do born-again christians seem to be the extremists of christianity to you.

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  1. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 14 years ago

    do born-again christians seem to be the extremists of christianity to you.

    do you find they are the ones who push religion on you the most.

  2. CarolineVABC profile image68
    CarolineVABCposted 14 years ago

    I was brought up as a Christian most of my life and was very actively involved in church activities when I was growing up.  Although I have not been actively participating lately, I still very much believe in God and would not astray from my beliefs.  However, I have personally known "reborn" Christians who think that God does not "negotiate" with anyone and that we should follow the Word of God.  For instance, having a gay/lesbian marriage is an abomination to the Lord since the Bible states that marriage is only between a man and a woman.  We have to remember that the Bible was written many centuries ago by men living at that time and some of them (New Testament Writers) were disciples of Jesus and had a personal relationship with Him.  I am not stating that the Bible is obsolete, but like anything else, it is open to interpretation.  To answer your question, from my personal experience, I believe that many born-again Christians can be extremists and do not have an "open" attitude about other religions which is why so many people get turned off by Christianity.  I just hope that we can all learn to accept and tolerate each other's beliefs.  After all, many religions, including Christianity, promote peace and harmony and we can start by being more accepting and understanding of one another.  Thank you for asking this question and taking your time to read my lengthy reply:-).  God bless!:-)

  3. dosters profile image79
    dostersposted 14 years ago

    As a born again Christian, I feel that at times we are somewhat on the fringe of Christianity.  It is hard to judge the whole group of us though.  I'll break down what I think your questions really are:

    -Do we believe that our religion is right and other religions (Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism) are wrong? Yes.
    -Do we believe that the bible is true and inerrant?  Generally, yes.
    -Do we believe that people should be free to choose what religion they want? Generally, yes.
    -Do we wish to force other people to our religion through force or coercion? Generally, no.
    -Are we contrarian to the rest of society? Sometimes, depends on the person.

  4. Apostle Jack profile image60
    Apostle Jackposted 14 years ago

    No more than anyone else that present their own agenda of faith and beliefs.Life is how you make it...nothing comes to a sleeper,but a dream.How you live your life and how you think it ought to be run is to your choice of exceptance.Dont blame it on the rain,blame it on the one standing in the rain while its raining.Don't think everyone is a christian just because they say so.No crown...words without anything to back it up ,is a well without water.

  5. HOOWANTSTONO profile image60
    HOOWANTSTONOposted 14 years ago

    Some people dont know the difference between Religion, Christianity, and what Born again is

  6. Dave Mathews profile image60
    Dave Mathewsposted 14 years ago

    If you are not reborn or born again, Baptized through the water and blood of Christ Jesus, you can not be a disciple of Christ Jesus.   Jesus teaches: " I AM the way the truth and the life, nobody can come to The Father but through me.

    "EXTREMISTS" Not necessarily, Staunch,Devout, Believers,Followers of Jesus Christ, Most  Definitely.

  7. Born Again 05 profile image80
    Born Again 05posted 14 years ago

    I am a born again Christian. I know I'm going to have eternal life with my Lord and Savior because I have trusted in Him and Him ALONE for my salvation. When I first came to this realization (being born again), I could not stop myself from sharing this awesome news with everyone I encountered. The message of Salvation through Christ alone is not something a person can keep to themselves. It is a joyous message of Good News that everyone should hear.  It is not my desire to push religion on anyone, but to give the understanding that salvation is a gift offered freely, by God, for anyone who decides to accept it. You cannot earn your way into Heaven.  I invite you to stop by and read some of my hubs.


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