Southern Baptist leader on yoga: Not Christianity

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  1. Stacie L profile image87
    Stacie Lposted 13 years ago

    a Southern baptist leader thinks people will be too easily converted to another non christian religion if they practice yoga? unbelievable! … tists_yoga    roll

    1. Hokey profile image60
      Hokeyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      What an idiot. The practices of yoga and meditation are not religious. Figures he is where I live also. I must show this to the Bhantes on 3rd street.

    2. SiddSingh profile image60
      SiddSinghposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Actually, there are other people too who think, mistakenly, that yoga is a religious practice. Sometime back, Muslim religious leaders in Malaysia issued a fatwa against Yoga.

    3. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Since yoga has its origins in paganism,  I agree that Christians should refrain from it.
      Exercise classes can be set up with concentration on the exercises, etc., without having to do yoga.

      1. profile image0
        Baileybearposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        christianity has pagan roots too

      2. kerryg profile image85
        kerrygposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I assume you avoid Christmas trees and Easter eggs as well?

        1. profile image0
          Baileybearposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          and wedding rings and crosses

          1. profile image0
            Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            No, I like wedding rings.
            And crosses.
            Just not crucifixes.

  2. sabrebIade profile image81
    sabrebIadeposted 13 years ago

    Southern Baptists hate pretty much everything that isn't in the Bible, and I say that from experience.
    I was one for years and grew up in the South.

    1. dutchman1951 profile image59
      dutchman1951posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Being discerning does not make you hate

      having been turned off by Southern Religionists is one thing, but please dont group the whole bunch up as one big write off. There is a difference between God and religion saber, there really is.   smile

      it is not every one.

  3. pisean282311 profile image63
    pisean282311posted 13 years ago

    yoga is one of best things which humans have ever invented and if one has to refrain from would become big problem..right from zero ,distance between moon and earth , shipping , agriculture, wheel,taming animals were invention of pagans..infact humans should be grateful to pagans and pagans are our ancestos so need to show respect to what they did for us..doesn't this bapist leader learnt gratitude?

  4. alternate poet profile image67
    alternate poetposted 13 years ago

    Is anyone surprised at how faithfully stupid some christians can be - it is a weird mix of mind numbing ignroance coupled with an obsession with trying to dominate the thinking of others.

    Bring back the lions I say,  effective and environmentally friendly.

  5. libby101a profile image60
    libby101aposted 13 years ago

    I disagree! I think just because something originated in another religion(pegan) doesn't mean a christian will turn pegan or fall away if they practice it!

    Yoga is not evil... it's actually a very peaceful exercise! I don't do it... but I did when I was younger!

    I agree there are some things a person should stay away from... but I don't think this is one of them!

    Christmas and Easter began as pegan holidays but we took them and made them their own! Just because something originates with pegans doesn't mean it's bad!

    1. Jerami profile image59
      Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree completely!

         If we disallow everything having Pagan roots ???

         What would be left  ???

  6. rebekahELLE profile image86
    rebekahELLEposted 13 years ago

    I saw that last night. obviously, many are clueless of what yoga truly is and the benefits. if everyone practiced yoga daily, we could solve a lot of problems and save money on health care, including mental health issues.

    pagan? come on, trees are pagan then, almost every holiday, geez, even the names of our days and months are pagan in origin.

  7. Daniel Carter profile image64
    Daniel Carterposted 13 years ago

    The Wizard of Oz is full of witches, and therefore, only preaches a Satanic message, say many ultra religious conservatives. Despite the ultra conservative messages it teaches of love for family and home. Obviously both Satanic messages.

    Yoga not being founded in the Bible and therefore should be avoided is about as narrow minded you can get without both ears touching.

    If there is anything that is good, it comes from God, say the religionists. So why would yoga be considered something to avoid when it has brought peace and healing to countless people?

    As usual, makes no sense at all.


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