How do you feel about Ashton Kutcher replacing Charlie Sheen on "Two and a Half

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  1. Cloverleaf profile image90
    Cloverleafposted 13 years ago

    How do you feel about Ashton Kutcher replacing Charlie Sheen on "Two and a Half Men"?

  2. catgypsy profile image71
    catgypsyposted 13 years ago

    I have to admit I've never watched this show. All I can say is that I'm glad they finally got rid of Sheen. I'm tired of bad behavior being rewarded!

  3. profile image0
    BentleyMomposted 13 years ago

    I love this show and have watched it every season. Even though I love Charlie in the show, you could tell the difference on the last season so I am glad they did not let him come back. I think Kutcher will do great, instead of really replacing him he will bring something new.

  4. Patty Inglish, MS profile image89
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 13 years ago

    I think Ashton Kutcher and Jon Cryer could be good in a show together. The rest of the present cast don't have enough personality for me, but these two could spur some energy among the group I think. I never cared for the Charlie Sheen character or the housekeeper, who was on LA Law, so I don't watch it.

  5. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    I think Ashton K. will be a good addition to the show.  I have never been a big fan of the show, but I'm glad they replaced Sheen.

    I was a little annoyed today watching the news when they kept referring to Ashton as Mr. Demi Moore.  He had a successful career before he married Demi.

  6. Kahana profile image68
    Kahanaposted 13 years ago

    Without Charlie Sheen, there is no show. I won't bother to watch it any longer.  Just won't be the same without him since it really was a reflection of his life.

  7. your cybersister profile image61
    your cybersisterposted 13 years ago

    I hadn't heard this latest turn of events.  If that's the case, I am glad to see Charlie Sheen replaced -  his ridiculous, selfish, yet self-destructive behavior needn't be rewarded.  I'd be curious to see how the transition is made...

  8. boweman40 profile image60
    boweman40posted 13 years ago

    kids grow up watching this stuff and looking up to these people. I think it is a funny show for adults but quite sad that the show and these jerks are getting so much attention. I wish actors could just play their parts and keep their opinions to themselves.

  9. retrobandit profile image47
    retrobanditposted 13 years ago

    It would seem that Ashton is well on his way to becoming the Ted McGinley of his generation.

  10. Miss Info profile image63
    Miss Infoposted 13 years ago

    I don't believe it will work if he replaces Sheen. Ashton lacks the charm and deMEANor of Charlie Sheen.

    However, it may work out if Ashton was scripted into an entirely separate and new leading role in the show - like a troubled cousin.

  11. profile image0
    excellasysposted 13 years ago

    I think he will do fine.   He was pretty good on the 70's show

  12. Lissa2677 profile image58
    Lissa2677posted 13 years ago

    Hate it. I don't see Ashton as a good replacement for Charlie. Charlie's character was exactly like himself in real life and that is interesting and although I think Ashton is great he is just not going to fit the bill. I hope for their sake I am wrong but I see a recipe for boring!!!!

  13. hotwebideas profile image65
    hotwebideasposted 13 years ago

    I have watched every episode of Two and A Half men and think Charlie Harper is Charlie Sheen's most prominent typecast. Nobody else would do well playing Charlie Harper.

    However, I am very curious to see how Ashton Kutcher would pull it off, so I am for it. I don't think Charlie Sheen needs the show any longer.

  14. JT Walters profile image73
    JT Waltersposted 13 years ago

    I feel like Ashton Kutcher has enough an dthat two and half men is doomed because it promotes an unhealthy life style that has blown the show up.

  15. profile image0
    ExoticHippieQueenposted 13 years ago

    I hope that he does a great job and really kicks Charlie Sheen's bad attitude in the a**.  Sheen's smugly arrogant demeanor just rubs me the wrong way. I think that he is a man in the stronghold of various addictions and needs help.  If or when he will agree to seek help is questionable.

  16. TimeToGoBeyond profile image60
    TimeToGoBeyondposted 13 years ago

    I do not know how it is going to work out, I mean Ashton is such a cutey and is great for those romance comedy movies, but him acting just like Charlie Sheen as his is going to be interesting and a crazy twist. I think Charlie will probably die of drinking/smoking too much and then Allan thinks he gets his house, car and money, but long behold comes Charlie's long lost son who will take over everything and will be just like Charlie. Should be great to see, cannot wait to see the new episode smile! When is it coming out anyways? Anyone know?

  17. profile image47
    thewonder55posted 13 years ago

    I only watched the thing to see how they killed off charlie.I think ashton sucks and acts as if he is stupid or retarded and boring.I wont be watching it againeven though theres nothing else on at this time frame thank god for dvrs.

  18. delmer47 profile image61
    delmer47posted 13 years ago

    I love the change, and I am excited to see Ashton in the new role. I was a BIG fan of his in That 70's Show, and will watch anything he does.

  19. Louisiana Jobs profile image61
    Louisiana Jobsposted 13 years ago

    I like Ashton in the 70's show but come on there can be only one "Charlie Harper"...he wasn't even acting that was how he really lives....thats what made the show great. I'm sure it will last a couple of years and then quietly fade away...ashame because I truly enjoyed watching it with Charlie Sheen...crazy or not it worked and the show was great.

  20. stanwshura profile image71
    stanwshuraposted 13 years ago

    zzzzzzzzzz.......nnnnnnggghh.....zzzzzz.....huh?....whuh?   Who replaced "Winning!" on what?

    (Yawn).....nnnnnduh-know.....too busy for that canned-ham brain-sedating "we're so contempory with our wit and banter" trying-too-hard-to-slum-it-and-yet-be-so-"hep" sit-com du jour.

    What?  Law & Order is on?  And Justice for All - when Pacino's lawyer character blows his stack in court and tells the jury that his judge-client should go "right to f/ckin' jail!"....

    That's worth my attention!

    The "winning" people doing their depiction of "everyman" while "everyman" holds himself up to that "standard" and we all, if we're not careful, get just a little bit faker now....a little bit faker now....Proof?  "Reality" TV! wink

  21. stephwazere profile image59
    stephwazereposted 13 years ago

    I think he should do fine, It'll be different yes but Ashton was in The 70's show and he did good in that.

  22. profile image51
    MonclerKids01posted 13 years ago

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