About Ginger, The Rhizome, The Humble Roots
The Genealogy of the Ginger
Reddog1027 takes us on a journey on how the versatile ginger was introduced to the New World. This hub is comprehensive in stating the ginger's genealogy as well as captivates us with a series of interesting visuals.
I was going to write about the Ginger, but....
I was going to write about the Ginger, but I realized that plenty of hubbers have written about it. So, in retrospect, and riding the bandwagon of the Ginger Band, I have chosen my favorite hubs who paid homage and well-researched writing of the humble roots of all...the Ginger.
How To Peel A Ginger
A Rootful of Benefits
thisisoli is making us aware of the shapeshifting ginger.
The tried and true ancient treatment that works wonders.
The Science in Ginger
Mekoshark brakes down the science of ginger. A good read for ginger users and potential ginger groupies.
Beware of the Pleasures of Ginger
Each good thing has a "watch out for." Daffodil2010 writes about the ginger's side effects.
Have A Drink of Ginger Tea To Soothe Your Throat
Fine job of explaining ginger as a tonic drink. You could also boil water, then put in the peeled ginger slices and let it steep for hours or overnight.
Spritz lemon and sweeten with honey to cure a scratchy throat.
Cooking with Ginger
Luscious photos. How could you resist when it flavors the food just so.
The Potent Ginger Oil
A good resource for the expandable uses of ginger as oil.
Sweetly Gingered
I am a fan of Crystallized Ginger, so it's nice to be coached at how-to-do-this at home.
Story of G - The Realm of Ginger Sensuality
Has it worked for you? Don't answer that! Just do.
To Inspire To Name a Software--Ginger
Thy Hair is Ginger
Behold it's own beauty.
A Pitbull Named Ginger
When one has suffered prejudiced and profiling....read Ginger, a pitbull long reviled by people who mishandled her breed. Inspiring story of caring for another species.