People thoughts on HP name

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  1. NessMovieReviews profile image75
    NessMovieReviewsposted 7 years ago

    I didnt read up enough in HP before I joined, calling myself NessMovieReviews. Obviously, my real name appears next to it, but an I stuck in reviews now? Should I create a separate account to add different topics or can adding topics that are not reviews garner additional traffic to my main topic of choice?

    1. thranax profile image73
      thranaxposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Your username often times has little effect if any on search engines. Lots of people use their real names or pen names. If you specialize in movie reviews you can write other kinds of content as well and I would assume actual readers would just conclude that you like reviewing movies or thats your specialty.

      1. NessMovieReviews profile image75
        NessMovieReviewsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        The more I thought about, the more I thought the same thing. Thanks for your input

  2. profile image0
    Will Apseposted 7 years ago

    Names do matter. Readers on the whole take real names (or names that at least appear to be real) more seriously.

    That is the main reason that people have the option to switch from a not very helpful sign up name to something more confidence-inspiring.

    I would think about your profile pic, by the way. Is that going to inspire confidence?

    1. NessMovieReviews profile image75
      NessMovieReviewsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I thought I read, sign up name could not be changed. Could you point my in the direction of changing it?
      I know, I know my photo sucks.. thats instagram for you. I thought it was fun, Im an ameture photographer and dont end up in many of the shots I take and thought I should be in the photo... not, for example, a butterfly or water dragon, or my kids - of which I have plenty of great shots.
      Thsnks for the feedback. If I can figure out haw to change it, id do so in a heartbeat

      1. Marisa Wright profile image86
        Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Sign up name can't be changed, but (as you've found) you can enter your real name.  I had a recollection that you could choose to display your real name instead of your signup name, rather than showing both.  I just can't recall where I read it, or if I'm confusing it with another site.

    2. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Will, I thought there was the option to display your real name instead of your username, but I can't see where that is now?

      1. NessMovieReviews profile image75
        NessMovieReviewsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Yep but the question remains.

        1. thranax profile image73
          thranaxposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Well, Will is a very successful writer who tends to have more traditional approaches to the content he creates and the advice he gives.

          Marisa, while uses this approach, has also had great success in her time writing on Hubpages.

          And me, who uses a water dragon (or more clearly a walking dragon in the water) (ouch!) for 9 years have had success on Hubpages using the pen name thranax with my real name Andrew next to it. The traffic that my hubs generate analytical data shows are from younger audiences between ages 13-30. While a lot of my target audiences fall in that age group, they seem to find it more playful overall.

          Your current hubpage name also follows the "popular" trend set by gamers who make youtube videos or stream on Twitch around 2009-today with names ending in what they do. Beckyplays, Asarothplays, Nessaphotographs for example wink. If thats what you like doing I fully suggest going for it as its a style that won't fade anytime soon. Yours being extra specific such as "NessMovieReviews" means that it is unlikely to be copied by some other person going by Ness or Nessa.

          If you want perfect credibility use your real name. If you want to be a bit mysterious or take on a role as someone else create a pen name. If you want to specialize in a specific subject use your name+action. Credibility isn't just based on names and can apply to anything you do. Curtis Jackson uses "50 Cent",  Dovydas a Runescape video maker from Lithuania goes by "A Friend" formerly "Erasergaming" on youtube and has over 350k subs and is a self made professional Runescape player, and most famously "Mark Twain" was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

          Its not the name that brings a successful audience and a status of "authority" - its what you personally do to achieve that status through your content.

          1. NessMovieReviews profile image75
            NessMovieReviewsposted 7 years agoin reply to this

            Absolute ❤️ For this response.


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