Hey Hubbers,
Is Disney Cartoons really good for children?
I mean, seriously. I know most of Disney cartoons are funny, amusing and excellently made.
However, are we teaching children about violence awful early in their life?
Do it make a difference? Is there any impact?
Give me your thoughts please?
Thank you.
No, but violence has nothing to do with why Disney cartoons are bad.
They are bad because they are emotionally manipulative, they glorify certain types of physical characteristics that many children do not have, they reinforce certain destructive stereotypes, and they are condescending to the intelligence of children.
Not to mention that the Disney corporation does a lot of socially destructive things and by spending money on their products we are showing our children by example that we reward social destruction by large corporations.
hmmm...I never actually thought of it that way before, until you mentioned it. However, you might have a valid point there as Disney does reenforce certain stereotypes about beauty and such. Like in the animated film, "Pocahontas", they had her drawn as a lovely slender indian girl, but most historians will tell you that she was not John Smith's lover nor was she slender. In fact, most historians believe she was overweight. so you might be onto something there.
It's an interesting question. Believe it or not there is some research from the mental health field that points to the idea that stories, movies, and such that contain violence and monsters actually prepare children for hardship and adversity in the real world--The monster under the bed is real...we just didn't understand what he was. Children who are taught without the monsters and evil stuff have actually had a more difficult time understanding the difference between right and wrong and knowing how to deal with it. I was actually just looking at some of this stuff last week...I'll have to go back and find the particular author/researcher I'm thinking of.
"Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed." G.K. Chesterton
I don't think Donald duck constitutes to violence!!.. anyway I last watched Disney in 1984 so am not sure what its like these days...
I love disney cartoon movies. What cartoons are you talking about specifically? What I love even more is that they make the movies to be interesting for parents as well as the children. There are lots of hidden meanings that are very smartly integrated into the script that you can pick up after watching it 3 or 4 times so it doesn't get old too quickly when your kids are watching the same movie 50 times. The best ones though are the Pixar movies. They have so many lessons hidden in them and are brilliantly made.
But I am curious as to which cartoons you are talking about specifically and then I will be able to answer more accurately. Thanks
I was talking about in general.
Is there more violence than learning to be gained?
How many of them are really helpful to the growth of a child?
I'm just curious to get other peoples thought.
I'm not sure which cartoons you are referring to, Cagsil, but most of the Disney cartoons I have seen are much milder than the original fairy tales they are written from, especially where violence is concerned.
I think that anything is harmful to a child, if it is left as the main source of instruction, rather than trusted adults in the child's life. Parents that are involved with their children, who are open to their children's questions and ideas have much more influence than a cartoon, in the long run.
I find the Disney drawings of teenage girl bodies more destructive to a teen than a child. Also, the ideas of true love coming along and sweeping one off their feet, to be married 'happily ever after' to be misleading. It should not be a steady diet for dreamers.
Thank you very much Ivorwen for your thoughts.
Yeah, I have plenty of concerns about Disney movies myself, but if you compare them to the original myths, they are so sanitized it is ridiculous. In one version of the story, Cinderella's step-sister chop parts of their feet off in order to fit in the glass slipper. In a version of Sleeping Beauty, the prince doesn't kiss Sleeping Beauty, he rapes her. In the original Little Mermaid, the mermaid dies.
Thank you Deborah for your thoughts? Actually, for providing some other person's thoughts and not yours. But, much appreciated.
If Disney cartoon are not good then what you'll call to animes(i'll say some so that i don't get into generalization) ?
I have two boys, 4 and 2 years old. I have never shown them a Disney movie. The content is too mature. I feel they do this to keep the parents interested, with little regard for the children. There is enough evil and death in the real world, so why put it into cartoon form!
I have 2 girls, 3- and 4-years old, and they've seen several Disney movies. I agree that the content at times can be too mature and it probably is to keep the grown-ups entertained, but that's not a bad thing because it just goes over the little ones' heads anyway. I do feel that the movies for kids teach, in a way, life lessons and it's great for the little ones to increase their vocabulary, too. Many times during a movie my daughter has asked me what a particular word or phrase means.
I'm not sure I can say that my girls have learned anything major from the Disney movies in particular, but they've memorized a lot of the music lyrics which is certainly using their brain, and I don't think it has been bad for them.
This topic reminds me of a time when my oldest daughter was throwing a tantrum because she wanted something that I had said no to (she was 3 at the time) and she screamed at me: "You're ruining my life!" All I could do was crack up, then I was astonished and had no idea where she would have learned that phrase until a month or so went by. She was watching a Barbie movie (don't remember the name right now) and I heard the line in the movie and knew exactly where my precious daughter got it from!
In general, I don't think the Disney movies are harmful, but as with everything you child watches, parents should be sure it's appropriate, and everything in moderation, such as time spent watching TV/movies.
I thought about what movies we own and very few are Disney. I never really thought about the violence in them. What worries me is the sexism. All the powerful females in the majority of Disney movies are evil. The princesses are a fairly pathetic and helpless group waiting around to be rescued.
I also find Disney uses a lot of brainwashing techniques on kids, too.
Exactly what brainwashing techniques have you discovered? I'm very curious to know.
The classic dictionary definition “persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship”
Constant images portraying people and life the way they want children to see it through movies with matching toys, plates and cups,video games, bedroom decor, books etc.,etc. The kids are completely inundated with it.
Watch the Disney channel. The girls with brown hair are bitchy and nerdy, but a blond wig and you are wonderful and popular, all the younger kids are irritating, the fathers are as close as you can get to being mentally challenged and the mothers entirely rule the roost and swiftly put in place their stupid husbands.
The Arabs who look and speak like Arabs in Aladin are evil,yet Jazmin and Aladin sound American (the good guys)and even look white, the hyenas in Lion King speak like poor black and of course they are the bad guys.
from Aladin"I come from a land.... where they cut off your ears if they don't like your face. It's barbaric, but hey, it's home.”
And if you can find a smart boy in a Disney show who’s not portrayed as a complete nerd or loser let me know.
I think you would be hard pressed to find a Disney show that was educational and fun rather than sexist, racist or just plain stupid. And no I’m not talking about the old stuff. The old stuff was nowhere near as bad as the new. Disney actually did have a few good shows when I was a kid.
Would Miley Cyrus be on my radio if the Disney channel didn’t convince kids she could sing?” The Jonas brothers? Lindsay Lohan? Nope propaganda sold them to kids.
Highschool musical panties for two year old girls who think they want them because they are everywhere and the brand is shoved down the kid’s throats continuously.
How do you not see their brainwashing techniques? I’m very curious to know.
That last line sounded crabby. I’m not. I just sound that way when I type.
Okay, taking into account that dictionary definition, then I concede that your claims are valid. As far as the Disney Channel goes, I can't speak to those shows because I'm not familiar with them.
As for the movies, the specific points you make made me think "Hmmm...", but at the same time, my kids are too young to realize any of that. And when they get older and start to realize it, I will know that I raised them to be good people, not biased or racist or to see stereotypes. They see the good in the movies, as they should.
I feel confident that I moderate what and how much they watch and I teach them right from wrong and I'm not worried that they will be "brainwashed" in a negative way.
My kids watch a lot of movies and almost never watch live TV. We have a DVR and I record their favorite shows, like Hi-5, Calliou, Dora & Diego - all of which I feel are not only entertaining to them, but very educational, which is what I look for in any TV program they watch.
yeah, i think you do bring up a valid point about that. As it's true with a lot of Disney's more older and classical animated movies, that it does promote this type of brainwashed sexism and racism in it's early history. However, you have to understand when Disney was founded in the 1920's, stereotypes, racism, and sexism was a lot more open back then. Hence, why in 1941, "Dumbo" had a bunch of black crows, impersonating the stereo type of African Americans back then. However, not saying I disagree with you, as I do agree with you entirely about your argument. Just thought I'd throw that into the discussion is all.
However, I will applaud Disney for making strives in recent years to make their female characters more independent, and not so much waiting on some dashing prince charming to save them. Look at last year's "Princess and the Frog" for instance. That movie had Princess Tiana, who had a strong work ethic and belief that in order to get anything out of life, you had to work hard for it. And she wasn't waiting around for some handsome prince to give it to her, as she was determined to do it on her own. Or "Tarzan" in 1999, where I thought unlike previous Tarzan films, where Jane was always depicted as a mere damsel in distress or sidekick to the hero, she was actually so much more to the story. Sure there was an attraction when they first met in the movie, but it did show how both changed each other's lives allowing for viewers to understand why they loved each other. Which is something that is true about love, which is it can grow over time when two people change each other's lives forever.
Well I'm not sure about violence but it used to be a bit racist...then again it was the times such films were made.
If anything like what was said it can be a bit mature at times but parental discretion and all that.
I always hated that most films contained the death of a parent...or that as a child the main character goes through hell sometimes...then again life's like that sometimes.
What pisses me off are the TV shows...most of the stars are either stupid, bratty, disrespectful, rude etc. etc.
They teach poor values to kids...
TV shows I'm on about are Zac& Cody- London does NOT need to be that dumb, Wizards- Alex Russo pisses me off. I do not find her to be feministic just damn spoilt. Hannah Montana wtf?
Most episodes end with them getting just what they want.
I could go on but I'm already getting anyed.
I think a lot of Disney cartoon Movies are pretty scary for young children. I have a family member that is s self proclaimed christian. She does not allow her children to do Halloween or Santa Claus. Yet they know everything there is to know about Disney princesses. Go figure, Snow White had a witch, Sleeping Beauty had a witch, Little Mermaid had a sea hag, and so on. I think Santa Clause is a tad bit less violent
No television or movie viewing is "Good" for anybody, as the thousands of suicidal viewers of Cameron's Avatar movie can tell you. But Computer's and microwaves are bad for you too.
My son loved Lion King and Tarzan. He now loves musicals and video games and computers and his girl friend. Moderation in all things should be fine. He can be mean occasionally, but not because of Disney cartoons, but because he's fifteen now, stuck between boy and man. We all lived through it, don't let anyone tell you they know better than you what your child/grandchild should or should not watch.
The disney cartoons are good if they keep children healthy and wise. Obsession makers are not good. Parents discretion still needed in thsoe as some of those are really disturbing for kids.
Childrens cartoons have always been violent. Popeye was a very popular kids cartoon, in the only way to impress anyone was to beat the crap out of someone and eat lots of spinach.
Almost every Buggs Bunny Cartoon was violent, but, those were always pretty funny. I love Buggs Bunny better than any Disney Charactor. but, some of the older Disney cartoons were pretty good. I used to love watching the cartoons back when they were free to watch on televison before the Disney channel came along.
Sadly, almost all cartoons made today are geared toward selling a product, and Disney is the king of selling every single toon that they create, and you can't get that stuff cheap. However, Disney does put out quality toys, where as other stuff put out to be payout for other cartoons is junk.
Most of the kids who want this stuff, don't really understand what is behind all these cartoons, or care. So, unless your kid is still acting like a teenage mutant ninja turtle when he's 17, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Is Tom and Jerry a Disney cartoon?
I love Tom and Jerry.
Violent, yes I suppose, but at least it's plain that's it's make-believe and is about animal characters.
All those new crystal power and card-power crapola cartoons like Pokemon and stuff are the real culprits to kids' little minds.
Like you...I just cannot get what kids see in the new crapola cartoons. Why WHY! are kids so fascinated with SpongeBob? The intelligent characters on the show are portrayed as nasty and mean; the utmost idiocy is valued...SpongeBob flips burgers for a living and cannot even get his license. His best friend Patrick is, miraculously, even dumber than SpongeBob. And this was all developed by a MARINE BIOLOGIST who says his goal was to help children learn and develop a love for marine life.
WTF? How is SpongeBob even remotely, by ANY stretch of the imagination, concerned with developing a love of marine life?
That's just the beginning...Have you seen the ridiculous load of crap they're showing on the Cartoon Network? And don't even get me started on South Park. Good grief.
In my personal opinion, Disney is great for kids to watch. The only way anything in a cartoon, television show, or movie could be harmful to a child is if their parents are allowing the television set to raise them. Instead of blaming what they are watching on television, you should be taking personal responsibility for what they learn.
Fairy tales and horrible little rhymes like "Ring Around the Rosies" (about Bubonic Plague) are pretty dark and deep. But children and their parents created them. Protecting a child in a glass bubble from all the evils of the world will only make him/her naive and not have any basic coping skills. That being said, parents DO need to protect their children from things that they can't protect themselves from, and prepare them to protect themselves by progressive instruction and experiences.
I see nothing wrong with Disney Cartoons for the most part. Sure they do all kinds of things like stereo type, etc., but show me anywhere on the planet that doesn't.
I like Warner Bros cartoons. The characters are sassy and witty. Sponge Bob makes me laugh. How often do I watch them? Almost never. I don't have time for it. But I don't see anything inherently "wrong" with any of them.
I think that some of them are good as they are very reassuring for children. For example Tinkerbell, is a very simple story but my little ones love her because there are not scary characters and it shows children the importance of accepting oneself.
There are other Disney cartoons that are awful. Not only they are scary but also they propagate silly concepts.
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