anybody have experience of quit smoking successfully?

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  1. saveascj profile image60
    saveascjposted 13 years ago

    anybody have experience of quit smoking successfully?
    and pls kindly provide some suggestions.

    1. profile image48
      kcb87posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I used to smoke 1 to 2 packs a day. I did try Chantix at first, and I believe to be a very good medicine to take if you want some help to quit; however You have to put your mind into it. Because, for my experience, even though Chantix, helped me go longer without craving, I missed smoking and how it made me feel and then I went back smoking. It wasn't until I truly put 100% of myself that  I was able to quit and I've been smoke free for almost 3 years.

      What really helped me, was avoiding everything that made me wanna smoke more. For example, I quit energy drink, I avoided alcoholic beverage, and usually would opt to go to non smoking facilities instead of places I could smoke and be surrounded by other people smoking.
      I also joined the gym, something that kept my mind busy, helped me release all my stress, as well as made me feel like taking better care of my body and mind.

      One more thing, I didn't quit from one day to the next. I decided on a date and when I was truly going to start, if I'm not mistaken, I gave myself about 2 weeks and started cutting smoking when I most craved. For example, every morning I would wake up and have an energy drink and smoke. Well I cut that one off first. I loved smoking and driving, I stopped doing that 2. I would wait at least 1 hour between cigarettes and give me a certain number of cigarettes I could smoke in a day.

      Anyways, just put your mind into it, know that it won't take just 1 day or 3 days. The first 3 days to 3 weeks to  me was the hardest, but it is doable. By something for you with the money you save from smoking, know that the cravings last just for a little while and then goes a way, the longer will go without smoking, the less you will crave. And when you do crave and go a little bitchy on yourself and others, don't give in and smoke.

      Good Luck!

      1. saveascj profile image60
        saveascjposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        thx for your reply.

    2. jtevans70 profile image60
      jtevans70posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Well, it's almost like going on a journey full of pitfalls. I started smoking at age fifteen years old. I was forty years old when I finally was "ABLE" to quit. You know that saying once a drug head always a drug head or once an alcoholic you're always a recovering alcoholic.  It's somewhat the same for smokers. It's very hard and sometimes you return to it when there are triggers like drinking. Okay, to answer your question after many many tries even with Chantix, it wasn't until I ended up on a caffeine patch locked down in a hospital unable to move my legs to walk out the door to smoke a cigarette, besides the pain over rode any want for anything other than pain reliever. Not the answer you're probably looking for but I did finally quit after a month in the hospital. The month allowed me to break that point where it was a chemical need to feed the addiction.  After the month and out of the hospital I stayed on the patch and it helped along with me to stop the habit of moving things to my mouth especially when stressed.  Now, I'm one year clean and sober.  I still have the MS but I don't smoke, though.

    3. tgopfrich profile image68
      tgopfrichposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      yea twice!! First time was for over a year, then found out my husband had started again so I ended up doing it again then got fed up and went cold turkey. Now its been almost two months. I used Champix the first time, seriously felt ill for a long time because of those pills. Dizzy, Nauseous, just SICK augh that was horrible. But they worked.. This time I guess I didn't exactly go cold turkey but I read Quitting smoking by Allen Carr. Very very very good book! ...and I only read almost half of it hahaha but thats all I needed

    4. profile image51
      skyepie2010posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      yes!!! Ive recently given up!!! I wrote a hubpage on it.  I used patches and meditation (read my article) - never felt better x

    5. profile image49
      ac_marshallposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I used to smoke a pack everyday. I quit without any medicine or medical aid. I just reduced energy drinks, increased my physical activities like football, workouts in a gymnasium and long walks with my dog. These activities kept me busy, relieved my stress and also helped me avoid the temptation to smoke. I challenged myself to restrain and have been successful for over three years now.

    6. ...oneLove profile image61
      ...oneLoveposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I was inspired greatly by this book, which I read in one sitting  and subsequently quit smoking over 10 years ago: "The No-Nag, No-Guilt, Do-It-Your-Own-Way Guide To Quitting Smoking". by Tom Ferguson, M.D.
      I highly recommend it. Here's an article from the book, click:

    7. amymarie_5 profile image62
      amymarie_5posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      You have to really want it.  You also need to practice handling stressful situations without smoking.  Stress was always my trigger.  I actually wrote a hub on how to quit.  Check my profile page.  Hope it helps. smile

    8. profile image49
      cdnuserposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hi saveascj.Until a month ago I smoked for 10 years. Then a friend showed me an electronic cigarette bought in the U.S.A. So I bought one  set of ecigs from It worked for me. I'd recommend this product to anyone. I'm very happy to have finally quit. I wanted to quit for years but couldn't seem to find the best way to go about it. The ecig satisfies the habit of putting a cig to your mouth and inhaling so that helped me. The cost of it was $80.00us for 2 ecigs, a recharger and a bottle of nicotine liquid. The neat thing is I don't seem to want to smoke this as much as real cigs. I can go hours without the electronic cig (I used it frequently in the first couple of weeks). I'm going to quit the ecig sometime as well but I'm not in a big hurry. If you want to quit I'd give this a go. I know several people who have quit this way and are pleased with their ecig solution. Unique Cigs sell the nicotine liquid,which is water,nicotine and food grade glycol, with various amounts of nicotine including zero milligrams of nicotine.(3 bottles for $25.00)  My lungs felt more open in the first 2 days. Its way healthier than cigarettes even if you smoke with the ecig for 6 months to a year.
      Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

    9. stuff4you profile image58
      stuff4youposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I never got into smoking, thankfully.

  2. weezy1c profile image61
    weezy1cposted 13 years ago

    I have quit smoking for about 7 years now. I used to smoke a pack to a pack and a half a day. I used the patch and Chantix.But,I couldn't stay away from people or things that I was used to doing,cause my hubby smoked(I couldn't very well ask him to smoke outside) (After all it is his place,too).I couldn't ask my kids not to come around and see me(they all smoke,except two of them),I had to go to the bar,where we were doing our Karaoke gigs.So I had to deal with it,and I am very proud of myself.I have not smoked.There have been a few times I have gotten an urge,but I was able to fight it.
    I exercise,take a walk,tell myself,that everyone will be disappointed in me,if I light a cigarette.And this sounds like a lie,but I got my hubby to switch to non-menthol,cause I smoked menthol cigarettes,and couldn't stand regular ones,so once menthol was gone,didn't really want any.
    I also chewed gum,sucked on hard pieces of candy(like butterscotch pieces,lemon drops),and like I've said,exercise,take a walk,and doing other things,other than thinking of smoking.
    I sure wish you a lot of luck,and a lot of stamina.I know it's a hard thing to do,but we are pulling for you,and I have every confidence in you.
    PS: It took me a couple of tries,to really stop smoking. Luck!!!! Weezy

  3. NateSean profile image68
    NateSeanposted 13 years ago

    I've never been able to quit smoking. Mostly because I never started. You really need that platform to work from.

  4. kirstenblog profile image78
    kirstenblogposted 13 years ago

    There are a few here who have quit, Dale springs to mind. I think he did a few hubs and even a website with success stories and such. I personally am still chewing the nicorette gum but its been long enough for me to lose track. Anything over 2 weeks and I lose track, not very good with this concept of time really hmm

    The gum is really helping me but I do smell tobacco smoke a lot and only sometimes find it hard to be around, so that is an improvement. What I find hard is when I have little to do to keep me busy. Idleness seems to lead to wanting a smoke hmm

    1. pisean282311 profile image62
      pisean282311posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      for me it is opposite...idleness makes me not to smoke !!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. kirstenblog profile image78
        kirstenblogposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        I just gotta keep my fingers busy, they really want the job of holding something smoking so if they are busy I am good, with idle hands they itch to hold a smoke for me. I ain't fallin for their sweet talk neither, that I don't have to smoke, just hold the smoking thing tongue

  5. mistyhorizon2003 profile image90
    mistyhorizon2003posted 13 years ago

    I did it 2 years ago having tried and failed with every method known to man, Champix (Chantix), Zyban, Accupuncture, books, patches, hypnosis, inhalators etc. In the end a course with Nicotine Solutions that required no drugs or patches did the trick at the first attempt. I have hubbed on it if you want to check it out. Lela Bryan who does the weekly sessions by Skype telephone calls and a postal 'pack' is brilliant and I will forever be in her debt for helping me to stop once and for all.

  6. TLMinut profile image60
    TLMinutposted 13 years ago

    E-cigarettes are helping me. Do they count as having quit smoking? Probably not since they do give the nicotine but they've got to be way better than regular cigarettes. I know I feel much better, much MUCH better! I tried a regular cigarette after I had switched and couldn't take more than one drag.

    I tried the gum once long ago but didn't really give it a fair shot. Besides, I still wanted that cigarette in the hand and inhaling feeling; that's why e-cigarettes are working for me. Besides, smoking was a way to get a moment alone!

  7. know one profile image60
    know oneposted 13 years ago

    I did cold turkey years ago. Set a date to quit and that was it. Joined a gym 2 months before it so as weight was no excuse to keep smoking. The night after I quit I stayed out till the wee hours drinking in a nightclub to test my resolve. It helped to discover that the most gorgeous guys were non-smokers and the smoking was the only thing keeping them away wink

    As you deal with the initial period of change, address the habitual programming: why can she drive the car without smoking? Why can he have a lunch break without it? How can she survive this stressful meeting without it? All around us non-smokers do not need THIS crutch. I can't possibly imagine being a smoker now - the smell of it is vile and it really is a very harmful and expensive habit for very little payback.

  8. profile image0
    BunuBobuposted 13 years ago

    I just quit when my bf told me it was him or smoking.
    But some days I would kill for a ciggy.

    I recently had bronchitis and I never craved again because smokers became my worst enemy.

    Its tough but you have to do it for your own sake.
    I can't say think about your health because I didn't really care if I was smoking myself into an early grave. You need to find a reason and stay away from other smokers.

    Good luck!

    1. mrkterhune profile image58
      mrkterhuneposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      Try this tips!

      10 STICK A DAY

      1. mrkterhune profile image58
        mrkterhuneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        DAy 1

        Make 9 stick and the one stick is candy

        Day 2

        Make 8 stick and the two stick are candy
        until all stick are candy

  9. ddsurfsca profile image71
    ddsurfscaposted 13 years ago

    I successfully quit smoking last year, and it was a very easy self brainwashing method.  I wrote a couple of hubs about it, but it was simple, guilt free, and it worked.  It has been a year and a few months now.

  10. TLMinut profile image60
    TLMinutposted 13 years ago

    Congratulations to ALL of you people who have quit! Hopefully we can keep others from ever starting.

  11. fucsia profile image59
    fucsiaposted 13 years ago

    I quitted smoking with success and I think that this time is forever. I say this because is deeply changed something inside of me. I wrote this journey, toward a life smoke free, in one of my hub. I think that my reflections may be useful to trigger the same kind of reflections in others. For me this journey started with a simple  question: Why I smoke?

    If you want to read it:

  12. healthystream profile image59
    healthystreamposted 13 years ago

    I haven't quit smoking because I didn't smoke in my entire life. My dad used to be a heavy smoker in his 20's, but he quit smoking when he reached 30 years old.


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