Why was my question removed?

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  1. UnnamedHarald profile image92
    UnnamedHaraldposted 12 years ago

    Perhaps someone can enlighten me. I asked a question like the following:

    Could Hitler have gone to heaven if had asked Jesus to forgive him just before he died?

    Something like that. Controversial? Okay. Uncomfortable? Okay. But, given the range of Hubbers, I genuinely was interested in the respones. I got four answers before it was removed with no explanation. This seems pretty heavy-handed to me. Perhaps there is a rule I broke in asking it. If so, I'd at least expect the courtesy of a brief explanation. Without one, I have to assume there are people here who we offend at our own peril. I've seen worse questions.

    1. Cardisa profile image87
      Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I addition to what Dame Scibe said, it could also have been flagged for generating a discussion which means it belongs in the forums. Asking a question that will generate debate will be removed because of just that.

      There is nothing offensive in your Question so I doubt that HP would have removed it just because of it's nature.

      1. UnnamedHarald profile image92
        UnnamedHaraldposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you, Cardisa. I never thought of that. In that case, it would not be censorship, which would be a relief. Still, a little note would have been nice. I sincerely hope that is what happened.

        1. Cardisa profile image87
          Cardisaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Did you check your email spam box to make sure you didn't miss that mail. Usually you would have been alerted as to why your question was remove. You can also check your account -activities - questions you have asked and see if there is a note there.

  2. Dame Scribe profile image56
    Dame Scribeposted 12 years ago

    I would think the question may have been considered offensive and requested to be removed? imagining somebody that committed genocide as going to heaven? hmm it may have been in poor taste. idk, just taking a guess here tongue

    1. UnnamedHarald profile image92
      UnnamedHaraldposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the reply, Dame Scribe. That may be the case. The idea of Hitler in heaven certainly is offensive-- but I don't think the question itself is offensive. And who decides what is offensive?

      1. profile image0
        jenuboukaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        It was probably flagged and taken down by moderators.

        1. Larry Fields profile image66
          Larry Fieldsposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          I agree with Dame Scribe. Your original question may have ventured too far into Godwin territory. It's OK to explore the history of Hitler, the Nazis, and WW2. But it's very unPC to compare it with anything current or recent. Yes sir, we've learned that lesson, and it will never happen again.

          Second, some Christians feel uncomfortable when one publicly explores the boundary conditions of their faith. Did you know that because of a literal interpretation of a passage from the New Testament, the Indiana state legislature once gave serious consideration to a bill that would have made pi = 3?

  3. Michael Willis profile image67
    Michael Willisposted 12 years ago

    I cannot see any reason for the Question to be removed by what you have written here. People get offended all the time by things or words they do not like. It was a fair question and if someone flagged it for religious belief reasons, then maybe they should question their beliefs. What about the Apostle Paul before his conversion? If you believe anyone can be saved after confession of sin and acceptance of Jesus, then why are some people not included? I don't remember reading a Bible verse that says, "some people can come to me, but not certain people because the majority (or certain group) would not approve."

  4. UnnamedHarald profile image92
    UnnamedHaraldposted 12 years ago

    What is disturbing is the arbitrary nature of the censorship compounded by no explanation at all. I really enjoy HubPages-- but this aspect of it is a dark cloud. I understand I can't say xxxxx or xxxxx and there are subjects like tobacco you have to really tiptoe around. These restrictions, while disturbibg, are spelled out. I have no idea why my question was pulled, other than someone was offended. I see stuff here that offends me quite a lot, but that's life. And sometimes I even learn something.

    The worst part is the self-censorship that gets triggered. Should I say that? Should I pull it? Do people realize how being Politically Correct is self-censorship?

    If I'd said something like "I hope Hitler asked for forgivenes so he could be in heaven", I could understand being pulled. What I am interested in are people's thoughts on this: "What are the limits of forgiveness-- if any". And nothing pushes the limits more than contemplating Hitler's dying breath being a plea to Jesus for forgiveness and ending up in heaven.

  5. profile image0
    Deborah Sextonposted 12 years ago

    Write to the Hubpages support team and ask. team@hubpages.com
    It's better than guessing.

  6. UnnamedHarald profile image92
    UnnamedHaraldposted 12 years ago

    I have submitted the question "What are the limits of forgiveness?" as a forum topic.

    Thanks to everyone for their inputs.


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