I think harder, there are many more reasons why I feel impelled to leave a comment
Occasionally yes, I don't do it religiously like some people..I feel we should be free to comment when we feel like it, and the same for replying to comments left on your hubs. Don't feel obliged to comment.
Great topic. I usually always comment. If I don't have anything positive to add or any worthwhile critiquing, then I will pass. Otherwise, I feel the same about the writing that Hokey has mentioned: if someone is putting the time into writing the hub they are expecting some feedback. I know I appreciate comments.
As for deleting-Unless the comment is rude or obscene in some way I do not delete comments. If feel it is that person's opinion whether I agree or not and I can choose to respond to it or not.
When I have a comment to make, I make it. Otherwise, I don't. Likewise when I want to give a thumbs up or other rating, I do.
It's nice to see peoples feed back it's like an extension of the hub when done in the right context.
Me too Qwark. I just see it as a sign of respect and appreciation.
I comment on hubs that interest me. What bothers me is the good writers with good hubs who do not respond to the commenters. Grr! While a commenter may only say thanks for sharing, or good hub, those writers won't even put out a simple thank you. So I guess it goes both ways.
Ok! Now Im guilty! I dont always respond back to peoples comments they leave me. I didnt know you are supposed to. When I leave comments I never think of going back to see if the hubber responds. Hmmmmm...... Food for thought.
Well, nobody says you have to, but in my opinion, I just think it's the courteous thing to do. If someone has taken the time to leave a comment, regardless of length, then again (in my opinion) they should be acknowledged. And then, there's the other side of this coin, when the commenter doesn't go back to see what, if anything, you may have replied. Tricky business
You bet Trish!
When someone takes the time to read and comment on one of my "hubs," I always write a response with a thank you.
Qwark :
That I agree with. I always want to respond to comments, and that's why I'm likely to delete an otherwise empty "Nice Job!". How many times can you say "Thanks!" ?
Nope. That would just be silly.
In fact, that's my new criteria for comments. If there is nothing more that I can say other than "Thanks", I am going to delete it.
Why would you deprive other readers/commenters the opportunity to perhaps expand on the comment you feel you should delete? Just askin,,perhaps someone else would have more to say about the 'offending' comment, which could lead to something more to your liking. Just voicing my thoughts is all.
To each his own
You still aren't getting it
I don't delete "offending" comments unless they truly are useless (like "You suck!" with no elaboration).
If it's "This article is useless!", I might even leave it - at least they are a bit specific!
What I delete is "Nice hub!" and other empty sentiments that are neither asking a question nor adding anything of value that someone else might find useful or interesting.
Say something useful, funny, helpful, critical - no problem. Ask a question, that's wonderful. Kiss my butt and I am deleting it from now on.
Well, I agree with the deleting of stuff that is non-relevant I leave the nice hub, great hub, etc and will just respond with a thanks. For the nanosecond it takes to do that, it's ok with me.
It's not the nanosecond. It's the uselessness of the comment and the vacuous response.
As to the sincerity level, yeah, sometimes I think people do mean it and are just trying to be friendly and nice. Other times I am quite sure they are just using the comment to call attention to their own hubs. That's absolutely fine - as long as they say something useful, funny, critical. In other words, they need to put in a little effort
Isn't it nice to know people can have differing opinions and views about things and be able to talk about it in a civil manner? Quite honestly, I find this all very refreshing
How is it an empty sentiment? It shows they enjoyed it. I guess some people just need more?
"Do you comment when you read a hub?"
Only if I like it and I'm in the mood.
When I do, I make it a point to add a couple good, article-relevant keywords in there for them.
Comments for me were a matter of leaving a beneficial one that helped the hubber. I had always tried to leave a comment for every hub I visited. Then I began to sound generic so I started to limit myself to posting if I had something to say to help the hubber out that was more than “Great Hub!” If I don't have something beneficial to say, I vote on it.
As for my own pages, I began deleting comments made to me from hubbers that were there to bash my hub, if I couldn’t link back to their profile, or those with no hub scores (The ones that say zero followers, zero hubs.) I have one exception to a hubber that is my aunt. She had to sign up because at the time she couldn’t post comments on my hub.
There are of course times when I can’t respond back to a hubber leaving good feedback. So, I occasionally take a day to do nothing but responses. It also gives me a chance to update my hubs, or see how the traffic is to those hubs.
I have deleted comments that came from spammers, and even some from HP members who left 'nonsense' comments that had nothing to do with the hub.
Keeping up with HP is sometimes difficult, and I too, will set aside an afternoon or day to play catch-up.
It took me a while to realise comments should be more full and ideally relevant to the topic. Kind of makes it hard sometimes, when all you want to say is a genuine - Nice Hub.
So I don't do it very much.
The other side of the coin for me is how hard I find it to respond to comments on my hubs. Some of them have required a particular train of thought or idea to create - and when the moment has passed and I have moved on - it is tricky to come back to a comment, get back into the feel of the hub, and make a sensible answer that fits.
The last thing I want to do is leave a stupid inappropriate comment on one of my own hubs!
You make a good point. I think maybe hubbers who keep seeing 'nice hub' or 'great job' can get to feeling like it's not sincere. I'm with you, if that's all I have to say, I mean it, or why would I even bother to say anything? For the most part, I rarely leave just a 'nice job'.
I also know what you mean about coming across a comment that requires some thought for an appropriate response. That's happened to me at times, where I would put my thoughts together, only to be interrupted by something, and having to leave without making my comment. Going back to it does require a re-focus, for sure
Thats what I mean! What is wrong with somebody simply saying Thank you and I enjoyed it? Do comments have to be a mini hub themselves?
I don't always leave a comment. If it is a quality post all the way through, I will often be inspired to comment. Sometimes a good topic and intro gets muddled in the middle and the train goes off track, so - "if you can't say something good....".
I prefer to comment on first-post Hubbers, that have a good seed that will grow with encouragement. A Hubber with 2,000 followers and 50 comments per post already, has probably heard it all.
You too, make a good point. I see so many topics that go so far off the track that it leaves me asking myself, don't people pay attention to the reason they commented in the first place?
I don't come to the forums often, but am glad I did today, and glad to see that so far, this is a nice thread
99% of the time, I will leave some feedback. I will, in general, say something positive or constructive. For me, I appreciate any feedback, whether it be positive or constructive criticism. The only comments that I do not accept are ones that attack me personally.
Good to see you Hokey!
Thankfully, I guess I've been fortunate as I haven't had any personal attacks, thank goodness. But I know what you're saying, because I've seen them. Oh, wait, I did have a comment once from someone who said (of my old avatar) 'if you lose the cat maybe you'd get noticed', or some such combination of words. My reply was 'if you had an avatar and wrote a hub, maybe you'd get read' So, I didn't delete it, and no, my new avatar had nothing to do with her comment
People are strange aren't they? It's difficult to gauge how the tone of the voice is when you don't hear the voice. However, I've had some blatant attacks, and not nicely put either. I can't remember your cat avatar, but I'm sure it was nice. I've had some comments (negative ones) regarding my bikini avatar. I've taken it down only because it's winter and it's too cold up here in Canada to wear a bikini in this cold weather. I'd catch a cold!
Wonderful response to that comment! You've made my day!
Yes Beth, I agree totally. And you're absolutely right, ultimately, it's up to us to 'read' the intent behind a comment.
You should put up the bikini avatar, it would be a nice reminder that warmer days are coming
Glad I was able to brighten your day.
No, Mark, it wasn't. She was trying to get my goat. I had three choices. Leave it be and don't comment, delete it, or, as I chose, I wasn't letting her get my goat She was simply looking for attention and I gave it to her. Needless to say, she never came back
Oh my! I just closed my reply when your comment hit me. Nice pun, and I missed it
I think I take myself too seriously at times.
Oh, I thought he meant that the comment that was left was catty.... a pun perhaps???
By the way, Trish, because of the things you wrote here, I went to check out your profile. I read a few random hubs, liked what I read, and went to follow you and found that I could not - because I already was
I guess the avatar change threw me off, but consider it a double compliment.
What a lovely thing to say, and thank you very much. Glad you liked what you saw, and even if you didn't, that you bothered to look says a lot
I enjoy changing avatars every now and then, but so far, this one is a keeper. What I need to do, or should I say, have been wanting to do is update my profile. It's getting very old, even to me. I just need to think of what I want to say.
I believe I'm your fan as well, now I have to go double-check!
Again, thanks!
Yes, Pcunix, I am a fan, have been for quite a while
I have caught myself posting the generic "great hub" comments before. I like to elaborate a little in the comments but not to the length of nearly writing another hub within the comments. Comments that are too long are a turn-off too. I will at least vote up and useful (or whatever is appropriate) even if I don't have anything more than "great hub" to say in the comments.
The comment thing is tricky, because everyone has his own idea about what ought to be done or not done. I always any Hub I read (well, as long as I don't forget) up or down. To me, a Hub is either a good (or good enough) one or not - so voting one way or another is easy. Coming up with something to say just for the sake of saying something isn't that easy. (The following isn't meant to sound like "reading the riot act" at all. It's just that the comment thing has been particularly bugging me over recent months, so maybe I'm venting - or need to, for once and for all, just be honest about it; no matter how unfriendly and unappreciative it may seem.) (And - really - I'm not either of those two things.)
I only comment if I'm "inspired" to comment (if I have something I really think may add some kind of idea/thought to the subject); or if I find a Hub really "calls for" a comment. Some Hubs are just kind of a matter of "neither-here-nor-there". They may be fine enough Hubs, but I won't think I have anything useful to add to them and don't want to do the old, "nice Hub" thing. (I REALLY don't want this kind of thing: "Nice Hub." "Thank you for stopping by." "Good Hub." "Thank you". "Good Hub, no go read my Hub on the same thing." )
This may sound awful to some people who mean well, but I really don't care for "thanks for sharing". To me, that sounds condescending (as if the writer is an elementary-should child who brought in a show-and-tell item). When I write anything, I'm not thinking in terms of "sharing". "Keep writing" is another one that strikes me as being condescending.
I know that much of the time people add any comment they can think of because they think it's good to comment, and I know (and appreciate), too, that some of my earnings/traffic wouldn't have happened if it weren't for comments (particularly "outsiders" comments). Still, I'm thinking about not putting comment boxes on anything anything I write from now on - and let the earnings, traffic, scores fall where they may. I'd kind of hate to eliminate some of the more meaningful additions/comments people make on some Hubs (and I do appreciate people taking the time to make them, as well as the genuine contribution some of them make to a Hub). It's just that there's so much "meaningless-ness" that goes on with commenting, I see a lot of it as nothing but clutter.
This will sound awful (and I know people mean well when they think, "This person worked hard on this Hub, so we should comment"), but that suggests that people struggle to write Hubs (and most don't). Grown-ups who write whatever it is they write aren't usually looking for a pat on the head. I pretty much think if comments have to be there at all, they ought to add something worthwhile to the Hub.
A lot of people don't like long comments, but I like the long ones that actually turn a Hub into a discussion at the end. They often give me a chance to respond with more discussion, and then the other person to further respond. Those are the kind of comments I really do think make a huge difference in what the Hub offers, but they aren't the most common kind of comment (and nobody could expect most readers to make long comments anyway; most of the time long comments are inspired by readers who do have something worthwhile to add).
You make a good point and I guess it also goes to what kind of hubs you read. I personally dont shop on-line(prefer the face to face) so I dont read hubs on things. I like stories and poetry. I guess its just each his own. This has been a good thread. Im tired of the religion stuff and am staying out of it. This is better. Thank you to everybody who has participated or does.
I post a comment, if I think I have something valuable to share or want to encourage the hubber or the subject.
I think it is great idea to leave comments and reply to comment as long you have time for it.
I usually comment if I like the hub I am reading. I think I must have left comments on 6 different hubs in the last couple hours.
I am always glad to receive comments on my hubs as well.
I always put my comment in everyhub that I read. Especially those that interest me and I can relate....I am the type who loves to know that somebody else's is reading my hub and I guess all writers love to be read and so I comment to let them know that I enjoy reading thier hubs or I learned from it.... I want to stay away from giving comments that is not constructive, sometimes I can't understand the intention of some who give or expressed rude comments. Well this is just me, I love writing and as much as possible, I don't want to use this passion in offending fellow writers.
I agree. I comment because I want the writer to know that I liked what I read. I dont comment for backlinks and after this thread I think I will put a little more effort into my comments.
I usually leave a comment if the hub is worthy of a compliment or provides good information. I'll also participate when I feel that I have something of value to add to a topic or discussion. I just don't like to leave stuff that does nothing more than take up space.
I always try to comment in a positive way, which is easy, because I usually like what I see. If I can't say something positive, I try to either give advice, free to any who want it, or I say nothing at all. Peace
I believe commenting is helpful, inspiring and shows the writer you appreciate their work and that you notice them. I love to comment as well.
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