Am I experiencing Astral Projection when I'm wide awake and 'seeing things' ???

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  1. barbara yulia profile image60
    barbara yuliaposted 14 years ago

    Am I experiencing Astral Projection when I'm wide awake and 'seeing things' ??? Please help me...

    after reading hubs on astral projection, I was wondering... I sometimes 'see' my boyfriend doing certain activities at the same time when I'm meditating but also when I myself am doing a certain activity (wide awake and active). and if I ask him about it, it's always true. but I've never felt my spiritual body leave me. he's thousands of miles apart from me. so what is this that I'm experiencing and how do I control it, if possible?? Please help me...

  2. ddsurfsca profile image70
    ddsurfscaposted 14 years ago

    astral projection is when your spirit leaves your physical body, and unless you know what you are doing, I would not suggest doing it without a companion to help you out if you get into trouble.  If you to project, do not leave the room where your body is located, for sometimes it is hard to find it again,  and you will die.
    It sounds to me like you are experiencing some sort of psychic connection, where you know and see things in places where you are not.  My brother was in prison for 5 yrs. and I would always know when he was in the hole for I would see him in this same sort of way it sounds like.

  3. mintinfo profile image63
    mintinfoposted 14 years ago

    If you can Astral project then you obviously know allot about meditation and have been meditating for awhile. If not then you are possibly hallucinating or something else. Astral projecting doesn't happen over night.

  4. profile image0
    Deborah Sextonposted 14 years ago

    That is not astral projection. If you are meditating it is clairvoyance. However if you are about your busy day and you are seeing things it could be a medical condition.

    Spirit would never allow you to see visions as you are driving or in a position to be hurt.

  5. angel115707 profile image60
    angel115707posted 14 years ago

    Hey Sugs thats called love, LOL, I go through that with my boyfriends too, and if he is good at it, he does too, I have gotten to the point in my life that I do not want a mate who cannot understand really being "one".
      But no, I wouldnt call it astral projection either, totally different things.

  6. spirituality profile image58
    spiritualityposted 14 years ago

    I don't think it matters much whether it's technically clairvoyance or astral projection. What does matter is indeed, as you suggest, learning to control it.

    The only answer I can give is: practice.

  7. Shahid Bukhari profile image62
    Shahid Bukhariposted 14 years ago

    Dear Barbara Yulia

    I am sad to hear about your experiencing Astral Projections and seeing things.

    The Astral Projection Idea, and the Experience, of Seeing Things are not the normal state of Wakefulness.
    I think, your wakefulness is being overlapped by Sleep.

    Please try regulating, your Sleeping ... if you have a night job, try for a day job, if you are under some sort of a threat you fear, try Praying, ask God, to help you.

    I hope and pray, for your early recovery.

  8. Corrie Lamprecht profile image61
    Corrie Lamprechtposted 13 years ago

    NO! what you describe is not Astral Projection..  It is a similar but somewhat different occurance - somewhat wrongly labled - but mostly called "Remote Viewing."  If Astral Projection then your physical body can't do any movements or actions; besides it is a little more preparation to actually move your Astral being out and around.

    The terminology is somewhat wrong; but for lackof better 'name' I will remain.  Maybe it should rather be Remote Sensing or Remote Awareness.

    This phenomena is part of our human nature but has been surpressed for ages.  Anybody can learn it; you have it natural.  You seems to be young; I will recomend you treasure the blessing you have and never to loose it.  Sometimes it might be a burden but mostly it will be a blessing. 

    When you devellop this you will find it more and more usefull in your future life - and it can save so many lives too; especially when it comes to you, your friends and family.  I am writing a new article about exactly this thing called Remote Viewing; give me another day or so to get it up!

    You might also notice the 'awareness' is stonger when he is far away than when he is close near you i.e. next room. 

    Enjoy, be happy and use your natural blessing!

  9. Catherine Kane profile image78
    Catherine Kaneposted 12 years ago

    It could be astral projection, but that's only if your spirit leaves your body. If you're not "stepping out" it's far more likely that you're experiencing clairvoyance (visual psychic input), precognition (seeing something psychically before it happens) or clairsentience (Knowing something psychically)

    A lot depends on whether you're literally "seeing" or whether "seeing" is a term you're using for perceiving things psychically. Both usages are correct, but the nuances help to narrow down what's going on


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