Pesante! Dubstep similar to classical music?

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  1. eternals3ptember profile image59
    eternals3ptemberposted 12 years ago

    Pesante! Dubstep similar to classical music?

    I didn't start listening to classical music until I got into dubstep. Beethoven, for example, has pieces that use melodies played over repeating, low base-lines, fluctuating high parts and sudden pulls from relativly little activity to soaring violin and bass that appear out of nowhere. I've begun to listen to sythesis pieces made from classical and dubstep merged, and I began to wonder if they really where as similar I as imagined? I like most music, but I've never liked any types of music as much as these two genres.

  2. Doc Snow profile image84
    Doc Snowposted 12 years ago

    Fascinating question!  I think that there are as many ways to 'hear' music as there are listeners; thanks for giving us a window into how *you* 'hear' these two very different--or similar?--genres.

    Your similarities seem to me to be well-observed and specific, and therefore pretty credible.  You seem to be hearing things that are there (though I'm speaking mostly from knowledge of Classical music; I know very little about dubstep.)  Others will of course 'hear' these things differently because they focus on other aspects--say, melodic construction, form, or harmony.  But that's perfectly OK; in fact, it's part of the fascination of music.

    I wonder if there are specific dubstep pieces, or 'synthesis' pieces, that you'd like to cite for us to listen to?

    In that spirit, I'd cite Beethoven's 7th Symphony--it's highly kinesthetic (motion-oriented); Wagner called it 'the apotheosis of the dance.'  A little farther afield, the 'out of nowhere' comment also reminds me of the dramatic and 'symphonic' qualities of a piece like Mahler's 2nd, the "Resurrection" Symphony--significant portions of which I happened to enjoy last night on a radio broadcast.

  3. eternals3ptember profile image59
    eternals3ptemberposted 12 years ago

    I was thinking of Beethoven, his 7th and his 9th, as well as Borodin's 2nd Symphony. When I listened to Mahler, I'd have to say that that is the one that most fits.
    Also, looking back, the songs I chose as "Dubstep" are considered to fall more under the glitch-hop genre because they lack the kick/snare pattern and the regular drops that dubstep usually contains. So the question isn't entirely accurate, now that I consider it, oops. The songs that most came to mind were "Animus Vox", "A Dream within A Dream" and "Starve the Ego, Feed the Soul" by the Glitch Mob. As far as sythesis, my friend has shown me a few, but I never got the names, sorry.

  4. profile image52
    Savi01posted 12 years ago


    Like you, I also enjoy both classical music and dubstep as my two favorite music genres. I also began taking piano lessens just over 4 years ago and now enjoy playing works by many of my favorite classical/romantic period composers (such as Beethoven/Chopin/Liszt/Schubert/Grieg etc.), and I can't help but notice these same types of similarities.

    @Doc as well
    I think I can also add more citations. On the classical music side, I've really enjoyed works such as the Prokofiev Piano Concerto #3, and Beethoven's Piano Concerto #4.

    For some cool Dubstep peaces, I would point you toward Daybreak by Overwerk, Illusion by Obsidia, Warrior Concerto (aptly named) by Glitch Mob, The Alchemist's Nightmare by Varien (which has almost some operatic component), Mirrors also from Varien, Timestretch by Bassnectar, Better than Expected by Insan3Lik3, and many others I'm sure.
    A lot of these pieces have such a wealth of different sounds, and quite a range of contrast too. I almost picture it as a type of symphony or concerto; each sound placed as a different voice of the orchestra, a different instrument perhaps alternating between the melody and accompaniment.

    Now I'm not comparing all of these recent (last few years) songs to Beethoven or Prokofiev... But I think I can see parallels, literal and stylistic, in terms of certain elements of composition. I also think this is only the beginning... New electronic artists seem to be popping out faster than ever with the wide availability of the software (and they often give away there songs for free) - who knows what the increasingly popular genre might evolve into.


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