Do you agree with unsupervised kids under 18 being out after 9p.m. on school nig

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  1. Express10 profile image78
    Express10posted 11 years ago

    Do you agree with unsupervised kids under 18 being out after 9p.m. on school nights? Why or why not?

    Would you allow your child to "hang out" anywhere outside your home or their friend's homes without parental supervision or do you allow your child(ren) more freedom? Do you worry about them if they have more freedom?

  2. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    No, our kids were home on school evenings. And when they were old enough to spend time out on the weekends, we always knew where they were.  As they got older they had a few rules to follow, but as they followed the rules they got more and more freedom because we knew we could trust them. 

    I do believe kids of that age need to be supervised - not necessarily hovered over though.  It wasn't our kids I was worried about - it was the kids whose parents didn't care where the kids were or with whom.

    We were lucky, we never had any trouble with our kids, but we also worked at it really hard.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Parenting is hard work and the reward is seeing your child grow up and be able to take care of themselves. I also believe kids of this age need supervision but many don't...and I'm not even a parent! Many kids get into trouble due to this.

  3. sarahmoose profile image67
    sarahmooseposted 11 years ago

    No! When I was younger, I was expected to be home by 8.30pm at the latest (if I was allowed out at all!). I expect to be the same with my daughter, and she won't be able to go out until all of her homework is completed either. As parents have a legal responsibility for their children at least until 16 in the UK, then it is their job to make sure a child is not wandering around the streets unsupervised at night. If they are over 16, but under 18, if they still live at home they should be expected to follow the house rules - I know I had to.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sounds like you are a good parent, "wandering around the streets unsupervised" is a common problem in the US. A surprising number of parents here in the US allow this to happen to their child's and the community's detriment.

    2. sarahmoose profile image67
      sarahmooseposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks :-) I agree, it has been a problem here in the UK too, the number of teenagers allowed to go out at night unsupervised is quite shocking really. Most in our area seem to have been locked up or under curfew now though - far better area!!

  4. profile image0
    CalebSparksposted 11 years ago

    I would not want a child I love to be in that situation. As parents, my spouse and I are entirely responsible for our children. Children often lack the experience to discern many wise and unwise decisions. It is our place to teach them so they will one day be able to make good decisions by themselves.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree and asked this question after seeing a news report about a 13 and 17 year olds being shot (the 13 year old died) on Memorial day just before 11p.m. They lived in a bad neighborhood and were standing outside a convenience store.

  5. Elderberry Arts profile image93
    Elderberry Artsposted 11 years ago

    I don't mind my older children going out alone (they are 12 and almost 16) but I do not allow them to just hang on the streets with nothing too actually do. Unless she is at a friends or  club etc and being brought home/picked up my 12 year old has to be in before it is dark. My  son (15) does not go out much but sometimes goes to a friends on our road and stays out till around 10pm which is ok but I wouldn't let him be wandering the streets at that time. They are both pretty good about it and it seems to be the way most of their friends parents think too. We don't get many children on the streets here whereas where we used to live even children as young as 5 or 6 would be out unsupervised. I am happy for my children to have friends over and sleep over at times too.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good point about very young kids. Also in the news in a neighboring city, just within the last 8 days or so, a toddler was found roaming the streets alone and was taken into child protective services. What is wrong with people?

  6. xypherfarrell profile image78
    xypherfarrellposted 11 years ago

    school nights, no. they should be home.

    my mom got my 10 year old sister a GPS tracking device. I know some of you will frown but i personally approved. when she is out on school activities or on a playdate, we see exactly where she is.

    and if, knock on wood, any problem occurs, the GPS has a SOS button connected to us and the police. The SOS will work even when the device is turned off.

    time will come when it will have to be turned off on certain times because we need to give her privacy. but while she's 10, that stays on.

    it gives us an additional layer of security. i suggest parents here should start thinking of getting one.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Awesome tool for the best interests of your sister!

  7. Kevin Peter profile image61
    Kevin Peterposted 11 years ago

    Kids under 18 should not be allowed to go out after 9 P.M. They are small and don't know much about the danger in it. It's the responsibility of parents to be strict in such cases. They should be provided with freedom but not over freedom.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for re-iterating that it's the RESPONSIBILITY of the parents to be strict in such cases. Too many parents are falling down on their jobs.

  8. Borsia profile image38
    Borsiaposted 11 years ago

    We lived in a somewhat remote area when I grew up but couldn't stay out late on school nights. Until I was 16 we didn't stay out late on non-school nights but after that age we stayed out till 11 or so and later on occasion. In my late teens we did pretty much what we wanted to so long as our grades were good.
    I remember how shocked I was when I moved to Colombia and very young kids were up and often out till the wee hours. Children can also drink at pretty much any age, though I seldom saw kids out drinking on the streets except on holidays.
    In China most of the children live at their schools 5-6 days a week and the schools are very strict. Only in the countryside did I ever see children out alone.
    I have to say that my generation are, for the most part, far worse parents than previous and I suspect that it is getting worse rather than better.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I am in agreement. Idle hands...

  9. agovoni profile image61
    agovoniposted 11 years ago

    I wouldn't let my daughter out past 9 pm unless it was a weekend.  There is no reason for her to be out during a school night that late.  She should be in bed by 10 or 11 latest because she will be up at 6 am the next day.  Weekends are for late night fun not school nights.  My two biggest concerns would be her staying out late on school nights, being too tired at school and her grades slipping and her hanging out with the wrong crowd and making poor decisions because of peer pressure.

  10. Alecia Murphy profile image66
    Alecia Murphyposted 11 years ago

    No I'm sorry. Even if you trust the kids you can't trust the crazies and loonies who might take advantage of them.
    I don't have kids but I feel like you have to allow them to see the dangers of the world in snippets. For example, I would let older kids hang out with a parent or mature older adult nearby (i.e. next room) but maybe not totally alone.  Younger kids, definitely not.

    1. Express10 profile image78
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I also don't have kids but am concerned by the lack of supervision that I see from some of those who are. Even when there is a guardian with the child, the guardians are not responsible or trustworthy and are just barely 18 or 19 themselves.


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