Does a sarcastic parent result in a smart mouthed, disrespectful kid?

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  1. profile image0
    tHErEDpILLposted 13 years ago

    Does a sarcastic parent result in a smart mouthed, disrespectful kid?

    I just heard about a study that suggests that children who have sarcastic parents are more likely to end up being smart mouthed and disrespectful.  I agree with this study.  As anyone who has kids knows, either consciously or subconsciously, kids look up to and imitate their parents, and in my opinion sarcasm is a personality trait that kids of a certain age cannot fully understand.

  2. Becca Lopez profile image60
    Becca Lopezposted 13 years ago

    Being raised by sarcastic parents I have not been a disrespectful child and I rarely ever smart mouth my parents. I would say it depends on how you take their sarcasm and how you retort it. I always reminded myself that if they were like that and I didn't like it why would I treat others that way.

  3. zob2zob profile image69
    zob2zobposted 13 years ago

    I wouldn't bet on that!!

    I am a quick thinker and can always come up with a quick answer, some times coming across as possibly sarcastic, but it is not ment to be, my children of the ones who are grown up, one is blessed with my humor, & one is not and one is so far such a challenge even I am left speechless. The world is full of desrespect but it certainly does not all stem from the parents, that in my belief is a cop out. What of sacastic teachers? Role models???
    Oh the culture of statistics and blame......whoop whoop!!

    & believe me if you ever met by parents, straight laced, not a sence of humor between them, I wonder where your study would then define how I am who I am .......

  4. Daffy Duck profile image59
    Daffy Duckposted 13 years ago

    A lot of times it does, but it's the childs attitude and decisions that determine ultimately what they do and say.  That's why some of them are not like that.

  5. duffsmom profile image59
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    I think that study is incorrect insofar as the part about smart-mouthed and disrespectful kids.  Sarcasm does not equate with disrespectful.  Kids may be sarcastic because they learn that from parents, but that isn't the same as being disrespectful or smart-mouthed.

    My mother was tremendously sarcastic, as am I, as is one of my daughters.  My daughter was never smart-mouthed or disrespectful--she was, however, very funny---still is.

  6. edhan profile image36
    edhanposted 13 years ago

    Yes, I do feel that the result may likely lead to having your kids like the parents.

    I have seen that kids tend to look up on their parents and observed what parents are doing. They will likely to pick up those habits and become part of their future lifestyle.

    So, we ought to observe our behavior as not to do things that is not right in front of our kids otherwise they will think that it is the right thing to do and imitate us in their future lives.

    Set a good example to your kids and you will have good kids for the future.

  7. shiloh01 profile image57
    shiloh01posted 13 years ago

    Many a times that become an absolute truth. But it totally depends on the nature of your kid. If he gets influenced by good things, he will become a polite person but remember not a polite son.

  8. Walt Smith profile image61
    Walt Smithposted 13 years ago

    Yes! I"ve coached a lot of children through the years and all the ones that had a problem with keeping the 'ol pie flap closed had sarcastic and downtrodding parents. The old adage is true on that one..."The apple does not fall far from the tree"...W

  9. Chasing Riley profile image84
    Chasing Rileyposted 13 years ago

    I think it does. I've seen my own sarcasm come right out of the mouths of babes. Being a kind parent who never puts their child mentally on guard is the best.

  10. Angel709 profile image60
    Angel709posted 13 years ago

    My father could be very sarcastic and we found it humorous, but we never had a smart mouth or disrespected an adult as children. I personally reduced my sarcasm when I read it "sometimes" can be a result of hidden negative feelings; also people that weren't raised in that environment misunderstood it.

    I still love good wit, dry humor and a setting that can lend to sarcasm, but my children nor I as a child had challenges with respecting authority or others.

    A study that would "peg a child's behavior" solely on the parents' sarcasm is bound to be skewed and limited at best.

  11. xethonxq profile image68
    xethonxqposted 13 years ago

    I think it completely depends on the temperament of the child. It's just like does an child of an alcoholic grow up to be an alcoholic...or a child of an abuser growing up to abuse others. A child's environment or the relationships they encounter as they grow up can impact children, but it doesn't mean its a lost cause.

    1. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Intelligent answer indeed!

  12. TheMagician profile image83
    TheMagicianposted 13 years ago

    Maybe sometimes, but my mother is incredibly sarcastic and whatnot, yet I'm the complete opposite of her. But even so, sarcasm doesn't match up with "smart mouthed, disrespectful" kids. I always looked up to my parents, but I never had a desire to immitate them... but that's just me, I suppose.

  13. chuckbl profile image68
    chuckblposted 13 years ago

    It depends in the way the child is brought up, if they are brought up not to be rude but to understand comedy and sarcasm appropriately then they should be fine!

  14. auge profile image61
    augeposted 13 years ago

    In my opinion, sarcasm may not affect kid`s respectfulness if used correctly. Dark sarcasm, something which cross the line MIGHT change kid`s thinking, so you should be more attentive when using it.

  15. Lawfull Richard profile image61
    Lawfull Richardposted 13 years ago

    Yes, since a kid learn more from those people to close to him or her while growing. His/her behave may be more like those of her/his parent.

  16. Leanna McCarthy profile image61
    Leanna McCarthyposted 13 years ago

    I think the kid is more likely to be sarcastic because that's the mode of speech they learned to communicate under.

  17. Borsia profile image37
    Borsiaposted 13 years ago

    A close friend had her first child, a boy.
    She and her husband were being very careful to always watch what they said around him.
    However she would forget when she was driving because he was in the back.
    She is very sweet but when she is driving she has a temper and a mouth.
    One day she arrived at the mall with him, he was probably 3 or so.
    They walked past a woman who had done something to set her off in traffic that she had already forgotten.
    As they passed her the little boy turned to the woman and said "F##in Bi###"
    Probably the single most embarrassing moment of her life. I don't think she ever swore again,,, ever.

  18. monkeygirl1068 profile image60
    monkeygirl1068posted 13 years ago

    It figures this would be the result of this study... considering most sarcasm comes from those with (generally above average intelligence) being, somewhat fed up with those who are, well on the other end of the scale. Those with the "other" sarcastic attitudes, usually do not use sarcasm, it's usually just ridicule & rude comments to "feel" as though they are the one who is more intelligent. So I suppose the children would learn some of this in their home, but unless the parents were just rude to others in general, then they might notice some problems. And if the child was smart enough to truly use sarcasm, they would also know where it was not appropriate. Otherwise, like I said, it's not sarcasm they are using, they are just being rude, smartasses.

  19. flowmeter profile image60
    flowmeterposted 13 years ago

    I believe that too much sarcasm can make people very negative, just like too much gossip

  20. homesteadpatch profile image61
    homesteadpatchposted 13 years ago

    Sarcasm and being smart mouthed (disrespectful) are emphatically not the same thing.  I believe the problem is that the kids don't understand sarcasm, and it's use, which would give the appearance of being disrespectful.


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