Spice up Your Life With Red Chili Pepper :: All About Red Chili Pepper
Spice up Your Life With Red Chili Pepper :: All About Red Chili Pepper
You may say, Nah but red chili pepper are a good spice for your food, it comes with powdered form and raw form which when you put into your food as a spice in the right amount makes you want to eat more. I grew up putting red chili pepper in any foods that I eat. It is best in the right amount. Spice up your food and life with red chili pepper.
Red chili pepper are also known as cayene pepper, Guinea spice, bird pepper, red pepper is a hot spice used for dishes as an added spice and gives flavor to food. It is also used for medicinal purposes. If you are familiar with bell peppers or jalapenos, you know this one already. It was brought to different places by world travelers in the 14th to 16th century in search of spices. Red chili pepper or cayene - named after the city CAYENE in french Guiana.
Capsicum where the family plant belongs to is very medicinal but it is mainly used for spices.
Capsaicin is the substance which is derived from red chili pepper and the "highest concentration of capsaicin can be found in the white pith around the seeds.
red chili pepper
Spice up Your Life With Red Chili Pepper :: All About Red Chili Pepper
The fruits of red chili plant would be dried first then they pound, ground or pulped it and they are then baked afterwards. it should be pulverized and sifted to make into a powder known as red chili pepper or cayene pepper.
it comes into three forms :
- powdered red chili pepper --
- as a raw spice (fruit)
- dried flakes
Health Benefits of Red Chili Pepper
- Red chili pepper is high in vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin C, riboflavin, potassium and manganese.
- Capsaicin -- the substance present in red chili pepper are said to be good for weight loss -- by giving certain protein in the body. The study appeared in ACS' monthly Journal of Proteome Research and might be the answer to the problem of obesity.
- It gives you more appetite to eat (good when you have problems of eating)
- Red chili pepper is said to be an aphrodisiac which was not proven yet scientifically, but it is an aphrodisiac according to some people in different culture.
chopped chili pepper ready to be pulverized
How to use red chili pepper
- When you use it as a fruit and mixed in the food you are cooking, be sure to put it later when th food is about to be cooked as it can be readily cooked in five minutes with medium cooking.
- If you buy the powdered form, just add little by little as you may not be able to eat it if you pour amount of red chili powdered pepper that you are not used to. You can add the red chili pepper anytime
- Red chili pepper is also used for marinating foods. -- poultry or pork and mixed it with vinegar or soy sauce
- Be sure to know your tolerance level to red chili pepper so that you may put the amount which is just right.
- Red chili pepper can be used with sauce to make it chili
How to store red chili pepper :
- If you prefer it raw, then put it in vegetbale portion of your refrigerator, usually they are sold in plastic containers and it will rot if it is wet
- Keep it dry and put in cool place
- If it is in powdered form, dont wet it and seal it properly after using it
Where to Buy Red Chili Pepper:
- You can buy it in any store, fresh supermarket, farmers market,
In the US
- at Asian store, WalMart or Mexican store
Safety Precautions About Red Chili Pepper
When you are cooking with red chili pepper be sure not to touch your eyes as it is very irritant and may cause red swelling and is hot. It can cause tearing pain in the eyes and conjunctivitis
It has been said that "Capsaicin is a highly irritant material requiring proper protective goggles, respirators, and proper hazardous material handling procedures. It is hazardous in cases of skin contact (irritant, sensitizer), eye contact (irritant), ingestion, and inhalation (lung irritant, lung sensitizer)".Usually if this happens to you, milk is a good solution to it, drink milk or put ice cold on the part which is irritated, like your eyes for example.
Red chili pepper can "cause burning or stinging pain to the skin, and if ingested in large amounts by adults or small amounts by children -- can produce nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and burning diarrhea".
Conclusion :
Red chili pepper is good for your health and can spice up your food and life if you will incorporate it with your cooking, Be careful and be mindful of some of the safety precautions regarding red chili peppers. So c'mon guys spics up your life and incorporate red chili pepper into your cooking or add them to your meal.
Amount of Red Chili Pepper to add In Your Food
- It depends on your tolerance level to chili spice like red chili pepper, you can try sprinkling it in a few drops, If you use teaspoon use only little amount --- in chili powder.
- If you use the fresh chili red pepper, then add it before cooking is done say five minutes as it becomes strong when heated.
- Taste the food and don't add large amount at the onset, red chili pepper is very potent and you might cough and irritate your throat.
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