How old do you think your son should be before he started dating? What about you

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  1. puddingicecream profile image69
    puddingicecreamposted 13 years ago

    How old do you think your son should be before he started dating? What about your daughter?

  2. CyclingFitness profile image86
    CyclingFitnessposted 13 years ago

    I think it depends on the son/ daughters maturity

    Also if you try to interfere it's likely they'll go behind your back

    You can't hold them back with developping ideas on life and love.

  3. nycgrl profile image60
    nycgrlposted 13 years ago

    Its hard to put an age because it really depends on the maturity of the child. I was allowed to date at a much younger age than my older sisters because my mom felt that I was a bit more mature than they were at my age. I started dating at around 15-16. Of course they had to meet the boy, know where we were going, have a way to reach me, and I had to be home by a certain hour. For a boy, I would say the same. It all depends on the child's maturity. If they are very mature and responsible, I say 14 or 15 is perfectly fine. If they are the opposite and already messing up in school and at home as it is then I say more like 17. Only thing to keep in mind is though that refusing means the chances of them finding a way to do it behind your back are high.

  4. Collisa profile image77
    Collisaposted 13 years ago

    I've discussed this with my kids. So far they are content to wait. (They're 11, 13 and 16.) I realize that could change if they meet someone they fall for!
    I feel that dating before a person is old enough to marry is a poor choice, when you consider either of the two possible outcomes. Either they'll marry, which may or may not work, or they'll split up, which is sort of like practicing divorce.

  5. wytegarillaz profile image58
    wytegarillazposted 13 years ago

    When they are mature enough to be considering marriage so it varies with the children, some are still immature at 30 !

  6. lovelife08 profile image60
    lovelife08posted 13 years ago

    I personally am not going to let my daughter actually DATE until she is 16, old enough to drive.  But I also know that she'll be interested in boys way before then, so if she wants to experiment with the idea of having a boyfriend earlier, then that is fine, and she'll make mistakes and learn from them, and learn what she does and does not like about boys.  And as long as I'm driving her back and forth between ours and this boy's home, I can be observant and voice my opinion to her and tell her how I feel about it, as her mother.

  7. Kaniel Loughran profile image61
    Kaniel Loughranposted 13 years ago

    I'd let my son start dating seriously at 14.

    My daughter can start at 21. (I'm only kidding, I'd let her start dating at the same age, 14).

    Way I see it, you tell them they can't date and they'll date all the wrong people just to get under your skin. You let them date with responsibility and educate them on the hazards (moral, emotional, and physical) and they'll be responsible at a younger age. It's like with alcohol. Europe lets children as young as 10 drink a tiny bit and then teach them responsibility with drinking as they grow older, which is why they have such a small drinking problem in comparison to the U.S. In the U.S. it is so strictly banned until 21 that by the time they hit high school they are eager to get drinking and only binge drink and never take alcohol for what it is, an enjoyable beverage with pleasant physical side effects. They just go strait from sober to smashed and miss the whole point of the drink.

  8. carolp profile image77
    carolpposted 13 years ago

    My son was 12 years old as he started going out with a girl in a valentine gift. At this age it is a natural process that one is attracted to an opposite sex. Puppy did not last for long, but was a good experience for him. Now my boy has no one...i think it is not yet the right time for him.

    My daughter was 14 years she had her first boyfriend which was for only a short time. At 16 she met someone she's really interested until now. As a mother one can feel if a boy or a girl is in love and when they are ready for a relationship.

  9. shiloh01 profile image56
    shiloh01posted 13 years ago

    I think both of them should be at least 16 years or above.


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