Needing help, to create a book in short time, for my sick mother

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  1. profile image62
    tfox62@yahoo.composted 10 years ago

    For those of you who follow, you know how serious I am about my writing, and probably have already noticed, my absence. This is due to family emergency's, and my mothers health rapidly failing.
    However this does not mean that I am not writing, but that I am writing over time. I am trying to create my first book, in time, and I sincerely could use some help. If anyone is willing to, assist me, that would be of great help. Please let me know, even if it is just encouragement, and prayers in my trial. Thank you, all of you.

    1. LongTimeMother profile image91
      LongTimeMotherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, that's sad news about your mother. It must be a very difficult time for you. Here is my suggestion. I hope it helps.

      Instead of putting all your efforts into completing your book, take the time to write your Dedication page. Create a few short paragraphs that express your love and appreciation for your mother. It shouldn't be long - but it should encapsulate your key thoughts and feelings.

      Then you can tell your mother that you are dedicating your first book to her. No matter how long it takes to be published, everyone will know how important she is in your life.

      Give your mother a copy of the page so she can look at it and show it to others. She'll be very proud and it will take some of the pressure off you. It doesn't seem fair to be pressuring yourself to complete an entire book at a time when you no doubt wish you had more time to spend with your mother.

      Assure her that you'll finish it and that when your name appears in print, her name will appear there too - on the Dedication right after the title page.

      Just how long you take to finish the book will become less important ... and you won't feel as though you've somehow let yourself or her down if the process takes longer than you'd like.

      A lot of good books have been written by grieving authors. There'll be plenty of time to write in the coming months and years. Your main focus now should be on spending time with her.

      Thinking of you both. smile

    2. rose-the planner profile image60
      rose-the plannerposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I am so sorry to hear about your mother and how very stressful this must be for you and your family.  I think it is wonderful what you are trying to do as a tribute to your mom.  Writing a book takes time and for some writers it can take years.  I agree with LongTimeMother, perhaps a dedication page is the way to go at this time.  Your mother is proud of you already but a dedication page and letting her know that she has inspired you to complete a book will make her happy.  I came upon this page on how to write a book in 90 days, I am not sure if you are interested or how helpful it will be but here is the link … days.html.  I admire the love you have for your mother and you and your family are in my prayers.  God Bless and take care!  -Rose

    3. profile image0
      Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Im so sorry for your trials... I think Long time mother gives you great advise. You will have time to write your book in the future, for now, concentrate on spending whatever time with your mom that you can. You wont regret that.

    4. LastRoseofSummer2 profile image85
      LastRoseofSummer2posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sweetheart, I very much understand what you're going through. After nearly two years of treatment, my Mom recently died of cancer. We only had about one week's notice that she was going to die. I can very much sympathize with what you and your family are feeling right now.

      Just remember that your Mom is going to appreciate whatever you can do for her as far as your writing, even if it comes down to you simply telling her what your future plans are. She is going to understand.

    5. livewithrichard profile image74
      livewithrichardposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I’m not sure if this is what you are looking for but if you are writing a family legacy book or biography, there are a few things that are important to cover:
      1.    Begin with the beginning and early childhood – Answer questions about what life was like when she was born, where she was born, who was there, what was going on in the country, etc.
      2.    Next concentrate on adolescence, siblings, cousins, other important figures in the family, what schools did she attend, who were her best friends, what did she like to play, sing, dance, do for fun.
      3.    Early adult years, did she go to college, think about going to college, what did she want to be or do for a living.
      4.    Marriage, did she marry the love of her life, how did they meet, was it a good marriage, were there other marriages, kids, buying their first home, first jobs, etc.
      5.    Being a Parent, what was it like, was she prepared, did she have help, how did she cope with stress in bad times, what did the family do for fun together.
      6.    Later adult life, career, what does she enjoy doing for fun, does she like to read, what types of books, does she like to cook or bake.
      7.    Being a grandparent, how many grandkids, what she enjoys about each of them, what she wishes for each of them.
      You will want to add some pictures, favorite recipes, favorite quotes and spread them throughout the book. 
      I do this for clients all the time and each chapter starts off with a picture and a quote and ends with a family recipe.  I usually make these about 75 to 100 pages long and then I find a great picture of the client and use it on the cover when I publish using

    6. lovebuglena profile image85
      lovebuglenaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What kind of book are you writing and want to publish? If you publish it with Lulu ( your book will be published the instant you upload all your files and enter all the information required for your book...

      What exactly do you need help with?

    7. lovebuglena profile image85
      lovebuglenaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry about your mom, by the way. I hope she gets better soon.

  2. Lisa HW profile image63
    Lisa HWposted 10 years ago

    I'm sorry to learn about your mother.  I can't imagine how hard it might be to try to come up with, or finish, a book under the circumstances; so I have to say I like the idea of the dedication page and whatever else you have already - maybe presented in some nice way, even if not out-and-out published.

    Something else that occurs to me is that besides the "dedication page thing", or maybe instead of it, you could put together a collection of things you've already got written and get them bound by a self-publisher like Create Space.  From what I understand (if I understand correctly), Create Space can get a book ready to go in a couple of days.

    There's also Lulu.  I don't know details about them.  There are other publishers like that too.  There was a time when Google would make a book out of posts on a Google (Blogger) blog - for about 14.00, I think.

    Another thought might be to do just an outline and add whatever you've got to it; and maybe write a summary of the book/story to go with the outline - that type of thing.

    Or, there's always printing the pages yourself (including a dedication page), bind them yourself in some kind of nice "notebook thing"; but tell your mother you'll be getting it professionally bound when it's ready.  Or, maybe a three-ring type notebook thing in which you could add pages would actually be good, because if you add pages as you write them; your mother could see it coming along (but in an already pretty looking notebook).

    I wish there were more I could offer here     Well... maybe on other thing that you didn't ask:   No matter how sick your mother is right now, she's worried about you and how well you're able to deal with the situation.  There's a real good chance (if she's like most mothers of grown sons or daughters) that she'd rather see part of your book but know you haven't taken on a big stress right now than see a finished book that may mean this rough time you're going through was made more stressful than it otherwise had to be.

    Hugs to you, and good luck if you decide to aim to complete the book sooner rather than later.

  3. profile image62
    tfox62@yahoo.composted 10 years ago

    I want to thank everyone, for your support and kindness. I am going to review the 90 days to write a book, and try to get that binded for her. However if there would be possibilities of me communicating with her right now, I might lean towards just the cover page. But while, that is not an option, the book idea helps with comforting me. It's weird to explain but it's like a blanket over my heart right now, it really helps. Thank you everyone!

  4. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image83
    Marcy Goodfleischposted 10 years ago

    I'm so sorry for the difficult time you're experiencing. Losing  your mother, or facing that loss, is one of the worst pains we ever endure.  I'm not sure what type of help or support you need, but you surely have my prayers for comfort and strength.

    A few thoughts - as others mentioned, focusing on the dedication might be a good way to move toward your goal without consuming quite as much of the valuable time you have remaining with your dear mother.  These are precious days, weeks and months - cherish the time you still have with her.

    If she is able to enjoy things visually (I'm not sure of her condition), and if you have time, it's pretty easy to compile a photo collection of the family or special memories, and have it beautifully bound by one of the online sites that prints photo books.  You can even write brief tributes to her, or short memories, and invite other family members to contribute their thoughts.  So many people are experienced with that sort of publishing, that you may have family members who can pitch in.  With the stress you're going through, compiling short pieces of text might be more doable than a larger project.

    The end product would be something the whole family would cherish.

    Sending prayers to you - stay strong!

  5. Shadow Jackson profile image66
    Shadow Jacksonposted 10 years ago

    I will pray for you.

  6. profile image62
    tfox62@yahoo.composted 10 years ago

    Thank you everyone, for your warm thoughts and prayers, my mother will be sent home from the hospital today, and a live in nurse will stay with her until her operation. When the operation occurs, she will be receiving a new liver. Thank all of you, for your your warm thoughts and deep prayers.

    1. profile image0
      Beth37posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      We wish your family the best tfox. Hang in there.


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