Do you think that Jesus had children?

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  1. rafken profile image78
    rafkenposted 14 years ago

    Do you think that Jesus had children?

    In my hub Was Jesus Married, I explore the concept of the movie The Di Vinci code. In this they say jesus had a child and his bloodline is still living today. Do you think this is possible or likely?

  2. GraceAndPeace profile image61
    GraceAndPeaceposted 14 years ago

    I don't think Jesus was married and had children.  Although The Di Vinci Code promotes this idea, Scripture is silent on the subject: probably because it never occurred.  It would seem reasonable that if this were the case Scripture would speak loudly.  What better example of being a husband and father could be found than that of Jesus.  Although it would have been possible, it seems unlikely for the above reasons.

  3. rafken profile image78
    rafkenposted 14 years ago

    GraceAndPeace   I cover what you say in my hub, by explaining why there is no mention in the Bible.

  4. Jaggedfrost profile image62
    Jaggedfrostposted 14 years ago

    lol being married and having children isn't a Sin and the Bible does mention instances the point to him being married such as when Martha complained to Jesus that Mary wasn't doing her share of the chores.  You would have to understand Jewish customs at the time to get it though.  The problem with actually reading proclamations of his marriage aside from the marriage feast at Cana which must be understood in context as well, is that there was at least one religion that handled the scriptures that banked on accruing land by inheritance from priests that were taught to live celibate.  The crowd and fellow scholars called him Rabbi or Rabboni lol however its spelled and in both cases these status symbols denoted marriage.  His ability to teach in the temple was also a matter of his status.  They didn't try to kill him for going there without status, they didn't like what he had to say.

  5. profile image0
    CalLightmanposted 14 years ago

    Why not?! If he really is a hystorical figure I see no reason he would not have children.

  6. Blessitbe profile image60
    Blessitbeposted 14 years ago

    That a good question, Mankind has many different theories, but we will not know the truth. Until he returns back to us to tell us all the lies that have been bestowed upon him. All I can say is love the lord with all your heart and remember he gave up his life so that one day we can also sit by his side. Remember his love.

  7. dragonlady1967 profile image70
    dragonlady1967posted 14 years ago

    Loving genealogy like I do, I think it would be great to discover his lineage.  Not to proof conspiracy theories or anything, just because it would be cool to know if he did.

  8. lcg4jc profile image69
    lcg4jcposted 14 years ago

    No, Jesus Christ the Messiah, the Promised One, the Bright and Morning Star, the Branch of Jesse, the only Begotten Son of God, God the Son, did not have children.
    That was not the mission He purposed to accomplish in coming to earth. God came to earth and wrapped Himself in human flesh in order to fulfill the Father's will which was to reconcile all things in heaven and in earth back to Him.
    Jesus had a specific purpose to fulfill in His earthly ministry. He had a specific reason for coming to earth. That purpose and reason was to fulfill the Father's will. The Father's will has been revealed throughout the Word of God. His will was to reconcil (bring back into harmony and peace) all things to HIm.
    Reconciliation is Christ's purpose for coming, restoring all things from the chaotic state that was brought into the world through the sin of man.
    The word states that through Jesus' redemptive work all who believe in Him and His sacrificial atonement are no longer in a state of chaos and rebellion but have been restored to the original state of mankind before sin and now have peace with God.
    The following scripture speaks to us clearly the concept of reconciliation through Jesus Christ.
    "Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him!  For if, when we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! Not only is this so, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation." Romans 5:9-11

    So you see, Jesus' purpose to come to earth in the form of man was not to get married and have a family. While marriage is an honorable sacrament it was not the calling the Lord Jesus had upon His life to fulfill.

    To speculate on things that have no valid claims is to discredit the purpose of Christ's coming and to deemphasize the redemptive work accomplished through Him.

  9. kentuckyslone profile image84
    kentuckysloneposted 14 years ago

    I think it is an interesting discussion and a possibility. However the movie as well as all the other stuff from Dan Brown is just fiction.

  10. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 14 years ago

    i know he did. he has 4 kids 3 boys and a girl. they live in mexico and he works in canada in the summer on a farm. the guy is hilarious and loves his family with all his heart.

  11. CaravanHolidays profile image60
    CaravanHolidaysposted 14 years ago

    Yes, everything is possible

  12. PMS9 profile image65
    PMS9posted 14 years ago

    Only Jesus can answer this question correctly.

  13. lovelylizzy profile image60
    lovelylizzyposted 14 years ago

    i don't think so.the bible would have probably mentioned his son(if he had one).

  14. kkee07 profile image58
    kkee07posted 14 years ago

    Your question reminds me of one called "The Man from Earth" movie, recommended appreciation

  15. toysofclay profile image61
    toysofclayposted 14 years ago

    Actually Jesus did not marry. He loved people but not romantic love. It is very difficult to say that he had children.

  16. etna5678 profile image71
    etna5678posted 14 years ago

    Its possible..... history is his-story. "He" being the one in power... so history can be distorted, and truth can be disguised. Don't know for sure if He did or didn't; but since there isn't much explicit discussion on the topic in scriptures and history, I would say it's a 50/50 bet..

  17. onegoodwoman profile image70
    onegoodwomanposted 14 years ago

    No, I do not.........and I have let my mind wander there......

    Even, if He did, it in no way changes HIS message, afterall, it is not sinful to have a family.

  18. shahadat73 profile image32
    shahadat73posted 14 years ago

    Interesting question and I am interested to learn more about it. Started something to know ...

  19. cockrelle profile image60
    cockrelleposted 14 years ago

    No I do not think he had children, but we are all children of god

  20. shan75 profile image59
    shan75posted 14 years ago

    We can accept that Jesus have no children.

  21. profile image0
    awesome77posted 14 years ago

    No one really knows, but looking through some historical and very old hidden bible texts, I can tell you he was Black, Brown and not the way Hollywood shows portray him to be!

    Did he have Kids? I would say not likely, because he was highly elevated spiritually, and that height of spirituality mating is out of the question!

    Everything in the DA Vinci code is false! The story line is not accurate and based on that alone, I will say Jesus did not have any kids!

  22. profile image0
    gulnazahmadposted 14 years ago

    Why people say that he did not have children. Is getting married a sin? Its strange I don't know whether he had or not but he may have. He was a human being so everything is possible.......

  23. Mark Upshaw profile image60
    Mark Upshawposted 14 years ago

    Of course he had  children.  He spoke in the synagogue.  Only a rabbi could speak there and a rabbi had to be married.  And a married man always had children.  So, Jesus had to be a married man and a rabbi to do what he did culturally - speak in a synagogue.

  24. MoneyCreator24 profile image57
    MoneyCreator24posted 14 years ago

    Oh, yes, I think it is very likely. Anyhow he lived as a man before he died. So why shouldn´t he have children?

  25. mkvealsh profile image60
    mkvealshposted 14 years ago

    I know that Jesus did not have children because He was the spotless Lamb of God, without sin.  He was not married, and he did not commit fornication, therefore He did not have children

  26. Kenneth Ray profile image64
    Kenneth Rayposted 14 years ago

    No, Jesus did not have children.  The Di Vinci code is fiction and that is the way it should be treated. Jesus's bloodline would have been carried on through his siblings. So it is possible for someone to be a direct relative of Jesus; but not a direct descendant. There is no mention of children near the crucification site or in the gospels. I believe if Jesus had children it would not have been a secret. After all he already had a bad reputation which led to his crucification anyway. Something to think about... The church did not hide the fact that Peter was married with children. The Catholic church refers to Peter as the first Pope.

  27. lallustab profile image56
    lallustabposted 14 years ago

    Yes he does!  We are all his children!

  28. profile image29
    Sunrahposted 14 years ago

    I would think that he was such a busy man according to other doctrines that he did not have time to make babies.

  29. C.V.Rajan profile image58
    C.V.Rajanposted 14 years ago

    Yes. I and you are standing testimony! (Are we not all God's children?)


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