How can you trust something like marriage in this day and age when it is easy fo

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  1. Faded Moment profile image61
    Faded Momentposted 15 years ago

    How can you trust something like marriage in this day and age when it is easy for get divorced?

  2. commisioner profile image59
    commisionerposted 15 years ago

    you can't. you never could, not even in the good old days. though divorce was not as common, adultery was. i will say this though, i wouldn't have it any other way. with all the fear of divorce and lawyers and pain it could cause, it makes it even more beautiful that someone is willing to take the chance.
    if you are in love and really feel loved, jump in baby and take the chance. all you can do is live it right, if it fails, then you've done your best.
    i've done it 4 times. i got it right with #1 and #4. #1 passed away at 18, one month after our wedding, # 4 is with me now and will be till one of us dies. 2 gave me a couple gorgeous and now successful children, and 3 was a bad idea. all in all i am a happy man and have been tested for a long time.
    i hope you are loved and can love enough to take the plunge

  3. GoGranny profile image59
    GoGrannyposted 15 years ago

    Wait a minute! Getting married is the easy's exciting and romantic and can be accomplished quickly if desired. Getting a divorce is not so easy. There are many aspects of getting a divorce that makes it harder than getting married. On the surface there are the obvious issues to deal with...children, property, assets, and the actual reason for the divorce. And underneath all of that is the emotional difficulty of a failed marriage...guilt, finger-pointing, sense of failure, fear of being alone again, and fear of reprisals. And it takes months to finalize.
    Nevertheless, the institution of marriage continues to be a worthy and desired tradition for those who are sincerely in love and respect their partners.

  4. Quill2Script profile image59
    Quill2Scriptposted 15 years ago

    You can't. Marriage takes work and commitment. Words that today's society is scared of. However, if you are able to find someone who is willing to give it a chance its worth it. There are more benefits to being married like shared property a sense of commitment, and an agreement that at least you are going to try to be loyal to each other. Shacking up does not offer anything but a open opportunity to leave anytime without any benefits.

  5. qtkeeks profile image59
    qtkeeksposted 14 years ago

    Now a days people are getting married for the wrong reasons. And even when people have good intentions if they dont have God in the midst the marriage will fail.

  6. slherisse profile image59
    slherisseposted 13 years ago

    In this day and age divorce is not an easy process, but it is an easy way out for those who have not prepared for what marriage ask of each person when they say, "I do."  I don't believe that we should trust in marriage, but we should be confident that each person is committed to making it an everlasting union that is able to thrive as a result of the love we have for each other.
    Marriage takes place when two people have committed to being with each other through everything that they will experience as individuals, a couple, and as a family which includes the success, failures, good, bad, ugly, changes... However, marriage doesn't say stay and submit to domestic abuse or adultery which may influence the rise in divorces if partners are walking away from abusive partners and the unfaithful.


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