Dreams. Do you dream Gay?

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  1. brimancandy profile image74
    brimancandyposted 12 years ago

    I'm not sure if this is the right forum to ask this question, but, If you are gay do have dreams about it? Or, even dreams that you are straight?

    last night I had a dream where I got a job working at a gay resort. I was handing out resort flyers while dressed in leather. Cool leather hat, leather vest over a white t-shirt, and leather shorts and military combat boots. I also had a very cool leather arm band with an eagle carved into it, and was wearing a fire engine red undger jock under my shorts...and I do not own any of these things in reality. (well the t-shirt maybe.)

    Anyways, I'm handing out these flyers, when a tall masculine bearded man approaches me. This man is double my size, with huge bulging muscles, and he steps right up to me, and looks down at me with his big brown eyes, and we just stare at each other. Then he reaches down, and picks me up right off the ground like someone picking up a puppy...and he looks at me and says. Well...now what.
    He carries me off into the nearby woods...and the rest is rated x. But, it was one of the most realistic dreams I have had. Unfortunately my stupid winey dog Bonnie started barking and woke me up from the best dream ever!! Bonnie Sucks!!

    I have also had just as vivid dreams of being straight, and actually having intercourse with a woman in my dreams. Some very beautiful, and some that you might want to run out of the room screaming, or jump out the window, when they turn into some kind of sex crazed vampire...or worse. Or, having sex with some woman, and having a bunch of kids come running into the room going Daddy!! Which will have me doing full body shivers!!!

    So. Have you had these kinds of dreams? Outside of the working in your underwear dreams, or those nightmares of slashers and creatures? What do you dream about.

    I mentioned my leather guy dream on another forum, where most of the men are gay, and they all go...SWEEEET!!

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm metro sexual , so dreaming gay-like comes natural , yet the only time it becomes ekkki or panic like is dreaming of having sex with a man.

      1. brimancandy profile image74
        brimancandyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the reply. Dreaming about being gay doen't always involve sex. I've had dreams from everything to being on a beach with a man just relaxing, to the ones where you are lost, and you know where you live and you want to get home to your partner, but every time you get close the hole neighborhood changes, you walk around the corner and you are standing on a cliff looking over the ocean, or lost in the woods. You keep seeing your partner, but you can never seem to reach them...and just when you think you are getting close....boom you wake up, and go DAMMIT!!!

  2. hildred profile image70
    hildredposted 12 years ago

    I have a lot of relationship dreams (with people who don't even exist) of every gender possible, pretty much. Then again I am bi so none of this is amiss to me.

    I don't know if I could say I dream about men more or women more. My dreams about women tend to be very frustrating (I guess to reflect real dating life, eh?) and my dreams about men tend to be just there. Then again, I suffer from "Always woken up by external sources just as it is getting good" syndrome, haha.

    1. brimancandy profile image74
      brimancandyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Isn't that weird! It seems like almost every dream I have, it is with someone that I have never seen before, like the bearded leather man, yet, they seem very real. The clothes I'm wearing, I don't own, a car I don't own, and a location where I don't live, nor have I ever been! I have even seen myself with beautiful thick hair. It's cut short, but not balding.

      Makes wonder how our minds drum up these images. Sometimes there are hundreds of guys in a single dream. Or at the mall, or an amusement park where there are thousands of people. Yet you can make out each and every one of their faces. I even had a dream where I was riding on a roller coaster that had no track. Really strange stuff.

  3. Nicola Tweedie profile image60
    Nicola Tweedieposted 12 years ago

    Dreams don't tend to be limited by reality - either in content or context. Dream meaning is a really complex subject - it can be helpful to think about it literally or metaphorically. So it might be about sexuality or it might be about two similar parts of your self combining or 'coming together'. Or it might be about the more masculine and feminine parts of yourself helping or hindering each other...

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Welcome to the Forum Nicola

      I dream for a living, Yes it is so, it's been a Godlike guide throughout my entire  life as an artist.

      The subconscious mind is more powerful than your conscious mind.

  4. jesimpki profile image78
    jesimpkiposted 12 years ago

    Hmm...I'll be honest, before I came out and accepted myself, I would quite often have x-rated gay dreams that left me confused and ashamed by the time I woke up.  Now, they're completely enjoyable yet very rare for some reason, haha!  Oh, well, at least I still dream in color!

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'm the strongest person I know in my dreams, Fly a lot too and thing are at a high energy level in real life too, when having these flying dreams.

      Worst nightmares is when I having having sex with family members, wake up in a cold sweat , and say, Thank God that didn’t happen

      What the hell is that all about?


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