Best Ways to Keep in Touch with Your Adult Kids

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  1. Beth100 profile image69
    Beth100posted 14 years ago

    It depends if they live close to you or not. 

    If they do, then host a family dinner once a month and include their spouse/partner/friend.  If they live at home and you still make their lunch, tuck in a note to let them know that you're thinking of them.  Make an appointment/time to go out one on one doing something that he/she enjoys. 

    If they don't live close, then email, use the webcam, the telephone or voice over IP, or snail mail.

    Send surprise gifts with a note inside, airline/bus ticket for Thanksgiving or another holiday.

  2. thranax profile image71
    thranaxposted 14 years ago

    Best Ways to Keep in Touch with Your Adult Kids

  3. sofs profile image73
    sofsposted 14 years ago

    Respect them and their decisions
    Don't offer advice unless asked for.
    Do not interfere with the way they handle their jobs or kids ( even if you think otherwise)
    Treat their spouses well
    Remember they are grown ups and treat them like one
    It worth trying to be a friend to them, than mom/dad
    Enjoy their company and they will enjoy yours.
    Remember their special days call them , gift them and make sure you make them happy with what you say!!
    Just accept them for who they are!!

  4. profile image0
    Medkh9posted 14 years ago

    ask about them using technology devices , internet , phone ect
    2- show them your love by dropping by whenever possible and take them little things an icecream for example this means a lot to boosting the family ties
    3- invite them for dinners and parties
    4 getting close to their spouses and partners
    5 sharing with them thier problems and offering help

  5. vanidiana profile image60
    vanidianaposted 14 years ago

    When I was in college, the best thing I had ever wanted was to have a close, open, and warm talk with my parents. Too bad, my father is a very dominant man and my mother is somewhat less communicative with her children. I do hope I won't be like that when my daughter grows up into an adult someday.

  6. Abecedarian profile image71
    Abecedarianposted 14 years ago

    I started a tradition with my girls when they were little. We had mother/daughter dates. One month it was one daughter, then the next it was the others turn.  They got to pick whatever it was they wanted to do. Sometimes we'd go to the movies and lunch or dinner. Other times it was shopping, at my expense of course. Other times it was a weekend getaway. Now, that they've grown, we still attempt to do it each month, but we always plan a trip with all the kids once a year. As they get older the group gets larger, but it's ok. We get to hang out, sight see, and in the evenings we watch movies, board games and by nights end, we usually just sit around talking about the old days, the new stuff going on in their lives, etc.   It's never about the quantity, it's always about the quality.

  7. Alison Dittmar profile image59
    Alison Dittmarposted 14 years ago

    There are already so many good answers to this question, but I would like to add that if you have a good relationship with your children already, that it will be easy to do when they are grown.
    Since we all live such busy lives, it is always good to set time aside for holidays (yes, you may have to hop a flight now and then!) and vacation/summer time. 
    When kids move far away, it is nice to have at least one or two full weeks with them individually. 
    Vacations and holidays are the perfect excuse!
    After that, there's the internet! smile


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