Why are people still fascinated with Michael Jackson?

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  1. cooldad profile image60
    cooldadposted 13 years ago

    Why are people still fascinated with Michael Jackson?

    I grew up loving Michael Jackson, when he seemed to be a normal black man.  When he turned white, wore shin guards and started sleeping with little boys (my opinion), I lost interest.  He ended up a little, shriveled, drug addicted shell of the entertainer I grew up loving.  Why do we still celebrate him?


  2. mosaicman profile image56
    mosaicmanposted 13 years ago

    Michael was so talented. He was an enigma to us all. We cherished the music he created. Yet, we always wondered what was going on in his head. Why did he do the things he did. Why did he not understand that some of the things he did as an adult were not socially acceptible (ie. hanging around with so many children and sleeping in the same bed as them).

    I think the fact that he produced so many hits, we have a connection with him. If he did not succeed as a musical artist, he would not have been important to us. There are many weird people that exist in this world, but no attention is paid to them since they do not have celebrity status.

    Finally, when a celebrity dies as a shell of their former self, we go back to the pleasant bank of memories in the back of our minds. Most people love to reminisce to the good times and good days. I'm sure there are many fans who bought a "Beat It" jacket when the Thriller album came out. Many other's may remember watching the television when the "Black or White" and "Remember the Time" world premiere was aired on World Television. These memories bring back good feelings to us.

  3. Jackie Lynnley profile image87
    Jackie Lynnleyposted 13 years ago

    Well it is just like Elvis but thankfully no one keeps seeing him everywhere or coming up with off the wall stories...well none I have heard yet.

  4. JJin26 profile image60
    JJin26posted 13 years ago

    I've personally written 3 articles about why we shouldn't forget Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson: The Death of a King 1-3 on hub-pages.  And make no mistake long when we are dead and buried no one on earth will ever forget Michael Jackson and his music and why he Entertain the world.  Simple respect, no matter what anyone thinks, 45 years of giving your life to pleasing and entertaining people has to go somewhere on your belt.

  5. clintonb profile image59
    clintonbposted 13 years ago

    Im too not a big fan of him..after having so much talent..he used his celebrity status and sort of ruined his career..made it controversial. But I still know people who actually WORSHIP him. He brings a kind of feeling no one gets with anything else. His dance..his music..his style and his moves. He truly was a legend..and its gonna take a lot of years to get over that.

  6. DANIELPRASANNA profile image67
    DANIELPRASANNAposted 13 years ago
  7. LaynieLou profile image60
    LaynieLouposted 13 years ago

    Simply put: the guy was one of the few people I know who dedicated their lives to 'becoming' something.

    It's kinda sad....if you read his interviews and watch his life progression..he just wanted the childhood he was never allowed and truly wanted to know and show love.

    The guy was crazy, talented.....and yes I have his poster hanging in my closet. HaHa.

  8. profile image55
    SpaceAgeposted 13 years ago

    Michael Jackson was a talented man, who I know had suffered some childhood abuse. tho misunderstood, he apparently wanted 2 regain his lost childhood. Michael even wrote the song titled, Have You Seen My Childhood? he was indeed trying 2 regain his lost childhood, which I think is y he hung w/ kids as an adult. I really don't think he meant any harm in it. I think that had he not been a singer, he woulda made a good daycare worker since he so loved kids. there's actually kid in us all, & we all need that play time. Michael was no different, except that he was actually able 2 build Neverland. I only wish I'd known it was open 2 the public; I would've liked 2 have visited it myself.

  9. profile image0
    Rosemary Banksposted 13 years ago

    It's obvious you would post the worse picture you could find of him. To each his own and live and let live.

  10. Mariam Michael profile image56
    Mariam Michaelposted 10 years ago

    May be Michael has introduced new art for us, he had feelings and enthusiasn .

  11. adrianna vaughn profile image59
    adrianna vaughnposted 8 years ago

    Michael Jackson is a legend that cant just leave our memory. he truly left a mark on this world, and even though he is dead they still have people saying the most unnecessary things.


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