Name the five most vital conversations to have with children.

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  1. KrystalD profile image66
    KrystalDposted 13 years ago

    Name the five most vital conversations to have with children.

    Children are growing and learning every second from the moment of birth. What are the five things every parent should discuss with their child BEFORE the age of 12 years old?

  2. Viv Darling profile image67
    Viv Darlingposted 13 years ago

    1. Do you know What Sex is?
    2. Has anyone ever touched you inappropriately?
    3. Have you ever had Sex?
    4. Has anyone ever behaved inappropriately with you?
    5. Has anyone ever touched you in your private places?
    6. Do you have a girlfriend... read more

  3. delaneyworld profile image81
    delaneyworldposted 13 years ago

    This is a great question.  There are so many discussions we should have with our children, but if I were to choose they would be: 
    (1)  Unconditional Love - discuss how to give it and how to receive it.  Explain how important it is and demonstrate it every day. 

    (2)  Safety - talk about stranger danger, being cautious, being aware of the world around them, safety tips when out in the world, bullying, and always to know they can confide in me about anything, also to have other adults they can talk to. 

    (3)  Sex - talk to them about what it is, how important it is to be safe, how to stay safe and hopefully to save it for adulthood and when they are emotionally prepared. 

    (4)  Education - discuss and demonstrate the importance of education, talk about the importance of asking questions, respecting teachers and enjoying the process.  Also talk about how important it is in order to support yourself later in life. 

    (5)  Health - discuss and emulate what it takes to be healthy and how important it is to take care of our bodies and our minds.  Help them to learn through discussion and demonstration that living a healthful life can be fun, tasty and simple if you incorporate into your daily living. 

    Those would be my five.  smile

  4. profile image60
    win-winresourcesposted 13 years ago

    Good morning KrystalD-

    1)  You are not alone.
    2)  You are unconditionally loved.
    3)  You are worthwhile and important.
    4)  Tomorrow can always be a better day.
    5)  Life can be beautiful.

  5. Loi-Renee profile image70
    Loi-Reneeposted 13 years ago

    Knowing what you need to tell your child is the first step to having a conversation about important topics. Here is an expanded list of topics that must be on your list. read more

  6. Writerly Yours profile image67
    Writerly Yoursposted 13 years ago

    I talk every waking moment with my son. We talk all the time and it's essential.

    These are just a few because communication with your child is vital! No particular order!

    1.  Self image, respect and compassion.
    2. Health: Emotional, spiritual, physical and mental.
    3.  Love! Lots of it!
    4. Education and lifetime learning.
    5. Puberty

    My list is longer but you only asked for 5!

    Awesome question.

    Thank you.

  7. smzclark profile image60
    smzclarkposted 13 years ago

    1. Your body is your body!

    2. Never go anywhere with a stranger.

    3. Never put anything in your mouth that you are unsure about.

    4. You are beautiful and loved and let no one tell you any different.

    5. Dreams are possible.

  8. profile image58
    shorty72posted 13 years ago

    The 5 most important conversations
    1. Separation of two parents and how it is not their fault
    2. Puberty and how the body is changing
    3. Never give up on goals and what you want in life
    4 .You are always loved and never feel like you are alone
    5.Drugs and alcohol and how they affect your body and how you feel

    These have been my five conversation that I have had with my son and daughter.

  9. GoodLady profile image95
    GoodLadyposted 13 years ago

    I'd tell the children.

    1. You have a soul and your life is the human part of it, so please take great care of it.

    2. If you do what you like as well as you can, plus, you do what you can to learn (at school, with your family and friends), you will have a better chance at feeling useful later.

    3. That the world is a wonderfully  interesting place, full of music and stories and history and fish and geology and art and sounds and books and and and....parks and oceans and mountains and insects and and peoples, full, full, full of more than we can imagine.

    4.  Tell them many stories every day, so that they learn to identify with many 'heroes' and with the adventures and experiences of others.

    5.  To be am active, participating, part of their loving  family;  share the love, the mistakes, the tidying up, the cooking and cleaning, the kissing, the apologizing...and the cuddling and to always  stay close because no matter what happens inside the family, (for better or worse, good days or bad, hard days or harder, great days or disappointing ones)  the family is the best  place in the world because it is your place. And everyone is human in it!

  10. DrMikeFitz profile image59
    DrMikeFitzposted 13 years ago

    no matter what you have done or not done, no matter who you are, or who you are not, no matter who you become, or do not become, you are worthy of love. might be wise to tell them you love them too. smile

  11. Denise Handlon profile image88
    Denise Handlonposted 13 years ago

    What an awesome question.  It's been awhile since I've had these conversations-my children are well into their thirties now.  However, as a grandmother, I face the same 'important question' dilemma with even less time to spend and influence the young ones.  Hard to limit the 'talks' to just five but here are some important ones:

    1. The most important thing for them to remember is that they are spiritual beings on this earth.  They are God's creation of Love and they are connected to that source.  Nothing they could ever do as a human being could ever disconnect them from this Love.  I've started this conversation with my oldest granddaughter.

    2.  It is important to tell the truth...not the story of self deception but the truth that lies in their heart and soul.  There is so much manipulation, strategizing and falsehood that the world presents that it is easy for children to pick up these patterns and this will become a lifelong habit ... self deception is soul stifling.

    3. Be courageous-there will always be a new fear to face, but YOU have the ability and strength to face each one as it shows up.  Fear does not kill...avoiding the fear saps the strength and confidence.

    4. Be curious throughout your life...never be afraid to ask questions or to inquire into something that is interesting, fearful, pleasant, or fascinating.  Staying curious allows your mind to stay open and your life's moments to stay fresh.

    5. Practice kindness and compassion to all living things; be grateful and appreciative to all that you have; see beauty in the world around you and know you are a part of this beauty.

    There is so much to share with our young ones and so little time...

  12. Moezart de Foen profile image61
    Moezart de Foenposted 13 years ago

    (This is from a Christian Perspective, so if u don't like it, thats okay)

    1) His/Her faith in God

    2) There family is always there for them

    3)Responsibility to themselves and others is key, don't lose track of it.

    4)Work is a blessing not a curse. Try and enjoy it.

    5) Make sure that all needs are meet, otherwise failure will always be an option.

  13. xethonxq profile image68
    xethonxqposted 13 years ago

    1) The birds and the bee's talk
    2) How to keep themselves safe (fire, police, emergency numbers, etc.)
    3) They are loved and worthwhile (and no one can tell them differently)
    4) Education is important
    5) They can be whatever/whoever they want to be

  14. tamarawilhite profile image83
    tamarawilhiteposted 13 years ago

    1. The difference between what you love to do and what you can do to make a living, and the need to find something you like to do that can feed you and your family.
    2. The difference between infatuation and true love. Too many kids and adults assume the rush of wild passion at the start of a relationship is supposed to last a lifetime - and then leave good partners in seek of adolescent hormonal responses.
    3. The value of education, the over-valuation of a college degree, and selecting an educational program that prepares you for the jobs you want to do
    4. What to look for and avoid in a mate. If he/she hits you, leave. If you don't like something major about them (how little time they spend with you, their relatives, you want kids and they don't), don't stay - find somewhat compatible. But don't leave because they are not perfect, because neither are you.
    5. The difference between rights and responsibilities. You have a right to free speech, you don't have a right to wear what you want to work if it is outside the dress code. You have the right to have sex, you don't have a right to screw up your kids' lives on a whim. You have a right to your own political beliefs, you don't have the right to prosecute or demean those who disagree.

  15. Eve Sanchez profile image58
    Eve Sanchezposted 13 years ago

    Please everyone let your children know: Don't talk to strangers!!!!!!

  16. Nicola Tweedie profile image61
    Nicola Tweedieposted 13 years ago

    1) why sharing is important
    2) why listenting to others helps you learn
    3) how to be open to and appreciative of difference
    4) why trying and 'failing better' is as important as winning/getting it right
    5) how wonderful they are, just as they are

  17. Cre8tor profile image80
    Cre8torposted 13 years ago

    There are so many conversations I couldn't even pick a top 5. How about one I feel is most commonly forgotten...."How was your day?" If you start this conversation everyday, you'll know what conversation you should be having.

  18. profile image0
    VeronicaInspiresposted 13 years ago


    2.Sex, Dating and Pregnancy

    3.Drugs and Alcohol

    4.Bullying and Peer Pressure

    5.You Telling Them That You Love Them


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