If I was a Creator

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  1. OpinionDuck profile image61
    OpinionDuckposted 13 years ago

    If I was a creator and I wanted my creations to follow me, I would put my rules carved or lasered into the Moon for all to see with the naked eye.

    It would be better than a couple of fragile tablets.

    That is a good use for the Moon and on the dark side I would have Neon signs, not sure what I would say with them but it would be an option.

    Maybe for when earthlings travel to other planets, they could look back and see it.

    1. frogdropping profile image76
      frogdroppingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I'd write 'hey - don't bother stopping. Just grab a seat and wait for the fireworks' smile

      And if I was the creator I wouldn't expect my little beings, who of course would lack my awesomeness and omnipotence, to understand or decipher my musings. I'd make things nice and plain, easy to follow.

      They'd still get an instruction book - just an easy to understand one. I like clarity.

      1. OpinionDuck profile image61
        OpinionDuckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        sounds better than the existing plan

    2. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      How could all see it with the naked eye? 
      ...We'd have to have a telescope....

      And I daresay it wouldn't be long afore some atheist group would outlaw telescopes, just so's us Christians wouldn't be able to read the moon.  LOL

      1. OpinionDuck profile image61
        OpinionDuckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Brenda you are thinking small.

        Can you see the man on the moon.

        1. profile image0
          Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          You mean the imaginary man in the moon?  Of course.  But can you see his nose hairs with your bare eyes?  Nor could we read words placed there, unless they flashed by a few letters or one word at a time!   lol

    3. pennyofheaven profile image79
      pennyofheavenposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      As a creator rules can be carved where ever for all the world to see in every waking moment. However the choice is still theirs if you have given them that ability to choose. If you haven't then you have created a puppet show that you control wholly and completely.

      As parents we can (I believe thats kinda part of being a creator) lay the rules down, instill the best moral, ethics, values and guide the way. We cannot however make choices for them and must accept however hard it is to accept. that they will follow their own path.

  2. Jerami profile image59
    Jeramiposted 13 years ago

    OpinionDuck wrote ...
      They'd still get an instruction book - just an easy to understand one. I like clarity.

    - - - -

       And if they still didn't listen?
       If they still disobeyed?

      What then?

    1. frogdropping profile image76
      frogdroppingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I wrote that Jerami, not the Duck. The frog smile

      What then? Sit back and watch the fireworks. Children are naughty.

      1. Jerami profile image59
        Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Sory about that mix up.
          I have an excure but it is a sorry one.

           So you are saying that if there is a God up, there he is doing what you would do?


    2. OpinionDuck profile image61
      OpinionDuckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      The End

  3. frogdropping profile image76
    frogdroppingposted 13 years ago

    Jerami I hear a whole lot about free will. Unless we're talking about creating beings without autonomy then there comes a time when you gotta sit back. Free will is a funny old thing. It allows the ability to think, make choices, right or wrong. Which is when trouble can start. Mistakes are made, bad choices are decided upon.

    I'm working off being a parent, in a way. I guided my children with clear boundaries and expectations. I learned when to step in - and out. I have managed to raise three people that can think for themselves, make their own decisions - and when they make mistakes, the consequences are theirs to deal with.

    I remain ever-loving and present in their lives but I won't take on the responsibility of their poor choices. And they know this. I was always honest and clear. I mothered, not smothered. I worked hard and gave the best I could.

    So if I appear flippant I don't mean to be. I am, in a sense, a creator, as are all parents. I like to think I laid the best foundations I possibly could. The rest of their lives is down to them.

    Therefore - if there is a god why not sit back. That's what being a good parent is all about. Knowing when you're children have to find their own way. Hard sometimes - but realistic.

    1. Jerami profile image59
      Jeramiposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I hearing you.  I often get it wrong when I'm thinking what someone else is thinking when they are writing what they wrote.

      I raised some boys who have families of their own. 
      I have grandchildren and step grandchildren from the ages of 9 to up in their mid twenties.
         Yet ya sometimes gotta sit back and watch stuff get blown up.

         But when we do that?  How often are blamed for it all for not stepping in and preventing the destruction?

          There is always a catch 22.

      1. frogdropping profile image76
        frogdroppingposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        The blame game. That bothers you? I love my three very much, goes without saying but I'm not responsible for their adult choices. Why? Because I know I did my best.

        I worked hard, covered as many bases as possible. I delivered as balanced a view as I could in all things.

        I know what I am and I know what I did. And I know when it's time to hand over the reigns. The only person that could make me feel bad is me.

        I'm square with the way I raised my family.

    2. OpinionDuck profile image61
      OpinionDuckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Sitting back only after instructing and setting a clear example.

      Adam and Eve certainly didn't have that.

  4. Jerami profile image59
    Jeramiposted 13 years ago

    I can say that I did the best that I knew how at the time.

      Can't say that I don't have any regrets. Made a lot of mistakes.  I could write a book about what not to do.
       Started to tell a story but ???

      Will just say that life goes a lot smother when it starts off right and you stay on track.
      If we learn from our mistakes ,,,, I   should   be VERY wise.

  5. OpinionDuck profile image61
    OpinionDuckposted 13 years ago

    Maybe I was thinking too small with putting the commandments on the Moon.

    I have a whole universe to play with.

    Lets arrange all those bright lights into words and sentences.
    Of course it would still only be seen at night, but that is OK, it would be like saying your prayers before you got to sleep.

  6. pisean282311 profile image64
    pisean282311posted 13 years ago

    If I would have been created I would have naturally made all that I wanted people to know about how to life , how to worship , what to do and what not to do directly downloaded in brain during birth with facility to choose or ignore the same...That would have eliminated 'my way' stuffs coming from various school of thoughts...

    1. OpinionDuck profile image61
      OpinionDuckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I agree, don't make it a guessing game,


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