At what age does candy become appropriate for a child?

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  1. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    At what age does candy become appropriate for a child?

    My 20mth old daughter has never had any type of candy. I am now getting "that's mean" "you're not being fair to her" and several other things from a family member. I let my first two children have candy from a young age and now they always want it. So I'm trying to prevent that. Is there something wrong with withholding sugar? At what age is ideal to start introducing sugar that isn't natural?

  2. simplysmartmom profile image59
    simplysmartmomposted 11 years ago

    I think no matter when you start letting your children have candy - they will still always want it!  I have older children as well who love candy and inevitably my two year old has discovered that chocolate or any candy is very good.  I think they key is moderation; a treat every once in a while I think is Ok.  But I'm not afraid to say "no", even if she decides to cry and jump up and down.  She'll get over it! 

    Sugar consumption is something very important to keep an eye on for children, so I wouldn't feel bad for holding back.

    Good dental hygene is also very important - my daughter brushes her teeth by herself and then I follow behind to make sure that they are clean.  Hope this helps!

  3. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image84
    Marcy Goodfleischposted 11 years ago

    I think you're doing the right thing - candy is not an important source of nutrition or anything - so there's no way you're being mean by restricting it. She will learn about it soon enough, so you're helping her make good diet choices by avoiding it now.

    When my oldest was less than two years old, he had never had candy, and therefore didn't know what it was.  We had a small dish of candy on a table in the living room, and he knew to leave it alone.  Then a neighbor watched him briefly and gave him candy. That was the end of that. I was really upset - I don't feel anyone should give another person's child things like candy or soft drinks without first checking with the parent.

    Good for you, for watching out for your child's health!

    1. Neha Sadana profile image89
      Neha Sadanaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I totally agree that no one should give another person's child things like candy or soft drinks without asking the parent.

    2. Denise Handlon profile image83
      Denise Handlonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I completely agree with you Marcy, on that number.  I would have been infuriated by the thoughtless actions of that neighbor.  Once that Pandora's Box is open there is no going back to the innocence of not tasting it.

  4. Neha Sadana profile image89
    Neha Sadanaposted 11 years ago

    The side effect of having a sugar candy at very young age is that it destroy the milk teeth of your baby. Sugar in unnatural form such as candy or chocolates stick to the teeth and you cant brush the teeth of your 20m old daughter. smile So, avoid candy as much as you can.

    1. Denise Handlon profile image83
      Denise Handlonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Absolutely correct.  I didn't even add the whole dental thing to my reply.  smile

  5. Denise Handlon profile image83
    Denise Handlonposted 11 years ago

    Gee, to me it does not make any sense at all to allow what you did with your first 2 kids and the mean comments made by a relative that is obviously meant as an attack on your common sense and parenting choices, to influence your decision to do what is better for your 20 month old. 

    There is enough white sugar and other forms of sugar substances added to the food we eat from stores and restaurants to introduce to her already.  Sugar addiction is an actual thing, the cravings start young and never go away...just go on to bigger and better highs, and it is the major cause of obesity in our society today. 

    Why let the upsetting comments of another break your resolve to keep your daughter as healthy as possible for as long as possible.  There are enough natural sweeteners in fruits that may appease her for a bit longer.  If she doesn't have it she won't acquire the taste for knowing what she is missing.  She will eventually get to taste enough candy in her lifetime.  Hopefully, she will have already acquired healthy habits first so that the 'sugar' will not have its 'hook' effect on her.

    Best to you with this...  Personally, I wouldn't back down.

    1. peeples profile image93
      peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree it was stupid with the first two but that's what happens when you're young and have (at the time) an overbearing MIL who liked to give them suckers. I learned my lesson just wanted other's opinion to show my aunt.

    2. Denise Handlon profile image83
      Denise Handlonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Don't beat yourself up about first 2-they're always the Guinea pigs anyway Being young doesn't = being stupid       MIL's who do what they want show no respect.      Aunts who don't respect don't need to be shown proof.  Good luck.

  6. TeacherCaro profile image61
    TeacherCaroposted 11 years ago

    I think children should never taste candy so as to avoid future illnesses. Obviously it is just a wish, a child adore them so much that it is difficult to be forbidden. I think if we give fruit to a child instead of a candy, they can taste different flavours since the beginning. I know a little girl who has never eaten a candy due to her mother who encouraged her to eat tomatoes instead of sweet. She got good results!!! The girl has never suffered the lack of candy since she hasn't tasted them!

    1. Express10 profile image84
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You are a smart lady. Not tasting candy and having naturally sweet foods seems to be so rare these days with all the sugar in processed, fast food, and restaurant meals.

  7. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 11 years ago

    peeples...YOU are the Mom.....and your 20 mo. old is YOUR daughter.  In terms of protecting her health, I can't imagine you would not follow your own obviously sharp instinct and common sense.  So, all due respect to your "relative,".....sounds like a fat person, encouraging everyone to allow their children to become overweight, or you're MEAN.   I would totally ignore her.....
    Sugar is not good for any of us......and certainly not a healthy thing to OFFER your child.  You are to be commended.  Your little girl's sweet tooth (which we all have, if we're honest) can be satisfied with so many natural foods, that have a nutritional value.   I will tell you that I did not buy candy nor keep it in the house, readily available. SODA POP was also banned.  As your children become independent and go to school, etc, they will DISCOVER candy on their own.  Keeping your house, suger-free is at least "limiting" what your children consume.
    I should probably also tell you, my 4 grown adult sons do not have so much as ONE filling in their mouth!......BRAVO to you, Mom.

    1. Express10 profile image84
      Express10posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Fpherj48, you are very right. Fat people push this stuff on others. Why do they feel the need? So everyone can rise to their weight making them feel better about themselves?

  8. twoseven profile image70
    twosevenposted 11 years ago

    We waited until age 2, mainly because of the timing of Halloween!  I think it's fun to let your kid have some candy in those social situations that come up, and a good way to limit it is only allow it in certain scenarios that come up rarely (special holidays, when grandma comes).  But withholding it in general is certainly the right thing to do for their health.

  9. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    Thanks all. My aunt seems to think I am making her miss out on something good. I feel she can get all the sugar she needs from fruits. However I will admit I feel weird every week when we go to the bank and they offer her a sucker and I always say no, get the weird look, just for them to ask again the next week like I'm going to change my answer. Such great answers from everyone I won't be picking a best answer! Thanks again.

  10. Express10 profile image84
    Express10posted 11 years ago

    Please show this response to the bullies who want you to do as they do. Do not let others tell you how to parent because you are making the right choice for your child by not allowing them to eat empty calories. Sounds like you are a good mom. Make your own decisions as to how to raise your child. You are the parent and what you say goes.

    There is NOTHING wrong with keeping sugar out of the hands of your child. It is not nutritious and has only empty calories. It is difficult in today's obese and fat society to keep sugar out of kids hands unless you make sure that you train your child right at home by eating nutritious foods, those that are naturally sweet are much better for you and your child than candy.

    There is not a set appropriate age, however it's important to make sure that small kids don't eat anything that could cause a choking hazard such as jelly beans, hard candies, small lollipops, etc. I would also venture to say that those pressuring you to give in, probably have a few pounds or more to lose because of their own obsessions with sweets. I hope they realize, no matter what their relationship is to you, that you are the parent, not them. Best of luck to you.


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