Do you believe that ghosts and spirits and other entities actually exist? well if you would have asked me that question about 4 years ago I would have said no... I had 1 unexplained episode back then but over the last year I have been experiencing some very frightening things and its getting worse I have been told that its not the properties I move too but its me they are following is this actually possible!!
I have posted a couple of my personal video recordings and pictures of 1 or 2 strange happenings !!!
Before I answer, I'd like to know what exactly you're seeing, under what circumstances, and when? if you don't mind...
I see something almost every day now and sometimes 4/5 times per day I have ORBS permanently flying around I only just 5 mins proved it to a friend that has now seem them too and another friend down the road has actually seen them and has also heard what appears to be a very deep demonic laugh/growling noise and just today my neighbor came round whittle I was out and said she thought she saw me in the living room but as it happens I was out until late eveing
Alot of people have similar experiences. Unfortunately no one has been able to come up with a definitive answer for what causes these things to happen. I do believe in the existence of other non-human entities, but as to what they are or what they want? I don't know. Careful, however. These things can also be tricks of the mind. I'm not discrediting what you're saying and seeing. But perhaps speak with a doctor about what you've been experiencing, see if there's any medical reason why you might be seeing things. If not, then perhaps you are seeing what is real. Again, exactly what they are, I'm not sure.
Perhaps you could capture something on camera and post it here.
Then, it should be a very simple matter of setting up video cameras, bringing in third party observers to take measurements and do testing, thus getting plenty of hard evidence, considering the extraordinary activity centered entirely around you.
So, what you're saying is that you believe ghosts are following you around, and you have a couple of videos, but not of them?
OMG how much trouble trying too publish my vids for you but i think I done it now lease take a look and tell me that's normal stuff going on in those vids and pics !!
Ghosts are really familiar spirits, that is, they are demons pretending and impersonating dead people. When you die, you either go to Heaven or you go to Hell. You do not hang around here. They're all just demons.
You know I've read the bible from cover to cover and I don't remember a case where a demon impersonates a dead person or where the term 'familiar spirit' is used.
How about in Acts when a young psychic woman follows Paul around until he turns to her and says "I command you to come out of her," and the spirits depart.
It's in there. You missed it.
But that account doesn't talk about ghosts or familiar spirits. This girl was I assume cold reading/making open generalised statements, in fact nothing supernatural, and Paul assumed she was demon possessed. How does this relate to the OP?
Don't take this the wrong way, but we'd have to take your word that the video's and pictures were not doctored.
Yeah I have posted 1 of the videos with it on and if ya look close the enough u will see that there is no way that can be out on the patio cos process of elimination u will see that there is NOOOOOO reflection of it on the FLOOR in front of the window and none where the light reflection is on the side of the dryer also the dryer block the view of the fridge but the only reflection is in the FREEZER DOOR and I have posted a video of orbs and of a ghostly appetition
I haven't had any paranormal experiences for a very long time but there was a period in my life when I had quite a few. It is a mystery. There is more under the sun than we currently understand. I would suggest you work diligently to not attribute experience to the negative. If there is anything to spirits and what not I would think negativity would cause you to be more open to negative forces.
Are you able to elaborate Emile? I'm not asking with any cynical motives, but because I'm in transition away from Christianity and can find little reason to believe in anything 'supernatural' anymore. You seem to be level headed rather than a hysterical Christian who sees demons or the Holy Spirit active in anything and everything.
Well, I've seen what could only be classified as a UFO, I've seen what could only be classified as a ghost. I've participated in incidents that could only be taken as mental telepathy. I've been 'touched' by several things that i couldn't see. I've heard things when there was nothing there. I've known people whose judgment i trust who have had unexplained experiences.
Yes. I am classified as level headed by everyone i know. I don't claim to know what any incident meant, or what it was. But, they did happen so I remain open minded.
To be open minded and level headed about those incidents would mean to understand they are explainable by terrestrial and natural means, that they aren't the product of magical and supernatural means.
Seriously? They are unexplainable by natural means. Which is why they are classified as unexplainable. As I said to rad man. I've been asked specifics. I've given specifics and then some Hubber offers an explanation that has nothing to do with the post I made. I remember telling someone about an incident where this guy called four wild cards, per hand, for multiple hands. The four others (myself included) at the table were thinking of the cards and the guy called those cards every time. He wasn't that bright. He wasn't attempting to pull the wool over anyone's eyes because he wasn't bright enough to do it. It just, bizarrely, happened. There was no explanation. Some atheist came in and told me he could levitate (the atheist) so the incident with the cards could not have happened. I have no idea what one thing had to do with the other, but he was adamant that he was right.
I'm crying uncle on these things. Unexplained remains unexplained. You can't simply have a conversation and expect someone to pretend that weird shit doesn't sometimes happen because you claim you are capable of doing weird shit that you obviously can't do.
Card tricks Emile, really? You've never seen someone doing magic before? But of course it unexplainable to those who don't know the trick right?
Having them classified as unexplainable does NOT mean there isn't a natural explanation or supernatural explanation, it just means an explanation hasn't presented itself.
So what? It may have been bizarre but it was probably natural, no spooks involved.
Check out Dynamo, he can levitate, but it's obviously just a trick and explainable by natural means.
Sure, weird stuff happens, but that doesn't mean it can't be explained by natural means.
Uhhhh, yeh. That's what I said.
Uhhhh, yeh. Who said anything about spooks being involved?
I don't know who Dynamo is but pretending to levitate isn't levitating. It is, as you said, a trick. This guy was claiming he could do it naturally.
Agreed. Whatever the cause, it is natural. We simply don't know what that is. We don't know everything there is to know about the natural world.
These claims alway go nowhere and there are always explanations that people refuse to look at.
Rather than searching hard for an explanation, it's lots more fun to say "I don't know what else it could be - has to be a ghost". Or demon, or god, or anything else that cannot be detected. (Come to think of it, why could all these ghost sightings not be a god, or devil?)
And you also. Making assumptions in order to belittle. Again, volumes spoken in a few words.
What assumption? That you did not spend a week diligently searching for answers and instead decided "it" was a ghost? Didn't you just say you figure it was a ghost?
Did you? Diligently search for a week? Renting equipment, hiring specialists, etc.? Or was the assumption correct?
Got to be careful what specialist you pay for when looking for ghosts.
Only in that not everyone carrying a Proton Pack is an actual Ghostbuster. It's smart to ask for ID.
Please, pray tell, what legitimate equipment does one rent to locate a ghost?
I certainly have no idea - you're the one claiming there is no other explanation so I figure you have used such equipment to prove the ghost is there.
So, you think because someone saw something that could only be classified as a ghost that they would run out and buy ray guns and plasma shooters? Or, hire a tiny lady to call out 'All Welcome.'?
Are you attempting to sell something? Because, as I stated, I'm not concerned about what others think. I'm not insecure enough to need to rush about and attempt to have anyone believe anything.
I saw a mountain lion here years ago. Everyone laughed. I didn't care. I know what I saw. Now, everyone knows there are mountain lions here and they apologize off and on for having made fun of me. That doesn't mean what I saw was a ghost. What it means is that I call them as I see them and it doesn't matter to me what you think you know.
No, I think that a rational person, looking for truth, will see something that they classify as a ghost and run out and buy equipment to prove it so rather than just provide a label based on their ignorance.
You obviously feel differently, and are quite happy to apply labels such as "ghost" simply because you haven't found any other explanation. Didn't look very hard, but didn't find, either.
I completely disagree. If I ran out to buy equipment to pursue a better understanding of everything unexplained I'd be the target of swindlers and charlatans. You either aren't serious or simply love to argue. There is no equipment known that can definitively identify an entity not of this world. If there was, we could definitively say they either did or didn't exist. Sightings are unexplained because we don't have the ability to verify sightings.
As to UFOs, I suppose we should all have handy UFO traps. They'd have to be small and easily put in your pocket. Never know when that moment is going to come when you are going to see something you never expected to see.
I don't need to live a delusion. If it makes you feel more secure to think we know everything there is to know you should continue to do it.
You're right - there is no equipment that can identify a ghost; if there were we could definitively say they either did or did not exist, but without such equipment we cannot make that call.
So why did you claim you saw a ghost? "I've seen what could only be classified as a ghost" How did you make that call without equipment to determine if it was a ghost?
On the other had, we can leave unexplained incidents as just that; unexplained instead of claiming ghosts, UFO's or even that it is unexplainable? Why can't they just remain unknown, along with the tens of thousands of other examples of things without a researched, known cause? It would seem a better, more honest, response than claiming something we cannot know.
I think the problem here is that you fail to understand that classifying something as a ghost, UFO, mental telepathy, etc. means little other than to assist in helping others understand the nature of the incident in as few words as possible. If i say ghost you get it. You are given a mental image immediately. Unfortunately, you choose to read into it, expand on it and make assumptions past the simple mental image offered.
I see no reason to take responsibility for the mental hoops others freely choose to jump through. I say i saw what could be classified as a ghost because the incident cannot be described otherwise. Calling it a ghost doesn't imply anything more than that the incident was unexplainable otherwise. Leaving open the possibility that an explanation can, in the future, be found since our current level of understanding cannot adequately explain the experience. Had i done as you have and insisted that the experience meant more than it did...assuming vast amounts of misinformation in order to make fallacious claims I'd see the logic in your rebuttal. As it stands all i see in your posts is your personal assumptions which in no manner mirror anything I implied in the simple comment I made.
Then I must apologize for misunderstanding. I truly did not understanding that "what I saw could only be classified as a ghost" actually meant "I saw a ghostly apparition, similar in appearance to the popular notion of a ghost". It absolutely did not occur to me that a very plain, bald statement of what it was and HAD to be, should be read as merely what it looked like without regard to what it actually was. That I should realize that you didn't know what it was and did not mean to give the impression you did know even though the words plainly said that you did know.
I do apologize for misunderstanding, but would suggest that in the future a more accurate communication might well prevent such misunderstanding. I don't see most people as twisting your words into something they are not just because they don't agree with them. "Could only be a ghost" might be replaced with "looked like a movie depiction of a ghost". Or something like that, that does not give the impression that you know what the unknown thing is while still accurately describing it.
Tell you what. Why don't you simply take over my user name, write what suits your fancy so you don't have to worry about misunderstanding. Because, you appear to think your assumptions are fact.
Or, better yet...don't read into things. Take them at face value. What can only be categorized as a ghost doesn't mean 99% of what you wish it did. All it means is that I respect my judgment enough to know that the incident defied natural explanations. You certainly have no reason to respect my judgment nor do I see a reason to respect yours on the matter. Primarily because you have prejudged without the benefit of bothering to know what you were judging.
And right back to saying that you DID know it was a ghost, or at least something supernatural. Do even YOU know what you mean?
As far as my judging, it has been primarily your choice of words as you switch from unexplainable to unexplained and back to unexplainable again, all with the same set of words. That and the stated ability to look at a ghostly apparition and immediately knowing it is supernatural, not of this universe. I WILL judge such a silly statement; if you don't like people making such judgements don't make such silly claims on a public forum.
On this one, I wholly concur. A very merry Christmas to you and yours, followed by a great new year.
Did it? Since, it's not explainable, your judgment is biased.
Not really, but those prone to negativity will always find a negative statement to make. Merry Christmas
Those prone to being wrong will always find negativity in others who correct them. Merry Christmas.
Belittle? This is where you start to put words in people mouths. He belittled no one. Unless you think disagreeing is belittling?
Interesting. I make no claims other than something unexplained happened. And the statement immediately invokes derision. That says volumes.
Yes, unexplained by you. Are you open to explanations or have you already decided that they are unexplainable?
What i find amusing on this site is someone says something unexplained happened. Someone comes in and offers an 'explanation' which isn't related in any way to the original post and then complains that their inability to understand what the original poster commented on is somehow close mindedness by the original poster.
I remain open minded. I'm done pacifying those who aren't.
Ah, have you seen the videos or photos she says she has yet? Have you examined them pixel by pixel looking for evidence that they were doctored? We should just take her word that they are ghosts and goblins?
Pacifying? You pacify no one.
No. I haven't seen the videos. The whole premise for this thread is iffy, at best. I don't tend to engage past a point of giving these things at least the benefit of something along the lines of 'I'm open minded, but you appear to be reading more into an incident than you should'. What point would it be to go further? Judging by the OP's comments thus far I doubt it would be a productive conversation. were commenting on my post. Not hers. I responded to that comment about my post. If you weren't addressing my comment, why reply to it?
Ah, please look back a few posts. I responded to DISAPPEARINGHEAD and you responded to me. Have a look, it's right there.
But, the conversation started with Disappearing Head asking me, specifically, a question. You responded to that, which led me to believe you were commenting about my response. I didn't realize it was directed at anyone else. My bad. Although, the question still remains. If you weren't there, why belittle?
No belittling happened. Disagreeing and not believing is not belittling.
My comment was to his question and not to you as I hadn't yet seen your response.
Sorry Emile, I wasn't expecting a pack of hyenas to descend on you.
I am genuinely interested as I haven't yet closed my mind to the possibility that there is more to this World than the material we see and sense.
Neither am I. And, no sensible person is close minded on things that are still unresolved. But, I'm used to being treated in that manner. As I said. I don't claim to know what I've seen but I do claim to be sensible enough to know what I haven't and some of the things are continuing mysteries.
"Well, I've seen what could only be classified as a UFO"
"I've seen what could only be classified as a ghost."
"I've participated in incidents that could only be taken as mental telepathy"
These statements do not sound "unexplained" at all; you have given a complete explanation of what they were. What says volumes is that you give an explanation (UFO, ghost, telepathy) and immediately backpedal when called on it, saying that each was merely an unexplained experience.
I realize nay saying is fashionable here, but not knowing the details I find it fascinating that you insist on nay saying. What I saw, heard, experienced this day... unexplainable. We classify the unexplainable as such. A ghost is unexplainable. A UFO is unexplainable. As are all of my other examples. I suppose there is a chance that someone will come along and provide us with enough information to verify that the unexplainable can then be categorized as something else. At this juncture it has not happened. Judging by your vehemence against that which you were not privy to; I doubt you are in a position to provide this information. You simply appear to want to deny other people have the faculties to determine what is and is not unexplainable.
UFO's, ghost's and telepathy are all explainable you may however not like the explanation, but that doesn't mean they are unexplainable.
I very much doubt it. Unexplained, yes, but it is highly doubtful that it is unexplainable.
You may not wish to entertain alternate explanations but that doesn't mean they are not there. You may not wish to take the time and effort to find an explanation, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. You may not have the technical expertise to find an explanation, but that doesn't mean it is not there, either.
That you don't like other explanations, or haven't thought of one yet, does not mean that it is reasonable to then declare that a ghost walked through the room. Or that an alien flew by or that telepathy happened. Ignorance is never a reason to make up an answer out of thin air; if you want to claim aliens are visiting earth or that ghosts abound, find one. Present it to the biologists, chemists and physicists of the world for examination.
But until then expect to be disbelieved when you claim an odd experience you can't explain and that therefore ghosts and ET's walk among us. The logic simply isn't there.
I don't care who believes what. It really doesn't matter to me. However, you don't know anything other than what you want to believe and expect me to believe what you believe because you want me to. I don't think you know what you are talking about because you have no idea what you are talking about. Primarily because you don't want to know what you are talking about. You don't want to know what you are talking about because you display no respect for eye witness testimony. Which is your right. However, having no respect for such puts you into a position of not being able to attempt to find out what the cause of such incidents are. You blindly wait for someone, somewhere to somehow come up with an answer that can be agreed on by others and then published so that you can then believe it, simply because they said it.
Unfortunately, the unexplained happens. We label it by names that help all who hear about the incident to identify it as unexplained. This becomes a problem when people attempt to read more into the incident than it was. I say I saw a UFO and you say something about me believing aliens are visiting the earth. I assume because you don't know what the letters in the term UFO stand for. I say I saw something that could only be labeled a ghost. You start talking about demons.
Please, don't push your inability to take something at face value and continue to listen and learn, in an attempt to have a better understanding, onto others. Close mindedness of this caliber is not something I am interested in working to attain.
"I don't think you know what you are talking about because you have no idea what you are talking about. Primarily because you don't want to know what you are talking about."
And with that rant, I'll back out of the conversation - there isn't much reason to continue.
You were finished before you started. As with all close minded philosophies there isn't any further journey to make.
You're right. We're all stuck in reality, forever. Including, unfortunately, you no matter how hard you pretend to see the supernatural around you.
You have a nice day, Emile. It is neither necessary nor particularly desirable that everyone have their feet planted solidly on the ground. We need some dreamers, too.
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