How popular were you?

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  1. Daffy Duck profile image61
    Daffy Duckposted 13 years ago

    When I was in high school I wasn't popular.  In fact, when I went up on stage to get my diploma, no one cheered.  Not even my parents.  What the hell!

    How popular were you and how many high school friends do you keep in touch with if any?

    1. Julie2 profile image59
      Julie2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I was the biggest geek. But I used my smart mouth to keep me out of trouble and almost stop getting bullied by making fun of myself before anybody else did. I guess thats why the people I reconnected with from HS say I was such a crazy bitc#! yikes.

      I have about 200 that have requested me.

      Out of those 200 only 15 were the ones I actually had classes with and shared any kind of life with in HS. The others are friends of friends that were popular and acted like they never saw me and some were bullies that threatened me almost everyday. Can you believe it?!

      I dont know why the hell they would request me 20 years after wanting to jump my a$$ in HS just for being a 75 pound girl with big hair and big glasses. Now some of them are all into my writing and laughing at my comedy skits like we were best friends, HUH?! WEIRD...

      They are even upset because I won't be going to the Reunion in two weeks. I dont know, I just feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone when it comes to them. tongue

      1. Daffy Duck profile image61
        Daffy Duckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        The Twilight Zone.....I know how you feel there.  My 20 year reunion was last year and I never went to any of them.  To hell with'em.  If I want a trip back in time i'll watch "classic TV".   big_smile

        1. Julie2 profile image59
          Julie2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          AHAHAHA, I swear it just boogles my mind.

          This would have been my 20th as well.

          Funny huh! Good for you. Let them keep guessing how you are, what you look like and what kind of job you have. I see that all they want to do is have a @%^# measuring contest, if you know what I mean. LOL. I'll take that trip with you to the classic tv channel. tongue

    2. profile image0
      shazwellynposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The trouble with being 'popular', is most people are not. 

      To be popular, therefore, means to deviate from the norm. 

      So, it isnt so bad, afterall... it is what most people are not.

    3. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I wasn't popular. I was very shy.  Had a couple of close friends and that's it.  I was just very studious and made really good grades.  So most people tolerated me.
      I keep in touch with those few friends.  But I haven't gone back to any school reunions, etc.  I'm afraid I'd revert to that same shy awkward person I was then.   Oh what the hay---I guess I still am that same person;  I just don't wanna go through that again.  My life as a teenager wasn't much fun.

    4. profile image57
      iversonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      when i am in high school, i pay the full attention to the studing. cause we must study hard to earn a chance to the university. so, i am not popular in the high school too.

    5. gmwilliams profile image82
      gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      If your parents DIDN'T cheer for you, THAT'S REALLY, REALLY SAD.  Talk about being the invisible child in the family.  By the way, were you a middle child as middle children tend to be ignored by their parents.

    6. Sed-me profile image80
      Sed-meposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That's so sad. I would have clapped for you. I liked everybody... the nerds, the popular kids, everybody was interesting once you got to know them.

    7. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
      wrenchBiscuitposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I was both very popular and very unpopular. I was very popular with teenage girls when i was in high school. I don't think it was my looks, as I am at best average in that category. I think it was more a matter of being friendly, attentive, and knowing how to keep my my shut. Consequently, I had a very active sex life in high school.

      On the other hand, I was very unpopular with the rednecks, and the parents of teenage girls. Why the parents didn't like me needs no explanation. But the rednecks absolutely hated me because I did everything better than they did, and they couldn't stand it. I excelled in sports, and I always kept at least a B+ average. Teachers would often praise me for my long winded essays, or my insight into current topics. This used to drive the haters crazy, because they had to sit there and watch "Tonto" being deified right before their very eyes. Needless to say, I really enjoyed high school. Even being unpopular can be fun sometimes.

      1. Sed-me profile image80
        Sed-meposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Dear wrench,
        Did the word "bombast" came to mind as you were writing that post?

        1. gmwilliams profile image82
          gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Ouch, +1,000,000,000,000,000,000!

        2. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
          wrenchBiscuitposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          It is always a pleasure to hear from you. I can clearly understand how you might consider my comments to be somewhat pretentious. But I do not know any other way to speak the truth. Often, modesty is like dirt that has been carefully, and purposely painted upon the face of a beautiful portrait, only to conceal the depth of it's beauty from the world. And so I must ask,"What is the worth of such modesty?" What right do I have to deprive the world of the truth? When I am asked a question, I feel bound to give the best answer that I can give.

          And why should this not be? In 30-50 certainly 100 years, everyone reading my thoughtful commentary will be dead in the flesh. We will never return to this moment quite this way, and so, every moment is a special moment in eternity. I will not waste your time, nor will I be like the greedy butcher, and only give you the smallest, or most insignificant portion of the meat. No, I will give you the finest cut, and even add an extra portion to your empty basket. I would expect that you would also deliver to me the best that you have to offer. And so, I have revealed a perfect world. Osiyo!

          1. Sed-me profile image80
            Sed-meposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            I'll buy that. smile

          2. gmwilliams profile image82
            gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            WrenchBiscuit, you are alright.  I actually enjoy your synopsis on things.  You can be quite eloquent I might add.

            1. wrenchBiscuit profile image68
              wrenchBiscuitposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              Thank You! As you have often been my arch nemesis in many Forums, it is a wonderful compliment, and quite unexpected.

  2. SomewayOuttaHere profile image60
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 13 years ago

    ...oh Daffy...not even your parents?....too bad!

    ...i never really thought about whether or not i was popular..i guess i was....i had friends of course....but over the years I only remained close to one high school friend after many years and still do (a real friend)....i moved across the country (Canada)...saw some folks (when I'd head back to my roots for a visit) but I had a different life and didn't stay in touch with everyone from my childhood/youth...I stayed in touch mostly with folks from my early adult years (and still do)....I'm 25 lol

    1. Daffy Duck profile image61
      Daffy Duckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      25, what the hell?  You were in diapers when I started HS.  big_smile

      1. Julie2 profile image59
        Julie2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        DAMN! I remember when I was 25. That was a good year for me. tongue

  3. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 13 years ago

    sorry to hear that Daffy Duck, as that's horrible that not even your own parents cheered for you on graduation.  To be honest, I kind of know how you feel.  Back when i was a kid, you know how they often say it's the kids that grow up being ashamed of their parents during their teen years?  Well for me, it was the other way around, as my father would often tell me deliberately tell me to stay a few feet behind him at all times whenever we were in public.  Plus, my younger brother's friends would often laugh about me behind my back.  they didn't know that I knew about it, but I did. trust me, i have my ways. 

    Anyways, back in high school, i really wasn't that popular.  sure, i've had a few acquaintences, but I would hardly call them friends.  in fact, the only people that i've kept in touch with after high school are my occasional meetings with my brother's friends that he still keeps in touch with.  Sure, i'll be civil with them, for my brother's sake, but I don't really trust any of them.  My thoughts are is anyone who talks about me behind my back, isn't my friend to begin with.  And, like my father's way of looking at things, you can only be two things with me...a friend or an enemy.  You can't be both in my eyes....

    1. Daffy Duck profile image61
      Daffy Duckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      My parents weren't ashamed of me, they just didn't clap.  Don't ask me why, they just didn't.    hmm

      1. profile image0
        Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Well to be fair, it was only brother and father that were ashamed of me, or it always seemed that way to me.  My mom was always proud of me growing up.  Well that is until a few years ago, but that's a long story.

        1. Julie2 profile image59
          Julie2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Hey Stevennix2001, I feel your pain. My older brother was the first bully in my life and we haven't spoken for about 20 years. During that time he never attempted to get to know my children or even communicate with me. My children just found out about him a few years ago because they were with my aunt and actually bumped into him in the street. I am ok with it and happy that he isn't in my life.

          When my dad passed last year my mom was trying to give me the life is to short speech to get us to talk and become buddies and I just told her to leave it alone. It is what it is. Just to let me be.

          Why would I want to welcome him into my life when I've heard he hasn't changed, uh uh.

  4. wychic profile image85
    wychicposted 13 years ago

    Uf, that's no good -- my mom clapped, I dad decided not to come. I was never popular as a person in school, except with the "freaks and geeks," I found most of my best friends among those who had no other friends when I met them. That said, in the second half of high school I did become popular as an object -- I lost 80 pounds one summer, but kept other...erm...round and curvy attributes, and all of a sudden tons of people from the "popular crowd" were trying to buddy up to me. I did not date in high school at all because of that; I may have been young, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that pattern.

    Today I still keep in touch with some of my best friends from high school, and a few people that I went to school with but never had anything in common with them then so we never really talked. It was a small school, so a lot of people turn up on Facebook and such and we've gotten to know each other now. One of my very best friends now is the older sister of a couple of other good friends whom I have since lost touch with, but she was two years ahead of me in school so we never interacted in school -- another great friend is the mother of my high school crush, go figure tongue.

    That said...I, too, am 25 (will be on Monday, at any rate) so it's not all that long ago. Thus far one person from our class has died, and a large percentage of them are active duty in the military right now. Give it time.

    1. Daffy Duck profile image61
      Daffy Duckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Did you ever ask out your HS crush?  hmm

      1. Julie2 profile image59
        Julie2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I had a crush on this guy for 2 years and I asked him to be my date to my Sweet 16. That night he gave me a kiss and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. That was it, nothing more. He told me he couldn't date me because he really liked being my friend. BROKE MY HEART...

        BUT... Years later I went to a drag show and he was one of the performers tongue

        True story!
        Go figure...

        1. Daffy Duck profile image61
          Daffy Duckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          lol   lol   lol   lol

          1. Julie2 profile image59
            Julie2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Why did I know you were going to laugh! tongue

            1. Daffy Duck profile image61
              Daffy Duckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I forgot to ask.  How does he look?  big_smile

              1. Julie2 profile image59
                Julie2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Back then he had the brightest light brown (hazel) eyes and olive complexion.

                Now, Flaming! yikes

                I'll always have a special place in my heart for him though, he was a really nice guy but that day, WOW he put me to shame with his makeup, wigs, outfits... Beautiful... I wish I had kept in touch, I could have asked for some make up techniques.

                1. Cagsil profile image70
                  Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  That doesn't sound like a hard thing to do. tongue Hello Julie, nice to see you in the forums. smile Hope you are well. tongue smile big_smile

                  1. Julie2 profile image59
                    Julie2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    I'm ok, had family stuff to deal with but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things here. Thanks for asking. Missed ya buddy...tongue

                2. Daffy Duck profile image61
                  Daffy Duckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  lol   lol   lol

                  1. Julie2 profile image59
                    Julie2posted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Daffy Duck your terrible! tongue

  5. Knightheart profile image71
    Knightheartposted 13 years ago

    Popular, not at all.  Of course, the popular bunch were pretty much losers in high school.  Big egos, small brains, no manners, and mean to many not in their little group.   Mostly jocks whose underwear was too tight and snobby girls who thought they were queens.   

    Hmmm...glad I wasn't in the popular least I excelled in college and my career.  I know a few of those popular folks are drunks and on welfare!    LOL

  6. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    Popular? Based on my perspective, popularity was never something I got into. I have always been me, separated from those who think I am different. I had plenty of people I knew, even hundreds, but I never considered myself popular. I had very few I called friend.

    There were very few worthy of my trust. Most people I've met have betrayed the trust given to them.

    I take great pride in being me and I am unlike anyone else. There are similarities between and everyone else, but that doesn't mean I am like them. I base my action on integrity and I hold people to that same level. If people are unable to, then they are not trusted.

    Being popular, as someone else said- the jock and snobby girlfriends, as well as the wealthy little kiddies(exclusive clik), then no I was not and would not want to be. They are all a joke to me. And, yes the big ego "alpha" males and females. It's not a group I would want to be a part of. Nope.

  7. Rosie2010 profile image68
    Rosie2010posted 13 years ago

    Popular kids in my high school were the rich kids.  They were not only rich, they also did well in school and were the teachers' favourites.  And to add insult to injury, they were all good-looking.  As my parents were not rich.. well they were actually poor.. I didn't get to be popular, and my looks and my pea-size brain didn't help in that regard.  So I blame my parents, financially and genetically.  My parents were both smart though, but sadly I didn't inherit that trait. big_smile

    1. Tom Koecke profile image61
      Tom Koeckeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Rosie, you either went to a school full of geniuses with movie star looks, blossomed your beauty and intelligence after school, or underestimate yourself. You are lovely, and I find your Hubs interesting.

      A not-so-secret admirer now!

      1. earnestshub profile image72
        earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Good one Tom! I wanted to say something like that as well. smile

  8. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 13 years ago

    I wasn't popular.  I was one of the "mainstream masses" of kids who aren't particularly noticeable but who have their own circle of friends (who are also in the "mainstream masses") (so I wasn't an outcast or someone a lot of people didn't like either - which was good enough for me, for the most part).  I was freakishly small and young looking, which meant I'd never look cool enough to be "one of the popular girls" (well, that, and the fact that I'm pretty much an introvert who hung out with other introverts for the most part). I have no idea if a few people who cheered for most other people may have cheered or not, because I was so shy about walking up in public, I wasn't tuned into what was happening outside my own head.  lol

    My parents weren't the cheering type at all. (More introverts - and people who favored "reserved" behavior. I'd have been shocked and embarrassed if I heard either of them cheering.  lol )  My best girlfriend wasn't.  Some of my other close friends may have broken any silence, I guess.  Again, fine with me.  (I wouldn't have wanted to be one of those kids whose graduation seemed like such a miracle it made most everybody hoot and holler and cheer.  hmm  As far as the super-popular kids went, I guess I'd just accepted that I wasn't one of those and shouldn't expect graduation to be any different.  In any case, I didn't think about any cheering.

    1. Daffy Duck profile image61
      Daffy Duckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Not being tuned in?  That happens to me too.  Tunnel vision and all.  smile

  9. Tom Koecke profile image61
    Tom Koeckeposted 13 years ago

    I could get along with people from all groups, but I really didn't fit in any of the groups. I was smart, but applied myself to getting stoned instead of to my school work in high school.

    My eighth grade Algebra teacher tested me to see how I was cheating because I could do the work and my homework in class. After she was assured that I really could do it, she had me help other students when my work was done. There were so many people who autographed my yearbook that year who wouldn't hang out or dance with me!

    There are a couple of classmates I still stay in touch with. I run into others at times. They say we need to get together. I say sure, but I really don't mean it.

    1. Lisa HW profile image62
      Lisa HWposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      We were mainly two groups of three close friends who joined together to be group of six.  There were a couple of stragglers who'd join us at times. I had an "extra" friend from pre-school age (and who I ended up staying in touch with, sort of, right into our fifties).  I was "enviably" popular at the big supermarket where kids from my town and the next town over "all" worked.

      My two close friends always said how I'd write a book one day.  smile   They'd say how I should write a book about "three girls" (one of those girlfriend books that have been done many times before in one form or another).  We were so different (and enjoyed how different we were) that I often thought I could actually write one of those "three-girl" stories once we got older, and I saw "what happened to each of us". 

      Of the "original six" of us, my best friend was killed right before our 21st birthday.  My other close friend and I stayed close into our thirties but eventually the differences in our personalities made us drift apart.  Her life wasn't very book-worthy anyway.   lol

      Of the "other three" of the six, one went on her own way because she didn't get married until her 40's, so she didn't like hanging out with those who were married and had little kids.  One had triplets at nineteen, married her babies' father, stayed married for a few years, and later went on to make up for her lost youth (from what I heard) by pretty much having a "high, old, time" for herself.   I just heard recently that the sixth one, who had married a local fireman and highschool sweetheart died last year.  I don't really think her life was very book-worthy either. 

      Now, as for the one of us (me) about whom the others had been so certain I would become the author of any number of books, "her" life has been worthy of a few books. In fact, it is that eventful (and pretty unusual, even peculiar) life that has gotten in the way of some of those books.

      All these years later, and in spite of a whole lot of promises not kept, and dreams not fulfilled (quite yet, anyway), I still think of the way those two closest friends of mine took it so for granted that I"d "of course" "be the one" who would become "the successful author" (and "no question about it"  smile ).   Maybe I wasn't "Queen of the Popular Girls", but I sure treasure having had those few close friends who showed a kind of faith (no opinions/no advice/no "better ideas" attached) in me that I don't think anyone else ever has since then (at least not when it comes to my writing).

    2. Daffy Duck profile image61
      Daffy Duckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hey Tom,  Where were you when I needed help with my school work?  big_smile

      1. Tom Koecke profile image61
        Tom Koeckeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Probably out getting stoned.

        1. Daffy Duck profile image61
          Daffy Duckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          yikes   yikes   yikes

  10. earnestshub profile image72
    earnestshubposted 13 years ago

    I was poor and very popular. I was usually in a school for a day before the school bully would cross me because I was "different" and get a decent belting for his efforts. This made me popular very quickly. smile

    I was bought up in the outback where I had to do a mans work amongst grown men, and the town kids were a pushover.

    1. Lisa HW profile image62
      Lisa HWposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      People all have such different experiences, don't they....   hmm    All I know is that I've been so happy to be well out of the "whole school scene" and able to live without some of the stuff teens live with.   hmm

      1. earnestshub profile image72
        earnestshubposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, it was nice to become an adult and learn of other lives that are interesting and different to the often petty education environment had to offer.
        I was very rebellious as a child and young adult. I have a grandson who is the same. smile
        He gets a fair go from his grandfather as you would imagine. smile

  11. earnestshub profile image72
    earnestshubposted 13 years ago

    Never go back. smile Some people simply outgrow where they came from.

  12. DIYweddingplanner profile image70
    DIYweddingplannerposted 13 years ago

    I was in the second to the most popular group in school, but I always felt like a geek and an outsider.  And I never made cheerleader, because I felt like I wasn't pretty enough.  And I was a writer and class poet which made me an automatic dork. smile

    1. Lisa HW profile image62
      Lisa HWposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I kept "who and what" I really was a secret to anyone but my close circle of friends - which kept me safely in "mainstream masses".   smile   That was actually a pretty smart thing to do, it turns out; because once I got out into the grown-up world, decided I'd no longer aim to come across as "mainstream masses", and just be who/what I am - that's when I ran into problems!  lol  lol  Honestly.  Seriously.   lol   People (even of the supposedly grown-up variety) don't like it when other people won't do the "mainstream masses" kind of thing.   lol

  13. Pearldiver profile image68
    Pearldiverposted 13 years ago

    I spent most of my 'school time' surfing, so being popular there was irrelevant when compared to riding waves. But I was more popular at the school reunion when I arrived in my $150,000 Porsche and parked beside the teacher who had declared at school that I would be the most likely to fail in life! smile

  14. profile image0
    EmpressFelicityposted 13 years ago

    I had a couple of friends, but I wasn't popular.  I was both a nerd and an arrogant git (some people would say that nothing's changed there lol).

  15. profile image0
    klarawieckposted 13 years ago

    I wasn't that popular, but I never tried to get any attention either. I used to hang out with the weird musicians. I got in trouble a lot too. It was always someone else's fault but I'd take the blame somehow. hmm The principal liked me though!

  16. profile image52
    ForYourInfoposted 13 years ago

    When you can be different from others you can be popular.I was not at all popular in my school days,was absolutely average.But i found some popular people who were actually freak !!!!!!!!!

  17. FatFreddysCat profile image84
    FatFreddysCatposted 9 years ago

    I doubt you'll get an answer cuz this thread is 3 years old (!!), the O.P. is probaby not active 'round here anymore...

  18. EssayMaxi profile image60
    EssayMaxiposted 9 years ago

    I was not popular in school, but in University was another game!) Especially with girls )

  19. gmwilliams profile image82
    gmwilliamsposted 9 years ago

    Now, I am going to be contrarian regarding this post.  There can be a lot said for being unpopular.  First, you do not have to please anybody.  You do not have to submerge your personality in order for people to like you.  You can pursue the hobbies and activities you love.  You can say exactly what you please, not give a rip what others think of you.   In the end, you will be liked for WHO you ARE.  Boy, it is good not to please everyone.

    1. chuckandus6 profile image80
      chuckandus6posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I was quiet in high school had friends that were popular unpopular and in between.
      I was not a follower and never got into cliques

  20. janesix profile image59
    janesixposted 9 years ago

    I was not one of the self-proclaimed popular kids, but I had a lot of friends.


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