Why everybody think that every Moslem is terrorist?

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  1. cartier89 profile image58
    cartier89posted 14 years ago

    Why everybody think that every Moslem is terrorist?

  2. SheriSapp profile image59
    SheriSappposted 14 years ago

    I can only speak for myself. I am sorry to say that muslims DO make me nervious. I have heard for years that not all muslims are terrorists, but it is equally true (from what I have seen and heard) that all terrorists ARE muslims. As a woman, I dislike any religion that treats females in the manner of Sharia law.  If MOST muslims are peaceful, they need to do a better job of getting their message out.

  3. starx profile image65
    starxposted 14 years ago

    I don't think every Muslim is terrorist but many terrorists are Muslims. read the words that's important. Some of the reasons are the way that religion is created for intolerance for other faiths and how they claim that if one is not islamic then he is kafir etc. The very idea of god creating another religion and kafir's is diluted by muslims and they're trying to shove their religion on others. Check the terrirism all over the world they're being used by other strong power under the name of religion. if they don't stop being too much deluded about faith then sure many people like bush will use them and dilute the name of islam. So people need to understand what they preach, if islam means peace then show it instead of shoving it on others.

  4. profile image49
    brudulposted 14 years ago

    because....the extreme Moslem was create arguments about JIHAD....how about u??

  5. dabeaner profile image60
    dabeanerposted 14 years ago

    Because their religion says that the infidels must be converted or die.  Now, granted, most Moslems do not fully observe their religious tenets, just as christians also do not.  But the fact that a good Moslem must kill or convert infidels (Jews, Christians, atheistst, buddhist, whatever) should be enough to make non-Moslems a bit wary.

  6. ledefensetech profile image69
    ledefensetechposted 14 years ago

    Why do you assume that everyone thinks every Moslem is a terrorist.  As to why people feel uncomfortable, well that is due to two major behaviors of Moslems.  First, Islam is a very closed religion.  Like Judaism or Mormanism, Islam has a very us vs them/true believers vs unbelievers system.  Second, non-Moslems see no denunciation of suicide bombers or other barbaric attacks by much of anyone in the Islamic world.  After 9/11, for example, people spontaneously started dancing in the streets after the towers came down.  That shows a tacit approval of the terrorists.  People remember that kind of thing.  If you don't denounce barbarism, then you become associated with it.

  7. ribsmoker profile image58
    ribsmokerposted 13 years ago

    one must do the research, according to their law they must kill or convert or tax all nonbeleivers, their koran is in 2 parts ,the early part teaches peace, the later part teaches hate and war against all nonbeleivers. these conflect with each other but it also states that they must follow the later teachings . they quote the early to gain our trust while they must follow the later teachings, unlike the bible that teaches honesty they are told in their book to lie to  infidels, check out ( fishhouseministries for more info, and my hubs


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