What are your thoughts on parents who drink alcohol?

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  1. peeples profile image92
    peeplesposted 12 years ago

    What are your thoughts on parents who drink alcohol?

    Here in the USA I notice a lot of parents who seem fearful of having a drink for fear of judgement from other parents. What is your take on it? Do you think having children should mean no more drinking?

  2. POWERS1205 profile image80
    POWERS1205posted 12 years ago

    I'm a parent of 5 children and there's no way I'm not going to enjoy a drink. I usually wait until after I put the kids to bed and read them a story before I have one. On the weekends, I usually wait until evening when everything else is done. My kids have never seen me drunk. They know that I drink, I don't hide it, but out of respect for our family I wait until everything else is done. Then I drink in moderation. I don't really care what other people think.

  3. tonymead60 profile image84
    tonymead60posted 12 years ago

    Moderation in all things, it is normal for wine to be on the table even when the children are about. If you make it a secret then kids will be more likely to try it. Why worry about other people's opinion, what do they know about anything.
    Here it is usual and normal, if you have a problem with it in USA, try banning it, that worked last time didn't it? [I don't think so.}

  4. EinderDarkwolf profile image62
    EinderDarkwolfposted 12 years ago

    I think there is a stigma on drinking now thanks to the media. I personally have a bottle of Rum in my freezer and every once in a while after my lil one is in bed, I have a mixed drink or two. I don't think it's ok to get falling down drunk with a kid in the house, but I think it is ok to drink responsibly.

  5. peachpurple profile image82
    peachpurpleposted 12 years ago

    parents shouldn't drink alcohol, the strong ones. Shandy is mild, shouldn't make you drunk. Children always imitate adults. So, if parents drink, children will copycat to drink when parents are not around. Therefore, both of us never drink alcohol.

  6. wychic profile image83
    wychicposted 12 years ago

    As the wife and daughter of alcoholics, I admit that I have a very dim view on this subject -- I'm a complete teetotaler and fervently hope that my kids will be throughout their lives too, but I know that this is influenced by spending my entire life around people who "can't have just one." Thankfully my husband is recovering now and I have no problem with him being around the kids, but that would change in a heartbeat with even the hint of alcohol's presence.

    That said, barring any previous issues with alcohol abuse, having a drink or two with kids around should theoretically be fine. I do still think that if someone is going to drink it's best to have another adult around that's not drinking at all to keep an eye on the kids, even if there's just a drink or two involved -- even low levels of alcohol could make someone sleep more soundly or react slower, or push them over the legal limit for driving in case of an emergency -- but that's entirely up to each individual's comfort level.

  7. kgarcia1113 profile image60
    kgarcia1113posted 12 years ago

    I am a parent of 4 boys, I enjoy a drink every now and then. I see nothing wrong with drinking once you have kids. And the idea of hiding the fact that you drink from your kids is just down right stupid. My kids know  that my husband and I drink, we are very responsible with alcohol in the home and would never do anything to harm or neglect our children. I think it becomes a problem in American homes when the parents become drunk or are drinking every night/day. But to completely avoid alcohol because of children isn't going to prepare the kids for high school.

    High school students drink, its a fact. Not all of them of course but enough to be sure your kids will be exposed to underage drinking before they graduate. I think that by parents being a good example and drinking responsibly kids are more prepared to handle high school situations that revolve around drinking and partying.

  8. Becky Katz profile image82
    Becky Katzposted 12 years ago

    There is nothing wrong with drinking in moderation, but I do not drink and my husband does not drink. We just do not care to and don't even want to be around it. A glass of wine daily is actually good for you. Our sons know how we feel about drinking and they actually are outgrowing the drinking now that they are in their 20's. Our daughter, who is in her teens, does not and probably never will, as she has seen what an alcoholic father did to one of her friends.
    Always be responsible when drinking, it is so easy to mess up your life or others' lives when drinking to excess.

  9. smzclark profile image60
    smzclarkposted 12 years ago

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with the parents of children having the odd drink. I don't hide that I do and I can confidently say that I am a good parent. However, If drinking alcohol caused me to be a worse parent, then I wouldn't drink a drop. It's uncontrollable drinking that is a problem.

    But I live in the U.K. and drinking is not as frowned upon here as it can be in the states...it's quite rare that you meet a parent who doesn't at very least enjoy the odd glass of wine on occasion.

  10. breastpumpreviews profile image82
    breastpumpreviewsposted 12 years ago

    I think it is important that if you as a parent decide to drink, even if its in front of your children, that you should do it in moderation.  Use it as a lesson to teach your children that its okay for adults to have a drink and for them to see you limit yourself.  I am not talking about those who get plastered every opportunity they get.

  11. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 12 years ago

    absolutely not. as an adult, you should enjoy what makes you happy, the trick is using common sense. i drink but i don't get drunk around my kids. i want them to see that a person can enjoy alcohol without being a drunk.

  12. YUMMommy profile image61
    YUMMommyposted 12 years ago

    Unfortunately, we live in a society where you're going to be judged no matter what you do or how you conduct yourself.  When it comes to parents drinking, I think the key is moderation.  You want to avoid getting buzzed if you don't have a sober babysitter handy.  Also, you don't want your kids remembering you as the mom or dad who always had a drink in their hand.

    Also, last year a few cases in which little kids were snatched from their homes while the parent was there quite a few of the parents admitted or claimed to have been passed out from intoxication and didn't hear the intruder breaking in.  I think highly publicized nature of those stories has contributed to the stigma of parents drinking too.

  13. profile image0
    Starmom41posted 12 years ago

    having an occasional drink shouldn't be a problem, but I think parents who hang out in bars or 'party' aren't very responsible.

  14. profile image57
    ardnaxelaposted 12 years ago

    Having 2 young children, teaching them from a young age that once they are old enough to consume alcohol they need to do it in moderation. I am not one to drink too much, and I have a glass of wine or a mixed drink once in a blue moon. Everyone has their own views on drinking. I personally do not look down on people who drink a glass of wine once in a while at dinner with their family. Having children does not mean no more drinking, it just means that you have to use your best judgement and not drink to the point that they are too drunk to take care of their children.

  15. cathyaddams567 profile image58
    cathyaddams567posted 12 years ago

    It is okay as long as they only drink a small amount. it is wrong if they are binge drinking and taking it out on their children. They should man up and go to an outpatient substance abuse treatment, for more info, go to http://abusetreatmentcenters.net/


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