Look for bloggers to host me

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  1. cindyvine profile image68
    cindyvineposted 10 years ago

    I'm planning a blog tour to promote my two latest books Hush Baby and The Colorful Art of Pain and am looking for bloggers to host me on my tour.  I'll write fresh content for your blog which could be on a topic of your choice, in the form of an interview, writing tips, life of an expat or I could give you a copy of my book if you'd like to post a review on your blog.  If you are a fellow author I'd be happy to reciprocate and host you on my blog.
    If you're interested in being a host please email me at Cinfam@gmail.com.
    I have been a member of Hubpages for quite a few years now, although I am not as active as I was in the early days.  I do credit the success I have achieved with my writing to the Hubpages Community who have supported me throughout the process.
    Thank you!

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Cindy, I think you'll get more interest if you explain what the book is about.  These days it's important that links on a blog are relevant to the topic, so we'd need to know what your topic is.

      By the way, you mention your websites on your profile but don't have any links there.  You may not have noticed that the links in the text of profiles are no longer live (annoyingly), so you need to add the link to your preferred site in the links section.

    2. Cardisa profile image88
      Cardisaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I would be happy to host you on my personal blog if you tell me what the book is about. I currently have a book promotion going on and would love to be able to get the word out there. So email me at onelove@caroleesamuda.com

  2. psycheskinner profile image83
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    What are the books about?

  3. WryLilt profile image89
    WryLiltposted 10 years ago

    Interested to hear what the books are about, too.

  4. The Examiner-1 profile image61
    The Examiner-1posted 10 years ago

    I have a blog and would also be happy to place your book on it. You may email me at findtheanswer007@gmail.com

  5. elayne001 profile image77
    elayne001posted 10 years ago

    Sounds interesting - rkongaika@gmail.com

  6. cindyvine profile image68
    cindyvineposted 10 years ago

    These are the blurbs for my books. 
    The Colorful Art of Pain - There are many books out there about how to treat pain.  The Colorful Art of Pain is different.  It does not give any quick fix remedies or cures for pain.  What it does is show you pain through the eyes of an artist. 
    Daniel Quinlan was hooked on painkillers that were becoming less and less effective.  He had battled with chronic pain for many years.  When he and his wife moved to Tanzania in East Africa he decided to stop all pain medication and use painting as a way to get release from his pain.  When he ran out of brushes he started using his fingers.  In the space of 3 years he painted 125 large canvases with his fingers until he was forced to stop when his fingers became so raw and swollen he could no longer move them.
    Narrated by Cindy Vine and original artwork by Daniel Quinlan, The Colorful Art of Pain is a visual diary that tells you one man’s journey to the Hell of Pain.
    Hush Baby
    Kyle Rushton appears to have everything going for him. His own home, a successful business, a beautiful woman in his bed and an adorable son.
    But when things start to go wrong in his relationship it spreads like a cancer into every facet of his life. With his life turned upside down, he goes to his sister and some old friends for help.
    Sometimes things are not what they seem.
    Caught between a need for revenge and a search for justice, Kyle and his friends turn to the past for answers and the more layers they uncover the darker the truth becomes. Until he finds himself asking – is knowing the terrible truth going to help him move on with his life?

    Thanks Marisa I'll put in live links.  It's been a while since I was active on Hubpages.  Plenty has changed.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Cindy

      You can't put in live links - they've removed that facility.   You can edit your profile and put a link to one website, your Twitter and Facebook (if you have them) in the links section, then they'll show up as icons in the top right hand corner.  Not much but its all they allow now!


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