Should Disney movies be sexualized?

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  1. dianetrotter profile image62
    dianetrotterposted 7 years ago

    Disney movies, though adored by teenagers and adults, are written to entertain children.

    1.  Do Children need to know about sex?
    2.  How much do they need to know?
    3.  Should movies be the vehicle for introducing sex to children?
    4.  Will viewership of Disney movies change if sexual issues are explored.

    1. dianetrotter profile image62
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I am concerned that children and teenagers are overwhelmed with sex in songs, movies, at home and socialization with each other.  I've had students to come to my class to sit together and hug.  Students have been caught in sexual activity on the football field as opposed to being in class.

      Many students that aren't learning are not learning because education takes a back seat to sex.  They see it at home

      Disney Movies’ First Ever ‘Exclusively Gay Moment’ In New ‘Beauty and the Beast’

      Disney’s stock in trade may still be heterosexual love, but a key scene in the new ‘Beauty and the Beast’ is a welcome and inclusive development


      1. Credence2 profile image80
        Credence2posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I think Disney is a unique brand of family entertainment that avoid touching on adult themes. I don't think that if Walt were alive that he would want to go there. Is it ok for a kid to just be a kid for a little while longer?

        Gee wiz, the rough stuff is everywhere, is there anyplace parents can hide with their children?

        1. dianetrotter profile image62
          dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Hip Hop music drives me nuts.  The stupid names people call themselves and their values are horrible.  It's ok, I suppose, for people to make those choices once they become adults but kids need deliberate upbringing.  Inner city kids are the ones that are hurt the most.

          Kourtney Kardashian had 3 kids without being married.  The father, Scott, is pathetic.  However, they have goo gobs of money.  Inner city kids that watch this stuff and use it to justify their bringing multiple kids in the world without a stable home are headed for heartbreak.

          Last night a former student contacted me on FB.  He and his girldfriend, another student, had a baby in February last year.  I congratulated him on getting married.  He said that they had broken up.  I read the young lady's FB post where she is getting marital counseling and wants to make sure she does things right.  The guy is heartbroken and wants her back.  She told him she doesn't love him anymore.

          In high school she was a 4.1 gpa student.  She dropped out.  What a waste and a horrible foundation for their child.  Gotta get off my soapbox!

      2. Aime F profile image72
        Aime Fposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Plenty of Disney movies have always focused on romantic relationships.  I'm pretty certain that this "exclusively gay moment" isn't going to be an actual sex scene so I'm not seeing how it's any different than the movies where a princess falls in love with a prince.

        I have no problem with either being shown (a heterosexual or homosexual relationship).  Relationships are a part of life, my daughter sees her father and I kiss and knows we're married, why would I have a problem with her watching ficitional characters fall in love/kiss?

      3. profile image0
        Stevennix2001posted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Without seeing the movie yet, I think you might be overreacting.  Unless Gaston and LeFou outright have gay sex together on screen, I fail to see how this is controversial.  Just because a man has a romantic interest with another man on screen does not make it sexualized.  And even if that is the case, then how is that any different than Beast and Belle's romance in beauty and the beast?  The last I checked it was a love story, and since it's about both characters falling in love with each other, then does that mean that beauty and the beast is a sexualized story already?  O.O  Just food for thought.

        1. dianetrotter profile image62
          dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          I responded to the seeming NEED to include sex and "amp it up" from one level of sexual involvement to another.  As others have said here, there has always been sex in Disney movies.  So they are going from one level to the next to see how far they can go.

          With regard to it being about a gay element, there is also an impact there.  In school I see children (NOT ALL) identify themselves as gay to have a since of belonging or because it gives them notoriety.  Example:  A popular cheerleader and her boyfriend broke up after a year.  She started dated Peggy, a basketball player.  They were inseparable for about a year.  I noticed on Facebook that she is now married to the old boyfriend and they have two kids.

          There is a trend where parents are saying their kids are gay at 4 and 5.  Then they raise them that way.  There have always been girls that are tomboys and that does not mean they are gay.

          Anyway, I don't want to focus on gay.  My point is that children's movies should be age appropriate.

          1. profile image0
            Stevennix2001posted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Still fail to see how making characters gay in a movie is a problem.  Granted, you're right that in some cases being gay can be a choice, but in most cases, people are born that way.  How can a person help it if they were born liking the same sex?

            Also your example about the girl who dated the other girl doesn't really prove anything.  She mightve been bisexual or bicurious back then for all we know.   Plus do you even know why she broke up with her boyfriend back then?   Or even why they got back together?

            The point is that showing a gay person isn't going to matter.  Plus it could show children that are born gay that it's OK to be themselves and that there's nothing wrong with being who they are.  And who knows?   It could teach straight kids about tolerating gay people and accept it as normal so when they grow up, there will be less bigotry in the world

    2. Live to Learn profile image61
      Live to Learnposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Disney movies have been sexualized for years. Or, at least that is my observation.  Revenue is all that matters to any large corporation and the will not spend millions of dollars making movies which only appeal to children.

      1. dianetrotter profile image62
        dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I have to agree with you.  Originally Walt Disney did cartoons for children.  As generations changed, the creative/executive groups wanted to "update" to whatever cultural norms were.  We don't need children's education to be second to today's cultural norms.

        Ricky and Lucy didn't sleep in the same bed.  But we knew they loved each other.  Today, love is temporary, have a baby and on to the next love.  That's no way to raise children.

        Hopefully, box office sales will suffer; however, I doubt it.

    3. Will Apse profile image88
      Will Apseposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      How do produce any story about a family that does not deal with sex in some way? No sex= no families.

      But I am sensing you are concerned with an apparently gay scene in some upcoming movie.

      Get the placards ready.

      1. dianetrotter profile image62
        dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Will, I have opposed sexual scenes in "children's" movies since the inception.  I grew up in the days of Lucy & Desi, Father Knows Best, Leave it to Beaver, Ozzie and Harriet, etc. 

        In impoverished neighborhoods, there are still televisions.  Those televisions raise the kids.  In the late 60s/early 70s, I made unwise decisions because that was what "everyone" was doing.  Shacking had happened for years; however, in the 70s it became "cool."  So know you what reality judge shows and see the carnage of being "engaged", having children, and then a tormented breakup.  That impacts the children.

        Drugs flooded the inner cities.  It impacted my family and my friends.  As a result, my sister had two children that were drug babies.  Her children are grown but I am still helping them.  My 32 year old niece has temporal lobe damage and Turner's Syndrome.  My 33 year old nephew graduated from Georgetown because I raised him.  He has been under psychiatric care, taking prescribed drugs and unable to communicate with the public for 12 years.

        Children that are not so fortunate raise themselves, become angry and defiant, raise themselves and there goes the neighborhood.  Many have children while they are in 6th, 7th and 8th grades.  The vicious cycle continues.

        I realized the full impact of all of these things when I started teaching.  I've contacted CPS about incest and molestation by the mother's partner.

        Adults may do what they want; however, if they have children around, they are risking the emotional and mental development of those children.  That's why there are thugs, drugs, gangs and violence in inner cities.  Those who are not involved are held hostage by their financial situations.

    4. Ivan Tod profile image61
      Ivan Todposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      No thing that is designed for presentation to children should contain sex of ANY kind. Relationships, on the other hand, be they hetero or not is absolutely fine as they do not need to be presented in a sexual nature. Sex is not necessary in the presentation of a couple who are in love. I haven't viewed anything pertaining to the beauty and the beast "issue" but I have seen some very "sexually" peculiar scenes in other disney movies. The name "Disney" has come to be understood as wholesome entertainment for children and adolescents and in my opinion should NOT include ANY sexual implication. Unfortunatley, it has turned to that and the real question is why? … /83782825/

      1. dianetrotter profile image62
        dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the link Ivan!  I was unaware. 

        On my way to my swimming lesson.  "CHICKEN-EAGLE-ROCKET!"  Nothing dirty.  Hand positions for floating on my back!

      2. dianetrotter profile image62
        dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        It's blowing my mind as I go through these slides.  There should be some moral code for those involved in all preproduction, production and postproduction. 

        I'm stunned!

        1. dianetrotter profile image62
          dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          7 years ago someone started a forum on violence and sex in Disney movies.

          I tried to copy the link but couldn't.  I'll see if I can do it later.

  2. profile image52
    bedoflureposted 7 years ago

    The answer is dumb as disney movies contains sexual scenes if u wanted them to be ,in other words, u can interpret those scenes under your terms and sayings . Moreover , they do contain some but at the age of 5 or 10 there isn't a speck of trouble or choas made by that . However, personally, I feel that they should contain a portion of it as for tge sexual education and provide them with basic facts but at the same time if they are served with sushi before the appropriate time they might want to have more of it as to their perptual wonder , lying deep in their giggle or sniff over those acts , and might ruin their teenage life with its own set of pleasure .

    So at its bottom  :

    I think they should not do it in some of their films.


    It all depends about your area of vision i.e. perception of scenes if sexually explict or not.

  3. profile image52
    bedoflureposted 7 years ago

    The answer is dumb as disney movies contains sexual scenes if u wanted them to be ,in other words, u can interpret those scenes under your terms and sayings . Moreover , they do contain some but at the age of 5 or 10 there isn't a speck of trouble or choas made by that . However, personally, I feel that they should contain a portion of it as for tge sexual education and provide them with basic facts but at the same time if they are served with sushi before the appropriate time they might want to have more of it as to their perptual wonder , lying deep in their giggle or sniff over those acts , and might ruin their teenage life with its own set of pleasure .

    So at its bottom  :

    I think they should not do it in some of their films.


    It all depends about your area of vision i.e. perceptio  of scenes if sexually explict or not.

    1. dianetrotter profile image62
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The good thing is that parents can decide which  movies their children see.  The bad thing is that there are parents who are like children.

  4. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 7 years ago

    Sex is not absent from Disney movies. They include seduction (Hercules), prostitutes (Aladdin), kisses, (Snow White), discussion of getting together and having children (Lion King).  Everything but actual onscreen penetration occurs in one Disney film or another.

    1. dianetrotter profile image62
      dianetrotterposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I haven't seen Hercules or most of the Disney movies or Snow White.  I kind of half looked at Lion King.  I'm going to have to look at it again.

  5. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 7 years ago

    So the characters can be gay in an age appropriate way. Which is to have the same level of expression of sexuality as is acceptable for straight characters. That is the real world kids are living in so it should be their fictional world too.


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