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Nancy Hinchliff (alekhouse)

Joined 15 years ago from Essex Junction, Vermont

  • 108
  • 458
  • 165
  • Cooking for Vegans

    Cooking for Vegans

    11 years ago

    I still have my week-end with the Vegans running around in my head. They stayed at my bed and breakfast for four days, along with several diabetics who were here for the Civil Air Patrol Conference. They were not all in the same room, of course. In...

  • I'm all about Christmas this year

    I'm all about Christmas this year

    11 years ago

    For some reason or other, I'm into Christmas this year. I am not walking around muttering Bah Humbug. I am actually thinking about Christmas dinner and seeing my family, as dysfunctional as we may be. When I was younger, as soon as December...

  • Kicking Cancer's Butt

    Kicking Cancer's Butt

    11 years ago

    Recently, a friend of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer. I am writing this for her to let her know that she has to have hope that it will turn out OK. A few years back, before I opened the B&B, I took a sabbatical from my high school teaching...

  • Who are these Neanderthals?

    Who are these Neanderthals?

    12 years ago

    I’ve been so busy in my bed and breakfast and finishing up a final edit of my memoir, I haven’t read the Sunday paper in weeks…no, make that months. So I deliberately sat down this Easter morning, on a beautiful sunny day in April to relax...

  • 10

    "Help": an excerpt from Operatic Divas and Naked Irishmen

    9 years ago

    I found my first assistant on the streets of "Old Louisville" She was in front of one of those huge, gorgeous Victorian houses a couple of streets over from me loading up her car. I almost drove right past her, but slammed on the brakes just in time...

  • Living with a work in progress

    Living with a work in progress

    11 years ago

    Once you have written your first draft, the easy part is over and the hard part begins. The hard part is where you begin the process of re-writing and crafting your book, chapter by chapter, sentences by sentence, word by word. That’s exactly...

  • I worked around the corner from the Playboy Club in Chicago

    I worked around the corner from the Playboy Club in Chicago

    11 years ago

    I lived most of my life in Chicago. I loved it because there was so much to do, especially for someone with widely varying interests like myself. Besides being a wife and mother, I was a teacher, a sometimes singer, and student at Northwestern,...

  • I'm totally blown away by this: Lady Gaga

    I'm totally blown away by this: Lady Gaga

    12 years ago

    This morning, I got my computer booted up early so I could start writing on my four blogs, etc. and stopped to take a look at what was going on in the news. The first thing that caught my eye was a photo of Lady Gaga dressed like a man. Intrigued, I...

  • I can't listen to music when I write

    I can't listen to music when I write

    11 years ago

    I can't listen to music when I write. it's very distracting, but more than that I find myself so immersed in the music, the rhythm, the tempo, the melody, and the structure, I completely lose my train of thought for what I am writing. Yes, I am a...

  • Boy, this getting old aint for the young: They wouldn't be able to handle it.

    Boy, this getting old aint for the young: They wouldn't be able to handle it.

    11 years ago

    I am a morning to get up early with the birds or some other such diurnal creatures.There was a time when I would get up in the morning at 6:00 am and be ready for a hayride or something equally exciting. Now I’m lucky if I can make...

  • Still Pluggin' away

    Still Pluggin' away

    12 years ago

    I know I haven't been around lately and I really miss all of you and your wonderful articles. But I've been very busy. Not only with the bed ad breakfast (this is my high season) but also with my memoir. I'm on the third writing and trying to finish...

  • Jasonspeak: Tales from an Innkeeper's crypt

    Jasonspeak: Tales from an Innkeeper's crypt

    12 years ago

    For those of you who are familiar with my Innkeeper tales, this piece is about Jason, but is very reminiscent of Kari. They are very much alike. You remember Kari, right?/ (Please don't hesitate to give me feedback.) ...

  • Rodney and the Boys

    Rodney and the Boys

    12 years ago

    The following is a short excerpt from my memoir Operatic Divas and Naked Irishmen: An Innkeeper's Tale, which is still a work in progress. I'm on my third and hopefully final rewrite. Since the memoir is nearly finished I thought I'd throw out a...

  • Steven Tyler and Carrie Underwood bring rock to County Music Awards

    Steven Tyler and Carrie Underwood bring rock to County Music Awards

    13 years ago

    According to Hennemusic, "Steven Tyler brought down the house in Las Vegas Sunday night at the 46th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards. Tyler was a surprise and unannounced guest, joining Carrie Underwood for her song Undo It before the two...

  • OMG, it's Steven Tyler

    OMG, it's Steven Tyler

    11 years ago

    This is a new experience for me. I am not easily celebrities, money, cars, whatever. That is not to say that I don't appreciate talent, beauty, and aesthetics. I love films, theater, opera, ballet, music, and art. But it has to be...

  • Just What is Tourette's Syndrome?

    Just What is Tourette's Syndrome?

    11 years ago

    I've been watching American Idol for many seasons. One of the most memorable was the season James Durbin auditioned for the judges. At that time, he told them that he had Tourettes syndrome and Aspergers disease. This was quite a surprise to me as...

  • Idol: Another contestant hits the dust

    Idol: Another contestant hits the dust

    13 years ago

    I’ve been saying it right along, the girls are not as strong as the boys. And last night proved it when another girl was voted off. I think America got it right when they voted Thia Megia, Hayley Reinhart, and Karen Rodriguez into the bottom...

  • Strange Things Goin' On With The Judges, especially Steven Tyler

    Strange Things Goin' On With The Judges, especially Steven Tyler

    13 years ago

    This week’ American Idol continued to surprise me. I am having so much fun watching Jennifer Lopez and Stephen Tyler and getting to know them. They, along with Randy Jackson are an interesting mix. I have been watching Idol almost from the...

  • Talk about shameless self-promotion

    Talk about shameless self-promotion

    13 years ago

    Did you see Idol last night? Well, if you did, you know you had to sit through J-Lo's new video On the Floor. I can't believe they ran the whole thing on American Idol. After all, she's not the only celebrity there. This is the first single off of...

  • Idol: I can't believe I'm so into it this year

    Idol: I can't believe I'm so into it this year

    13 years ago

    I have been watching American Idol ever since it's been on TV, but I don't usually vote. I like it because I'v been in so many similar situations and it brings brings back all sorts of memories. I have been a performer and a music director, have...

  • Another look at Idol:  So what the heck is  going on?

    Another look at Idol: So what the heck is going on?

    13 years ago

    So last night I was not too happy about the way things turned out...not with the contestants, but with the judges. The eliminations went along as expected. There's a lot of good talent so I think they'll end up with some amazing competitors when...

  • Idol: 2nd and 3rd times around

    Idol: 2nd and 3rd times around

    13 years ago

    Controlled and not much different than past years Idol continued early auditions on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Screamers, cryers, people who can actually sing a little and some who could sing a lot came out in Milwaukee and in Nashville....

  • This season's American Idol

    This season's American Idol

    13 years ago

    I don't watch a lot of TV. I like House, Lie To Me, and The Mentalist. I also like NCIS, but don't always have time to watch it. I have to admit that there are some reality shows I'm fond of...No, not the Housewives, no matter where they're from, or...

  • Tales from an Innkeeper's crypt: Finally...the tree's down

    Tales from an Innkeeper's crypt: Finally...the tree's down

    12 years ago

    Why did it take so long to take the tree down? (we just did it yesterday). There are lots of reasons, I suppose, but one of the biggest ones is I never wanted to put it up in the first place. I think I'm turning into this Bah Humbug person who...

  • Avoiding bankruptcy at all costs

    Avoiding bankruptcy at all costs

    11 years ago

    I run a small business. Most of my friends and colleagues are small business owners. Every single one of them is in debt. There is no respite from this. According to economists, small business owners have to learn to live with debt. I've had a small...

  • Morning ramblings from the Innkeeper: Now there's a Cyber Monday?

    Morning ramblings from the Innkeeper: Now there's a Cyber Monday?

    12 years ago

    I opened my email this morning and there they were...80 emails, not in my spam... there were only 20 there, but in my regular mail. And half of them were ads for Cyber Monday. I'm pretty computer savvy, but I'll have to admit I missed this...

  • Christmas Morning Crepes

    Christmas Morning Crepes

    11 years ago

    Crepes for a very special Christmas breakfast This dish is some what time consuming, but Christmas only comes once a year and if you want to make something that will get a lot of ooohs and aaahs and is very delicious as well, this is it. ...

  • Christmas Cookies

    Christmas Cookies

    11 years ago

    I love making my own decorations for Christmas. It really gets me in the Christmas mood. I'm sort of a Bah! Humbug! person, so anything I can do to mellow myself out and help myself enjoy the season is on my "to do" list. I guess I've made just...

  • Potassium and Potatoes

    Potassium and Potatoes

    13 years ago

    Well here's something I didn't know. Potatoes contain an ingredient that helps to prevent strokes. It doesn't matter what kind of potato, russet, red, sweet potatoes, all of them have huge amounts of potassium. In a recent study, men and...

  • More Tales from an Innkeeper's Crypt:Housekeepers and assistants

    More Tales from an Innkeeper's Crypt:Housekeepers and assistants

    13 years ago

    One of the stickiest relationships when running a bed and breakfast is that between the Innkeeper and their housekeeper or assistant. The two work so closely together that it's important that their personalities mesh. It took me a while to figure...

  • 57

    Appalachia: Dispelling the myth

    9 years ago

    "...So many lies have been written about us, the mountain people, that folks from other states have formed an image of a gun-totin', tabaccer -spittin , whiskey drinkin', barefooted, foolish hillbilly who never existed except in the minds of people...

  • Fabulous Chocolate Bourbon Cake

    Fabulous Chocolate Bourbon Cake

    11 years ago

    Bourbon and Kentucky go together like ham and eggs. Until I moved to Louisville, I had no idea there were so many uses for Bourbon besides drinking it. And when I opened my bed and breakfast here and started doing a lot of cooking, breakfast and...

  • Deja vu

    Deja vu

    13 years ago

    I've told this story now this is a real case of deja vu. Please bear with me while I tell it again, with a twist: different day...different cat. I'm a dog person. I keep telling them that...the cats I mean..... but it doesn't seem to...

  • My new past-time: Information hoarding

    My new past-time: Information hoarding

    13 years ago

    It seems that I've become a hoarder of information. I've been stashing it on the Internet in my word docs, my Google docs, and my email docs; as well as on little bits of paper all over the house. I suddenly became aware of this after I found out a...

  • That Zombie in the mirror was me

    That Zombie in the mirror was me

    14 years ago

    Well, it was the only way I could get through the morning, which is not really over yet. This is going to be a "post-in-progress" It will help stabilize me. Last night I got all caught-up in stuff on the internet. It was extremely stimulating so...

  • Open Window:  Tales from an Innkeeper's Crypt

    Open Window: Tales from an Innkeeper's Crypt

    14 years ago

    I haven't been around much lately cause I've been in Austin (Texas ) looking for a house. I've sold my bed and breakfast and my Victorian house in Louisville and will be moving to the southwest soon.My realtor took me to see 30 houses this week...

  • Curve ball: Getting hit by

    Curve ball: Getting hit by "self-induced stress"

    14 years ago

    A few months ago I was thrown a curve ball by some of my friends. I know they thought they were having fun, but unfortunately I couldn't get into the game. I have to admit it... I was a victim of "self-induced stress", which prohibited me from...

  • Is This Really Going To Happen? Tales from an innkeepers crypt: Fourth in a series about Kari, my assistant

    Is This Really Going To Happen? Tales from an innkeepers crypt: Fourth in a series about Kari, my assistant

    14 years ago

    This article is the fourth in a series about my housekeeper/assistant Kari, who has worked for me for a year and a half now. You can find the first article at: House for sale, the second at Keeping it All Together and the third at Broken...

  • How to cope with learning disabilities and attention deficits

    How to cope with learning disabilities and attention deficits

    13 years ago

    I have written several articles here on hubpages about my assistant, Kari, who works for me at my bed and breakfast: House For Sale, Keeping it All Together, and Broken Dishes. She exhibits several behaviors which prevent her from functioning on a...

  • Spring: a poetry exercise

    Spring: a poetry exercise

    14 years ago

    The following is an exercise in which I have written the same poem in two different forms: the first example is in free verse and the second is in rhyming form. Icy tendrils clinging to shivering bark melt away with the morning sun ...

  • Broken dishes: Tales from an Innkeeper's crypt: Third in a series about Kari

    Broken dishes: Tales from an Innkeeper's crypt: Third in a series about Kari

    14 years ago

    This article in the third in a series about my housekeeper/assistant Kari, who has worked for me for over a year. You can find the first article at: House for sale and the second at Keeping it All Together Kari and I were shampooing the carpet...

  • Keeping it all together: Tales from an Innkeeper's crypt: Second in a series about Kari

    Keeping it all together: Tales from an Innkeeper's crypt: Second in a series about Kari

    14 years ago

    This article in the second in a series about my housekeeper/assistant Kari, who has worked for me for a year. You can find the first article at: House for sale. Besides being my housekeeper, Kari is also my assistant in the bed and breakfast. She...

  • Sisters


    14 years ago

    In innocence they twirled and twirled their filmy summer dresses wrapping 'round their sturdy legs And holding hands they laughingly fell back upon the ground and felt the sweep of morning air across their faces. And lying oh so...

  • Shattered Ideas

    Shattered Ideas

    14 years ago

    I've been here before not sure not knowing revealing what I don't know what I'd like to know, I think. I'm not sure which way to go I hate not knowing which way to go to the old or to the new? I don't mind asking help me tell me But when you do...

  • 33

    Is Hemingway boring?

    14 years ago

    Ernest Hemingway has been considered one of the best writers of the twentieth century. He won both the pulitzer and Nobel prizes and produced several novels and short stories, some of which were made into films. However, in today's world, it is...

  • House For Sale: Tales From an Innkeeper's Crypt: First in a series about Kari

    House For Sale: Tales From an Innkeeper's Crypt: First in a series about Kari

    14 years ago

    I've been trying to sell my house, right? The market is bad and it's not selling, so I came up with an idea so that Kari, my house-keeper and her husband, could buy it. They decided to do it. That was six months ago, but now I'm tired of the whole...

  • Why take it out on Cupid? For those who hate Valentine's Day

    Why take it out on Cupid? For those who hate Valentine's Day

    14 years ago

    Why take it out on Cupid? you know what I mean he’s just a kid who came up with a clever idea. a way to say I love you for those who just can’t admit that they do whose hearts are frozen but yet have chosen to fake it with candy and...

  • Water: A film review

    Water: A film review

    14 years ago

    The main characters Chuyia: A seven year old child/widow Kalyani:A young, beautiful widow in her 30's who has been prostituted by Madhumati. Narayan:A commoner and follower of Ghandi, who meets Kalyani and falls in love with her Shakuntala:a deeply...

  • Ashram


    14 years ago

    After he died they took her to the Ashram and cut off all her hair She was younger than the rest, whose eyes were glassy, dark and circled, and fought them like a tiger Barely seven, she would bring them tea and rub their tired shoulders ...

  • A Valentine's Day get-away at a bed and breakfast

    A Valentine's Day get-away at a bed and breakfast

    14 years ago

    A Bed and Breakfast is the perfect place to celebrate Valentine's Day. My Inn is always filled for Valentine's Day. I've seen a lot creative ways that couples celebrate. Of course, we are here to make their week-end as special as possible. It really...

  • People pleasing paralysis

    People pleasing paralysis

    12 years ago

    When I was growing up, the most popular people were the ones who wore a smile all the time and never said no when someone asked a favor of them. Unfortunately I was not one of those people. I was not popular in high school. I wasn't completely...

  • Gift-giving at Christmas: It's about the people we love

    Gift-giving at Christmas: It's about the people we love

    14 years ago

    Christmas is almost here and most of the buying is done, at least for all but the last minute scramblers who now have to venture out and face the last minute crowds. If you still need something, it's definitely offline shopping time. Although it may...

  • Women and happiness: Part two - The way it was and is now

    Women and happiness: Part two - The way it was and is now

    14 years ago

    Women and happiness: Part two - Whine, womyn, and thongs (a title used by Christine Rosin, 1990) *To see the first article in this series, click here: "Women and happiness : Part One -The way it was. " As is often the case, when...

  • Women and happiness: Part one: A series of articles on the way it was and is now

    Women and happiness: Part one: A series of articles on the way it was and is now

    14 years ago

    Women and happiness. Part one: The way it was In the 1960s, I was teaching school in Chicago. It was just about the time that the "women's feminist movement was getting started. I had graduated from college with a teaching degree and was eager to...

  • The other side of nothingness: A different perspective

    The other side of nothingness: A different perspective

    14 years ago

    Being in my seventies, I have decided that, since I am getting closer and closer to death, I must face that fact without fear. In the past, I have been afraid to even utter the word. I no longer want to fear that word and what it means. I am not...

  • Nothingness


    14 years ago

    So just how does it feel, the end of life? Not different from an ordinary day. And wondering, I let my mind go free to conjure up whatever it desires. It fills with nothingness. I cannot see the end of me. I cannot fathom what the nothingness...

  • Hoax or scientific experiment gone wrong?

    Hoax or scientific experiment gone wrong?

    14 years ago

    I find the question of whether or not parents, who include their children in their schemes to either make money illegally or get publicity illegally, disturbing and compelling. In the video here, an intriguing story is being told. Whether or not...

  • Improvisation: That spontaneous thing that you do

    Improvisation: That spontaneous thing that you do

    13 years ago

    to extemporize, ad lib, play it by ear, take it as it comes, make it up as you go along Simply put, to improvise is to make something up on the spur of the moment. That something could be just about anything from a song, to a cake, to a headdress,...

  • 35

    High School Musicals: What I did for love

    13 years ago

    Note: Part of the title of this hub is the title of one of the songs from A Chorus line When I went to work for South Shore High School in Chicago, years and years ago, I was assigned to teach general music, conduct two choruses, and put on...

  • Retirement? ......I don't think so!

    Retirement? ......I don't think so!

    11 years ago

    I love to work. In fact, you could say I am a work-a-holic. Don't know where I picked up such a strong work ethic, but it seems like I've always been driven by it. By the time I was 12, I was running my own neighborhood baby-sitting agency. This...

  • 26

    Appalachian foodways: Cooking ethics and traditions of a diverse population

    13 years ago

    Appalachia is a mostly mountainous area situated in the eastern section of the United States, It stretches from Alabama in the south to Pennsylvania and into parts of New York in the north. The people living in that area originally migrated from...

  • Bourbon: A Kentucky tradition

    Bourbon: A Kentucky tradition

    11 years ago

    Nothing says Kentucky like Bourbon. An act of congress in 1964 declared Bourbon to be "America's Native Spirit" and its official distilled spirit. Most bourbons are distilled in Kentucky and it is widely believed that only Kentucky whiskey can...

  • Louisville Kentucky's First  International Film Festival

    Louisville Kentucky's First International Film Festival

    14 years ago

    One of the reasons I moved to Louisville Kentucky, after retiring from teaching in Chicago, was that the city offered a lot in the way of performing arts. I had been used to that in Chicago and wanted more than a lower cost of living, a friendly...

  • Tim Burton and Johnny Depp take on Alice in Wonderland

    Tim Burton and Johnny Depp take on Alice in Wonderland

    13 years ago

    Walt Disney Studios has just released the movie Alice in Wonderland, pairing director Tim Burton and actor Johnny Depp. These two are a wonderful combination in the making of unusual and "far out" movies. They work well together and have teamed up...

  • Amorphous as the clouds

    Amorphous as the clouds

    14 years ago

    Graphic by Chris A: Amorphous as the clouds above do seem, their misty spirits rising bid us dream. My love appears but when I reach for him the glow that once was there begins to dim....

  • How to make a beautiful floral wreath

    How to make a beautiful floral wreath

    15 years ago

    A beautiful wreath hanging on your front door is a good way to say welcome to anyone passing by or coming to visit. Designing a wreath with dried flowers and greens from your summer garden or with flowers from your local weekend market is a fun and...

  • Angle-Closure Glaucoma

    Angle-Closure Glaucoma

    13 years ago

    Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that cause vision loss and blindness through damage to the optic nerve. Several factors contribute to its development, but the main culprit is elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), that is, pressure within the eye....

  • Falling in  love again

    Falling in love again

    14 years ago

    I'd crept into the deepest darkest place, Where life and love no longer saw my face. My heart was cold, my very soul was dead. My only solace, memories in my head. You came to me and caught me unaware, And unprepared, I fell into your lair. I...

  • Review: So you think you can dance

    Review: So you think you can dance

    14 years ago

    One of the best summer dance shows on TV is a show called "So You Think You Can Dance" Its fifth season appears to be the most successful so far, thanks to a group of extremely talented contestants. This is one of my favorite summer shows. Partly...

  • The sweet potato: A near perfect food

    The sweet potato: A near perfect food

    14 years ago

    Low in calories, high in everything else. If you don't eat sweet potatoes, you're missing out on one of nature's truly perfect foods. Besides being low in calories, they are high in fiber, great for diabetics and people who are carbohydrate...

  • Is organic better? Organic vs conventionally grown food

    Is organic better? Organic vs conventionally grown food

    12 years ago

    If organic foods are better for you, why are they so darned expensive? I just started buying organic products on a regular basis this year. Prior to that, my feeling was that I just couldn't afford the prices; they are so much more expensive than...

  • Are you addicted to sugar?

    Are you addicted to sugar?

    15 years ago

    Some people swear they are addicted to sugar. But, there is a lot of controversy over whether sugar craving is just that; a craving, a habit, or an addiction. The FDA says that, in order for a substance to be an addiction, it must cause a craving,...

  • How do you take your tea?

    How do you take your tea?

    11 years ago

    Although the first tea plant arrived in this country in the late 1700s, The history of Sweet Tea in America only dates back to the 19th century, when Americans first attempted to grow tea in the United States. The areas that bore the essential...

  • More tales from an Innkeeper's crypt

    More tales from an Innkeeper's crypt

    15 years ago

    Confrontation with country folk Every once in a while we have to deal with some sort of confrontation at the Aleksander House. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it's memorable. Occasionally, a guest doesn't show up, or decides for...

  • George Carlin: Outrageous comedian

    George Carlin: Outrageous comedian

    14 years ago

    "Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting '...holy sh*t ....what a ride!' George Carlin died of heart failure in 2008, at the age of 71. He was...

  • If you like delicious summer salads: Give this one a try

    If you like delicious summer salads: Give this one a try

    14 years ago

    Prep: 10 minutes (salad), 10 minutes (dressing) Salad: 4 cups spring greens 1 yellow bell pepper, chopped 1 cup grape tomatoes, cut in half 1/2 cup shredded carrots 2 to 3 green onion springs, sliced 1 cup chopped mangos 2 baked, roasted, or fried...

  • 26

    Outdoor Container Gardening: Planting a Pot of Flowers

    14 months ago

    Learn everything you need to know to plant pots with flowers, plants, or herbs, including selecting pots and flowers and designing your own pot.

  • A life interrupted: Ode to Barbaro

    A life interrupted: Ode to Barbaro

    14 years ago

    I was there when it happened that sixteenth day in May. The crowd anticipating another win that day. I'd watched him win the Derby excitement filled the air, and all the horses in the race were taking on the dare The dare to be the best their...

  • Computex 2009 Taipei: largest computer exhibit in Asia

    Computex 2009 Taipei: largest computer exhibit in Asia

    12 years ago

    Computex Taipei is the world's leading ICT procurement platform, generating more than US$ 20 billion in 2008, with more than 1800 global exhibitors from around the world. It has become the largest computer exhibition in Asia and the second largest...

  • The Amazing Mr Block

    The Amazing Mr Block

    14 years ago

    He came to my Inn during the horrific ice storm we had in February of 2009. He had his belongings in several different plastic bags. As he started up the walk I could see that he might end up flat of his back on the icy pavement, so I sent my house...

  • Fibromyalgia: A mysterious painful malady

    Fibromyalgia: A mysterious painful malady

    13 years ago

    I have Fibromyalgia and it's not fun! A lot of people never even heard of it much less know what it is. However, more and more people are being diagnosed with it. Some scientists believe it may be caused by an injury of trauma. Others believe it's...

  • That perfect cup of coffee

    That perfect cup of coffee

    15 years ago

    I love coffee, strong and black. I grind my own beans so I can get just the right flavor. My favorite coffees are Jamaican Blue Mountain and Kona, but we don't use them in the bed and breakfast because they're way too expensive. We use a nice...

  • Grief


    14 years ago

    I've lost a daughter. She walked away one day without ever looking back. This was inevitable, its inception countless years ago. And while she waited for the perfect time to carry out her plan, the perfect moment to be free, she sat and...

  • Basil: a gourmet cook's delight

    Basil: a gourmet cook's delight

    10 years ago

    On my back porch, are 8 huge pots and 5 window boxes which hang over the railing. Although they contain some Geraniums and Petunias, they are mostly filled with herbs: Basil, Dill, Thyme, Tarragon, Rosemary and mint. And, if you look a little...

  • 31

    Chasing Claude Monet: Giverny and the Art of Living

    5 years ago

    Having visited Giverny, the home of the Impressionist painter Claude Monet, several years ago, I was struck by the fact that nothing resembles a formal French garden less than Giverny's glorious, flurry of flowers, water, and greenery. Upon seeing...

  • ...not by bread alone

    ...not by bread alone

    11 years ago

    Historically, around the early 1500s, the first pies, probably on the European continent, were called "coffins" or "coffyns". They were savory meat pies with tall crusts which were sealed on the top and bottom. Open crust pies were called "traps"....

  • Kentucky's Culinary Heritage

    Kentucky's Culinary Heritage

    15 years ago

    The Cumberland River at Cumberland State Park, Kentucky The early Kentucky region formed the western part of the wilderness granted to Virginia under the royal charter of 1609. When the Cumberland Gap, a pass through the appalachian mountains, was...

  • 7

    "Kill your hogs when the wind is from the northwest": How to cure a ham

    13 years ago

    Imagine life before refrigeration. It really wasn't that long ago that folks were putting up fruits and vegetables from their gardens in jars and slaughtering livestock they raised themselves and preserving it so it would last through the winter. ...

  • Tristan and Isolde: The opera vs the movie

    Tristan and Isolde: The opera vs the movie

    14 years ago

    I am not necessarily an avid listener of Wagner. Most of his music is intense, heavy and goes on forever. But his operas are truly masterpieces; although, not as easy to listen to as Puccini and Verdi. If you are not an opera enthusiast, I'm sure...

  • Kentucky's love affair with Salad

    Kentucky's love affair with Salad

    15 years ago

    The Kentucky tradition of salads goes back to Elizabethan, England. In The English Hous-wife (1615), the author alludes to "...the young buds and knots of all mannerof wholesome herbs at their first mint, lettuce, violets and...

  • The legend of burgoo

    The legend of burgoo

    11 years ago

    Now I like food and I love to cook, and I've tried a lot of different food in my life, including many different ethic dishes; thus, developing a worldly and daring palate. But, I wouldn't touch this stuff with a ten foot pole. I'm talking about...

  • Fabulous Grand Marnier French Toast

    Fabulous Grand Marnier French Toast

    13 years ago

    This is an awesome recipe. I can't remember where I first got it, I think it was from a friend of my daughter's. Anyhow, it was a Long time ago and I've changed it many times since then. It's a favorite of my bed and breakfast guests. Everybody...

  • The emergence of women as serious artists

    The emergence of women as serious artists

    11 years ago

    For years, "artist" wasn't a respectable profession for anybody , male or female, until the Italian Renaissance. Even then, most parents would not have chosen an artistic endeavor as a profession for their children. Artists have always been an...

  • Trashy dancer: The joys of being an innkeeper

    Trashy dancer: The joys of being an innkeeper

    11 years ago

    The Mid-America Truck Show was coming to town. I started getting a lot of calls and knew I would be filled to capacity. I was feeling happy thinking about the fact that I would probably be able to meet my expenses this month, when the phone rang. It...

  • They're doing it again: Phasing out the music programs in the schools

    They're doing it again: Phasing out the music programs in the schools

    15 years ago

    In an article in the Daily Kenoshan Newspaper this morning, the headline read: The Day Music Died. The ensuing article read: " According to music teachers at the Kenosha Unified School District, School Board President Eric Olsen has declared a...

  • How the economy hurt my business and what I've done about it

    How the economy hurt my business and what I've done about it

    15 years ago

    I've been in business for fifteen years. By myself, I own and run a small bed and breakfast in Louisville, Kentucky. There's a lot of work involved, but I'm a workaholic (why else would I sign up for the Hub challenge?) and I love the the whole idea...

  • Mornings at my bed and breakfast:: Delicious baked apple pancakes

    Mornings at my bed and breakfast:: Delicious baked apple pancakes

    11 years ago

    Mornings at my bed and breakfast are a food worshipper's dream. You awake to the aroma of freshly ground and brewed coffee. We use only the finest European blend, with a dash of French roast thrown in. We may be baking muffins, waffles, french...

  • He wore a Dashiki: Miles Davis at his best

    He wore a Dashiki: Miles Davis at his best

    11 years ago

    I moved to Chicago in the 1960s, as a single mother with two young children. It was a very exciting city with lots going on in art, music, and theater. I first settled in an area called Saganash Park, then Evanston. But after discovering that...

  • The exuberant honeymooners

    The exuberant honeymooners

    15 years ago

    People come to a bed and breakfast for various reasons. Some are here on business, some are visiting friends or family, and some just want to get away and scope out the area. But, one of the most popular reasons is to celebrate a special...

  • She was an outdoor cat

    She was an outdoor cat

    13 years ago

    She was an outdoor cat and frequently came up onto my back porch to lie in the sun. I didn't feed her, but neither did I shoo her away. I love animals and there were many in the neighborhood. But I knew if I fed them, they would start hanging around...

  • I'll never forget Robin: She looked like a scared little bird

    I'll never forget Robin: She looked like a scared little bird

    15 years ago

    She appeared at my door, looking like a little scared bird. She had no luggage, nothing else with her except the clothes she was wearing. She came to spend a couple of nights at my bed and breakfast. Another innkeeper had brought her. Robin had been...

  • Pears in White Zinfindel

    Pears in White Zinfindel

    14 years ago

    I like to think that I'm a gourmet cook, especially when it comes to breakfast. At my Inn, we always serve the very best breakfast we can, with the freshest ingredients. We usually serve two courses, with fruit and bread (sweet or savory) first,...

  • The naked Irish farmer

    The naked Irish farmer

    14 years ago

    In my last hub, "One day I woke up and I was an innkeeper", I mentioned that in order to make the most money possible, I would rent out all five of my bedrooms and sleep in the hallway just outside the kitchen on the first floor. I dug out my camper...

  • Daddy was a jazz musician

    Daddy was a jazz musician

    6 years ago

    He played tenor sax. When I was very young, we lived in Detroit in a tiny apartment, my mom, my dad, my sister and me. Daddy practiced all day long and played in clubs all night, except when he went fishing or hunting, his two favorite past times. ...

  • One day I woke up and I was an innkeeper: 2nd in a series

    One day I woke up and I was an innkeeper: 2nd in a series

    15 years ago

    Yes, I shopped nearly every day for an entire year. And since then, I've never been able to go shopping in stores again. I do all my shopping on-line, except for what I buy at the grocery or drug store. Honestly! And risk-taker that I am, I spent...

  • It was never a dream: How I became an innkeeper: 1st in a series of three

    It was never a dream: How I became an innkeeper: 1st in a series of three

    15 years ago

    I never planned on being an innkeeper. In fact, I never wanted to be in business. And furthermore, I had no idea that running a bed and breakfast was "being in business". I was a teacher in Chicago for thirty years or so. I loved teaching; started...

  • Surviving the  family roadtrip

    Surviving the family roadtrip

    15 years ago

    This year, all of us are going to have to come up with some creative ideas for summer travel. The economy is still in a slump, but the kids are out of school, they've worked hard all year and, hopefully have gotten passing grades! They really...

  • A writer's point of view

    A writer's point of view

    13 years ago

    Although editors like it, not all writers prefer using the third person. Many writers, myself included, are actually very comfortable using the first person. The choice of which person is more appropriate is dependent on what type of writing you're...


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