What age would you allow your daughter to start dating?

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  1. TKLMommy profile image61
    TKLMommyposted 12 years ago

    What age would you allow your daughter to start dating?

    I have 3 young daughters and dreading the day they start talking about boys. I need some different views on what age is it appropriate for girls to have a boyfriend and start dating?

  2. ikechiawazie profile image60
    ikechiawazieposted 12 years ago

    It depends, many young teens i know start dating at 16. Though the acceptable age a girl should be prepared  for dating and courting is 18yrs. However it depends on maturity and age does not really portray maturity. As the father, you should educate them about dating and courting in their teen age so that they are prepared for what lies ahead in the dating world and can make right decisions.

  3. Cardisa profile image87
    Cardisaposted 12 years ago

    Where I come from dating is associated with sex...plain and simple. Jamaica is a place where, when you date someone it usually mean you are sleeping with them so here is my two cents.

    The consensual age for sex is sixteen but I believe that if a child is still a child then sex should be out of the picture. I disagree with the consensual age limit. That thresh-hold should be risen to eighteen. So my child.living in Jamaica should start dating at eighteen.

    Suffice it to say, if you live in a society where sex is not such a social issue and have not been predetermined as a norm for dating then I believe I would let her start dating at fifteen or sixteen. She, however, may have friends of the opposite sex with supervised dates. As I said this is just my opinion!

  4. stricktlydating profile image82
    stricktlydatingposted 12 years ago

    A girl may start to have a 'boyfriend' at school, so it depends on the situation.  But I'd say between 16 and 18 years of age.

  5. Ashantina profile image61
    Ashantinaposted 12 years ago

    Think back to how you were emotionally as a teen at age of 16... 18... or 21... How old were you when you had your first bf? Do you wish you'd waited? Or perhaps 'started' earlier? Use your own personal experiences and observations of your each of your daughters' personalities to judge when the most appropriate age is.

  6. paulineleo52 profile image61
    paulineleo52posted 12 years ago

    Well I am mom of 17 years old boy I tell him sex is something very special if you find the right girl  and he feel it right than if the both agree then they should figure the pro and con about together and make sure he does make me a oma too soon. Told him to use the love glove. But he still has not found the right girl but my opinion is they are going to do it they are better off know about sex But I think best time is around 16 years old. You have to keep they inform about early and keep reminding them about it

  7. K9keystrokes profile image83
    K9keystrokesposted 12 years ago

    I think it would have to depend on the maturity of each child, but 16 years of age seems to be the appropriate age. It also depends on the person she will want to date. Keeping your eye on the boys' intentions for the sake of your daughters safety would be paramount. No matter what age she is allowed to date, it is a good idea to chaperon until you can see her level of confidence and know-how become strong enough to handle a boy with more mature intentions.
    Good luck!

  8. MyFavoriteBedding profile image38
    MyFavoriteBeddingposted 12 years ago

    Unfortunately, we don't have any control over when our daughters start becoming interested in boys.  When they do, the worst mistake parents can make is telling them "no", because they will sneak to see their boyfriend.  Lets say your daughter is 14, and has a boyfriend (whether you want them to or not) you want to be in control.  To keep control, you need to be able to monitor the situation.  In order to do this, try to keep an open communication with your daughter, and this will also make her feel that she can talk with you.  If she wants to see her boyfriend outside of school, limit it as much as possible, and offer to take them to the mall, or bowling, so they can see each other.  Your daughter will think you are the greatest, but then you can also be close by.  I had friends that couldn't date until they were 16, and believe me, their parents did not have a clue what they were doing, and would go over friends houses, just so they could see their boyfriend and they snuck around every chance they got.  I think they were the ones that spent the most time with their boyfriends!  Bottom line: you always want to know who your child is hanging out with and where they are.


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