NaNoHubMo? NaHubWriMo?

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  1. Tealparadise profile image82
    Tealparadiseposted 12 years ago

    Anyone else taking an alternative to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this year?

    I find each year that by 20 days in I really dislike the direction of my novel and want to change something key, but don't have the time to do it and still finish my word count to complete the challenge.

    So I decided that this year I would rather write 50,000 words on multiple topics I enjoy, and hopefully I won't get frustrated.  The whole goal is to produce writing anyway.

    Thus I announce my personal challenge: National Hub Writing Month.

    But since that acronym sounds dumb, I'm going with NaNoHubMo.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You should post this in the HubChallenge thread:

      The usual challenge here is the 30  Hubs in 30 Days Challenge, and it's advised you don't try to do more than that.

      When you do a NaNoWriMo challenge, your focus is on getting the words down on paper - you know you're going to have to do a lot of editing and polishing later.   HubPages does NOT want half-baked, unedited Hubs published.   In fact they're likely to get unpublished quickly on the grounds of low quality!   So you could do a NaHubWriMo challenge here, but you'd have to save all those Hubs unpublished until the end of the Challenge, then spend the ensuing months editing and preparing them for publication.

      You might well be able to write 50,000 words in blog posts, but (depending on the blog) blog posts are not always magazine-quality articles, carefully formatted and illustrated with images and videos.  Hubs take more preparation. 

      There was a 100 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge once, and it was a failure for exactly that reason - too many people were rushing publication and producing Hubs that weren't as good as they could be.

      1. Marsha Musselman1 profile image81
        Marsha Musselman1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I agree with what you've said here wholeheartedly. I think it would be fine to keep the hubs done during this time unpublished. Nano doesn't look for things published, just for the word count.

      2. profile image0
        Christy Kirwanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Good advice, Marisa Wright!

        I'd just like to add that HubPages no longer endorses 30 Hubs in 30 Days challenges, since we've changed our focus to high-quality, media-rich, long-format Hubs. We do highly recommend shooting for 4-5 Stellar Hubs in 30 days, though!

      3. LoisRyan13903 profile image71
        LoisRyan13903posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        wow 100 hubs in 30 days.  That is insane.  Maybe Stephen King could do that.  Lol!  But you're right to save the Hubs unpublished until the end.

  2. Elderberry Arts profile image92
    Elderberry Artsposted 12 years ago

    How did it go? I have just finished NaNoWriMo, after wanting to do it for years. My novel isn't finished yet but I have done the 50,000 word. It felt so huge at the beginning and I have made it! I will never grumble about my uni essay word counts again lol

    1. Melch-i-zedek profile image60
      Melch-i-zedekposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      1. Elderberry Arts profile image92
        Elderberry Artsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you smile

  3. KA Pederson profile image64
    KA Pedersonposted 11 years ago

    I got halfway through the nanowrimo thing twice!  Two separate novels and then frustration hit on the direction it was going.  I love the idea of nanoHUBmo lol!

  4. H-Chris profile image59
    H-Chrisposted 11 years ago

    I've done NaNoWriMo before...sadly I came close at less than 7000 words to go only to realize I hadn't gotten through part one! My sister's done it several times and actually met the word count. I'm green with envy. She's married now and doesn't write much anymore though.

    I think a NaNoHubMo sounds like a great idea! Several different hubs seems doable. I may try that next November. No more trying to wrangle plot bunnies into their proper place!

    Thanks for the cool idea.

  5. Saloca profile image87
    Salocaposted 11 years ago

    I've tried and failed so many times now but I'll be joining up again this November! I think my record is around 20k of creative writing! The last few years November has always turned out to be a horrid month for me and something always puts a stop to the writing! Lets see if 2013 is any different lol!

  6. profile image0
    Proud Footposted 11 years ago

    That my friend, is a genius idea!
    This year will be the year.
    Thank you for the inspiration.

  7. CRe8tiVeLiFe profile image67
    CRe8tiVeLiFeposted 11 years ago

    I love Nanowrimo. Though I never seem to finish, it always gets me started and gives me a feeling of community that we're all writing together. I love the idea of NanoHubMo!

  8. Ayelet profile image61
    Ayeletposted 11 years ago

    Sounds like a great challenge! I finished NaNoWriMo at 50,000 words a couple years ago and really enjoyed it. For me, I found that I needed to have a quiet space to write at the same time each day and set a word count goal for each day.

    1. Marsha Musselman1 profile image81
      Marsha Musselman1posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This past year I found out about being a rebel on nanowrimo and I was able to get my 50,000 words in fairly easily. I have several blogs on wordpress and I began a new one just for the nano project although I wrote on the rest of the blogs also. I found there were many people attacking the nano writing in this manner.

      How are you planning on doing this? Are you writing as many hubs in November as you are able and counting the words towards nano, or were you just going to do the writing and not submit your word count? I believe you would be able to use your word count on the nano site for any hubs written during nanowrimo if you so choose.

      Good luck to any who give this a try. You may need to keep the hubs written unpublished until you can go back and make sure they are written without errors so they meet expectations.

  9. LoisRyan13903 profile image71
    LoisRyan13903posted 11 years ago

    I completed the nano challenge once and had over 60,000 words after I was done.  But I finished in by the skin of my teeth because I ended up getting the flu in the last week.  I was thinking of something like this as well in the near future.  I usually write 2,000 words a day.


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