SEO Tips Required

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  1. alikhan3 profile image88
    alikhan3posted 11 years ago

    I have a few hubs that rank very low in Google search despite providing quality content and being very relevent. How do I improve their page rank? is it the keyword density ? do urls have a part to play in it ? is it the title on which should focus ? or hubpages content simply cannot beat top level domain ?

    1. Susana S profile image93
      Susana Sposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'd say forget SEO for a bit and make sure that your hubs are the best they can be.

      E.g. I looked at your hub about increasing the battery life of your laptop

      Then I did a google search for the phrase "increase battery life of laptops" and compared your hub to some of the pages ranking on page 1 of the search results.

      What did I learn?

      The pages that are ranking are much better than yours.

      Therefore, the first thing you must do is make your hub "the best on the web" if you want any chance of beating out the competition.

      You won't get anywhere if you're not giving 110% to your potential readers.

      1. alikhan3 profile image88
        alikhan3posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for your comprehensive advice maybe I should focus more on quality then being in pursuit of clever techniques but these techniques are sure to give you an edge.

        1. Susana S profile image93
          Susana Sposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          The techniques only give you an edge when you have something good on offer (ie: something that your target audience like a lot).

          Let's say that you got loads of great backlinks to your laptop battery life hub and google promoted it to the front page of the search results for a few phrases. How long do you think it would stay on the front page in it's current state?

          The answer is not very long!

          Google will compare how searchers interact with your page compared to the others on offer and use those metrics to decide what pages users like most and therefore which ones should be displayed on the 1st page of SERPs. So the result of any techniques will be temporary unless your page meets users needs.

          Better to get that sorted first.

          You will also majorly damage your subdomain if google determines that it can't trust it!

          1. alikhan3 profile image88
            alikhan3posted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Actually that laptop battery life hub was one of my first hubs on hubpages and at that time I didn't knew anything about writing online ( e.g covering the topic fully ). I am still a novice but I have got hold of a few things from these forum discussions.
            Maybe I will improve with time.
            I would be thankful if you could have a look at my other hubs and grace them with your valuable feedback.

            1. Susana S profile image93
              Susana Sposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              1. The first thing you can do is check how your pages are ranking for their main keyphrases and how strong the competition is. (You might want to create a spreadsheet to record the info).

              I checked out your hub about Islamic Empires. I typed islamic empires into google and I can see that your hub ranks 6th on the 1st page. That's great (it means google likes your stuff!), but I doubt you'll be able to rank higher than that because you have wikipedia, the BBC and a dedicated history site above you. They are pretty unbeatable competition.

              2. Use google's keyword planner to check number of monthly searches for your main keyphrases for each hub. (ie: find out the search traffic potential of each hub)

              The number of monthly global searches google is reporting for the phrase islamic empires is 590. At position 6 you can expect to get about 4% of that traffic - so 23.6 visits per month. You'll be getting search traffic from other, long tail phrases too, as well as traffic from other search engines, but it gives you an idea of this hub's traffic potential.

              When you've done those things get back to me and let me know which of your hubs you feel could do better.

              In the meantime, one tip is to improve your summaries. They are the 2nd most important thing after your title in attracting searchers to click through to your page. Don't waste it! And don't end them in full stops either. A full stop is a psychological barrier. Use ... instead.

    2. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sometimes it's simply that no one is searching for the subject of that Hub.  If that's the case, no amount of SEO will help.

    3. H.C Porter profile image77
      H.C Porterposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      This is something I do all day every day for a living. Google's Keyword Tool is no longer available it was replaced with Googles Keyword Planner and it is not as accessible as it once was- You can check out the free version of Keyword Eye- it is easy to use.
      As far as what effects ranking factors- This is a small part of what I look at when a client comes to me and asks what is going on with their website not ranking well...Sorry it's a lot to consider and some of it is not things that you can control on HubPages...

      Page Authority (PA)
      # of Google +1's
      # Unique cblocks Linking to the Page
      # of Unique IPs Linking to the Page
      # of Root Domains Linking to the Page
      # of Root Domains Linking to Page w/ Partial Match Anchor Text
      # of Subdomains Linking to the Page
      # of Root Domains Linking to Page w/ Exact Match Anchor Text
      # Unique cblocks w/ Followed Links to the Page
      # Unique IPs with Followed Links to the Page
      # of Unique Domains w/ Followed Links to a Page
      # of External Links to the Page (included Followed And Nofollowed)
      # of Unique Domains w/ Followed Links to the Subdomain
      # of Subdomains w/ Followed Links to the Subdomain
      The MozRank of the Subdomain of the URL
      # of External Pages Linking to Page w/ Partial Match Anchor Text
      # of Root Domains Linking to the Subdomain
      # of Subdomains Linking to the Subdomain
      # of External Pages Linking to Page w/ Exact Match Anchor Text
      Sum of Facebook Shares, Likes, Comment
      # of Juice-Passing External Links to the Page
      # of Facebook Shares
      MozRank of the Root Domain
      # of External Links (Followed And Nofollowed) to the Subdomain
      # of Juice-Passing External Links to the Subdomain of the URL
      Portion of Root Domain MozRank from External Links
      # of Total External Links to the Root Domain
      # of Juice-Passing External Links to the Domain
      # of Facebook Comments
      # of Facebook Likes
      MozRank Passed by all Links w/ Exact Match Anchor Text
      MozRank Passed by all Links w/ Partial Match Anchor Text
      # of Links (Juice-Passing Or Not, Internal Or External) to the Page
      # of Linking Pages to Page w/ Exact Match Anchor Text
      Total Links (including Internal And Nofollow) to the Subdomain
      # of Unique Subdomains w/ Followed Links to the Domain
      # of Juice-Passing Links (Internal Or External) to the Page
      # of Linking Pages to Page w/ Partial Match Anchor Text
      # of Root Domains Linking to Domain w/ Partial Match Anchor Text
      # of Tweets From Topsy
      # of External Pages Linking to Domain w/ Partial Match Anchor Text
      # of Full Domain Mentions in the Last 30 Days in FWE
      Exact Match .com Domain
      # of Pages Linking to Domain w/ Partial Match Anchor Text
      # of Links in the Last 30 Days to the Root Domain in FWE
      Page is Topsy Influencial
      # of Mentions in the Last 30 Days of the Domain Name in FWE
      # of Internal Pages Linking to Domain w/ Partial Match Anchor Text
      Exact Match Domain
      # of Links in the Last 30 Days to the URL in FWE
      # of Internal Links on Page
      # of Follow Links on Page
      Body Text Similarity to Keyword (Language Model)
      # of Links on Page
      # of Root Domains Linking to Domain w/ Exact Match Anchor Text
      # of External Linking Pages w/ Exact Match Anchor Text
      Keyword Usage in Title Tag (tf-idf)
      Keyword Usage in H1 (tf-idf)
      Total # of Characters in the HTML Code
      Keyword Usage in Body Text (tf-idf)
      MozRank Passed by all Internal Links w/ Partial Match Anchor Text
      # of Internal Pages Linking to Page w/ Partial Match Anchor Text
      # of Pages Linking to Domain w/ Exact Match Anchor Text
      MozRank Passed by all Internal Links w/ Exact Match Anchor Text
      Keyword Usage in Meta Description (tf-idf)
      # of Internal Pages Linking to Page w/ Exact Match Anchor Text
      # of Characters in Body Copy
      # of Indexed Pages On The Site in The Last 30 Days in FWE
      H1 Similarity to Keyword (Language Model)
      Title Tag Similarity to Keyword (Language Model)
      Meta Description Similarity to Keyword (Language Model)
      # of No Follow Links on Page
      # of Img Tags
      # of Partial Matches in Domain Name (Pmd)
      # of External Nofollow Links on Page
      # of Internal Pages Linking to Domain w/ Exact Match Anchor Text
      # of Partial Matches in Full URL
      # of Internal Nofollow Links on Page
      # of External Links on Page
      Keyword Usage in H2 Tag (tf-idf)
      URL Starts with 'www'
      URL Contains an Underscore
      H2 Similarity to Keyword (Language Model)
      # of Large Images (Greater Than Or Equal to 1024X768px)
      # of Videos On Page
      # of Google Adsense Slots in The Page
      # of Hyphens in Domain Name
      Total Area of Adsense Slots on Page
      # of Characters in the Title
      URL Contains Hyphens
      Total Length of the Full Domain (
      URL Length in Characters

      1. alikhan3 profile image88
        alikhan3posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Ah that's a large list. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your immensely valuable knowledge with the community.

        1. H.C Porter profile image77
          H.C Porterposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah, sorry about that. SEO is a royal pain in the tush... alot goes into it. But if it helps, the list is in order based of relevance to ranking wink

          1. alikhan3 profile image88
            alikhan3posted 10 years agoin reply to this

            If it was a question I would have chosen it as the best answer.

            1. Marisa Wright profile image85
              Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Personally I think this post gives more good advice than any tips about backlinking and other tricks:

     … ost2546714

      2. Barbara Kay profile image76
        Barbara Kayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Are hyphens in a url bad? Are more Google ads on a page good or bad?

      3. Will Apse profile image90
        Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hey you are really great at copy and paste!

        And not giving refs where due.


        By the way does anyone really think that the number of +1s is the second most important ranking signal that Google uses?


        "This year, Moz surveyed over 120 leading search marketers who provided expert opinions on over 80 ranking factors.

        Below we present the results of our 2013 Correlation Study. Select one of the 10 categories at the top of the chart to focus on those characteristics."

        So over 120 SEO sheep are dreaming of +1. That tells you everything you need to know.

        Edit: Here is a report of Matt Cutts rejecting the MOZ piece: … lus/67862/

        1. janderson99 profile image51
          janderson99posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Why would anyone believe G is honest, not biased, and transparent

          1. Will Apse profile image90
            Will Apseposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            You need to learn to when to trust and when not to trust.

            Your choice on trust issues in this case is between a bunch of Snakeoil Enema Operatives and Matt Cutts.

            Matt Cutts actually knows the answer to these kinds of question and would probably get fired if he was caught misleading you.

            The SEO herd run back and forth in a panic while trying to grab as much money from their clients as they can. They will come out with anything that makes them look impressive. Like that list.

            Who will you trust?

        2. Barbara Kay profile image76
          Barbara Kayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          From the searches I've been doing lately, I'd say quality content doesn't have much to do with it. I've seen some poor stuff show up in the first 3 and much better content later. It makes me wonder how they are judging content.

  2. melbel profile image94
    melbelposted 11 years ago

    Keyword density and all that type of stuff is pretty much a thing of the past. What you want to do is focus on writing content readers want to engage with... make me compelled to comment on something.

    Also, longer hubs tend to do a lot better... and stuff with pretty formatting. Make it something that looks really in-depth and include a lot of pictures to make it really visually appealing. Most of all, make it interesting.

    Search engine gaming SEO tactics are a thing of the past.

    1. janshares profile image94
      jansharesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good to know, I think I'm on the right track.

  3. Suzanne Day profile image91
    Suzanne Dayposted 11 years ago

    Choose all OR some of below:

    - proper keyword research for phases with over 1000 visits per month

    - attractive topic, attractive images, attractive layout

    - url should be the keywords only, as short as possible but containing all of them

    - write 1500+ words or more

    - title should contain the keyword phrase, but be different to all other titles on the front page of Google for your keyword - make it interesting

    - promote your stuff on social media and around the web

    - some quality backlinks will help

    - write more hubs - the more the merrier

    - most of all, make it compelling reading. Imagine there are hundreds of people writing about the subject. How can you make people come back? How can you make it stand out?

    1. janshares profile image94
      jansharesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great advice.

    2. profile image0
      bfilipekposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      cool tips! it seems that it is not so easy to get good traffic: not only you have to create relevant and interesting stories but use some "marketing" skills as well.

    3. Barbara Kay profile image76
      Barbara Kayposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'll add just one. Be sure to write summaries and make them compelling.

    4. alikhan3 profile image88
      alikhan3posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Now this could be called the shortest Guide on getting traffic to your hubs. Great advice.

  4. Jonathan H Joseph profile image37
    Jonathan H Josephposted 11 years ago

    Any suggestions on how to get those quality backlinks?

    1. Tolovaj profile image89
      Tolovajposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      In short: quality backlink comes from a quality page (as much relevant as possible).
      You can make backlink from the same site (i.e. HubPages) or from outside (i.e. your blog) or both.
      But focus on quality!

  5. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image75
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 11 years ago

    My advice is to pay very close attention to what Susana S. says, and you will be seeing the words of someone who knows this business ...probably better than the staff running this site.

    When I posted something like your post here in the forums years ago she did the same thing, looked at my profile, told me what I had which looked like it was money making material, and told me how to improve it.  I paid close attention, and ....even though it has been a long long time since I've published anything on this website, I get paid every friggin' month here.

    1. Susana S profile image93
      Susana Sposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow thank you for the amazing compliment Wesman! Always a pleasure to see you.

      P.S. Glad you're making payout each month big_smile

  6. Josh Makaveli profile image38
    Josh Makaveliposted 10 years ago

    these are very useful tips @Suasana....i believe i have the same issue or maybe because i am new here that is why i am having difficulties in understanding

  7. Cyrille MODIANO profile image62
    Cyrille MODIANOposted 10 years ago

    I think pagerank as much to do with page seniority, even a good page can't get a good pagerank very quickly.

    1. Writer Fox profile image36
      Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      No.  Google PageRank only evaluates the quality and quantity of links to your Hubs from within or from other websites.

      1. Tolovaj profile image89
        Tolovajposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        We should not forget quality is math term in this case. If you get a link from page with PR 5 and this is the only link pointing out of this particular page, this is a link of huge quality. But if the content of this page is not related with the content on your page, this will not be of big help for your rankings. PR plays only minor role in your final goal: traffic and conversions.
        Link with real quality is a link coming from a page with related content. If you manage to get one from the page which is already ranking in top 10 results, you are on the right way.


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