Why does noone care enough to say what they think about what they read to the pe

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  1. PeeGee profile image61
    PeeGeeposted 14 years ago

    Why does noone care enough to say what they think about what they read to the person that wrote it?

    I am very keen to hear some good old fashioned criticism of what I write from people that aren't my friends or significant other - how do we ever grow without being watered by reality! Please feel free.... PeeGee

  2. bettyboopbbw69 profile image57
    bettyboopbbw69posted 14 years ago

    People are so busy being politically correct or trying to be positive that many people don't understand that CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is important in a person's growth and may spark actual change. People holding their tongues so tight and withholding important information from developing minds is one of the main reasons many people grow up unable to cope with life and others in general.

    Parents trying to their children's friend, friends trying to sleep through all their friends.... things just aren't right with the world right now. I have learned in order to get that dose of reality, you have to turn off reality television, cell phones, gaming systems, ipods, and just relate to people on a regular.

  3. wisecrone333 profile image59
    wisecrone333posted 14 years ago

    I presume you are talking about your hubs, so I am going to take a look and will let you know

    best wishes

  4. profile image58
    Msgracieposted 14 years ago

    people are worried about hurting someone's feelings...it is the sympathy of the nature,

    but if it is online many will say what not just depending.

    writing is an art, a creative one, it is so hard for someone, in my opinion to judge and or be critical of it.    It is not like you are drawing a cartoon, i.e. Ninja Turtles, where they look and are a specific way.  They have a distinctive look or characteristic to say "Ninja Turtle" if I drew a live/real looking turtle and tried to pass if off as a Ninja T, you could say no that is not one, but
    writing, people have styles and ways of expressing themselves, no one should say anything about what someone has to say, unless it is grammatical corrections! smile
    Freedom of speech!

    However, if it is did u like it or not, they should be honest and say not what i'm interested in, but many people too don't like confrontation when it is not necessary smile

  5. alekhouse profile image73
    alekhouseposted 14 years ago

    It's not that noone cares, it has more to do with not wanting to get into arguments and not hurting people's feelings. This has happened on hubpages and has upset several people, putting them on the defensive.

    Writing is a very "personal" thing. No  matter what the writer is writing about, he or she has to put himself out there. And for some, negative criticism may be too much to take, depending upon at what juncture they are in their writing ability, career, etc.

    I haven't checked out your profile, so I don't know how long you've been on hubpages. It might make a difference, as to the kind of criticism or the lack of criticism you're receiving,  if the other hubber who has read your stuff knows you well, he or she may be more forthcoming.

    *Just checked out your profile. Haven't read any hubs yet, (but I will). I'm thinking if you told other hubbers a little bit about yourself, it might help them feel more comfortable about writing to you honestly. In otherwords, "Who are you?"

    Also, some other hubbers may not feel qualified to give you the kind of criticism you're looking for.

  6. hollyschulz profile image60
    hollyschulzposted 14 years ago

    In addition to feeling sorry for the writer - which is actually a selfish act of preserving their own image rather than a selfless act of generosity to help another grow - I'm pretty sure there's quite a few people who comment just for the sake of getting their name out there!

    It's not much better to hear a simple "good job" IMHO.  What was good? Why was it good? Obviously it didn't move you THAT much if you don't lay out a few specifics for me... It puts me under the impression that they just want to butter me up (or guilt trip me!) so I return the "favor". 

    I admit feeling bad about criticism sometimes, especially if someone's Hub is awful!... In that case I opt to say nothing at all smile

  7. indamist profile image58
    indamistposted 14 years ago

    I believe they do actually.  Whenever I read a book or poem or article, I specifically look for the author's website or email address. I disagree with just about everyone's "Answers" so far.  Writing is an art, its true, but for us, it is an EMOTIONAL artistic expression of ourselves that we choose to share. 

    There are people who spend their whole lives analyzing, critiquing, and delving into artworks, songs, architecture and soforth but for a writer, if we don't grab their attention almost at sentence one, we click somewhere else to something more interesting without a second thought! 

    For me though, I want to know what made that person turn the page or click away from the work or how did they lose interest.  There does not need to be propriety in writing because it is based on one's own mental and emotional connection to a character or an article or poem or whatever... I WANT someone to hurt my feelings, to let me know they took the time to hate or disagree with something I have written.  These people are being too polite and need to be real.  If I like it, I will tell you but if I don't you will hear it.  If your feelings get hurt then you are not a true artist and writing is my life so I will check out your stuff and write you.

  8. Ladybythelake55 profile image59
    Ladybythelake55posted 14 years ago

    I am sure it has to do with hurting the other person that is doing the writing. Constructive Criticism is good and will help the person to perfect his/her writing. However, destructive criticism is bad and can only cause conflict between the person giving the criticism and the person receiving it.
    I look for other to critique my writing for me, I can take constructive criticism unlike the rest of my family. If you like I will critique your writing for you.

  9. privateye2500 profile image41
    privateye2500posted 14 years ago

    Read this - it might have the answer you seek.


  10. profile image0
    RTalloniposted 14 years ago

    I've been thinking of writing a hub on the value of critics!

    But to answer your question, politeness and freedom could be top reasons that people don't respond as you wish.  Writers generally have polite compassion toward other writers and just want to encourage them to do what will help and that is to keep writing. Also, you are free to write anything you want, free to fine-tune your writing skills or not, free to proof your work or not, so who should criticize? 

    Too, most people don't take criticism well.  If you are one of those truly unique individuals who values criticism you will go far. 

    Your question has my curiosity up and I am going to check out your work...maybe I will leave some comments.  smile

  11. cwarden profile image40
    cwardenposted 13 years ago

    I can't answer your question and I  can't speak for others - but I love your style and am now a PeeGee follower!


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