Why does it seem like so many people on HubPages hate homosexual people?

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  1. Julie Logan profile image61
    Julie Loganposted 13 years ago

    Why does it seem like so many people on HubPages hate homosexual people?

    Is this website really for intolerant homophobes and I just didn't get the memo?

  2. Abbasangel profile image64
    Abbasangelposted 13 years ago

    No this website is not a for intolerant homophobes... I think you would find that anywhere -- Not that it makes it right. I think some people looking at a computer screen don't see how it affects others and say what they like how they like without thought or consequence to others.

    The ones who are intolerant homophobes are generally quoting a book they know little about which annoys me greatly because their research and revelation are poor.

    This causes them to hurt others not helping at alll.

  3. MickS profile image59
    MickSposted 13 years ago

    I can't say that I've noticed it.
    Is there any real need for homosexual men and women to declare their sexuality to the world?  We are often told that gender is irrelevant, but it seems that sexual preference is relevant.

  4. truebluewriter profile image59
    truebluewriterposted 13 years ago

    i dont think it is.

    Its probably just that the site offers a lot of venues for self expression so people tend to be more open about what they like and what they dont.

    Just let the haters hate and live your own life. They're just not worth the emotional investment.

  5. nightwork4 profile image61
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    part of the problem is that there are a lot of religious people on here and according to them being gay is a sin. it's really sad to think about and the concept is absurd to say the least but how can one argue with people who live their lives by faith and not proof.i don't see it as a big issue on here but i have noticed it.

  6. Klena profile image69
    Klenaposted 13 years ago

    I've noticed a few homophobic comments myself, and it does unsettle me.

    However, these people cannot see beyond their own prejudices and the distress they cause is only proof that they win. Try not to get overly concerned with it, as hard as it may be.

  7. cascoly profile image60
    cascolyposted 13 years ago

    main problem is that it's only the aberrant, homophobic types who feel the need to mention it in the first place.  the vast majority feel no need to express their opinions since it's just a natural part of life.

  8. Wayne Brown profile image81
    Wayne Brownposted 13 years ago

    I have really not experienced anything that would allow me to confirm an opinion either way.  I have run into a lot of people on the HubPages and by far find the vast majority of them to be kind and considerate even when they disagree with a given position.  Certainly there is a sect of people as there is in any cross-section of society who have strong opinions, fears, etc. in this vein.  There are also probably some people here who hate poets so don't get too wrapped around the axle.  The only way that sexual preference will find a peaceful balance in America is that people quit wearing their sexuality on their sleeve. If someone is of the homesexual preference, then, like hetrosexuals, they need to use good judgement and control their urge to flaunt their sexuality in public.  What people do in the do privacy of their homes is fine with me as long as it has nothing to do with terrorism.  On the other hand, I don't flaunt my sexual perference in public to an over the top degree and I don't expect others to rub theirs in my face.  It's called respect for your fellow man. WB

  9. profile image0
    surlyoldcatposted 13 years ago

    I look at it this way, I treat everybody like s**t. That way nobody can complain they are being singled out for whatever reason.

    No, not really.

    I ignore that bad and go with the good. Why it matters still escapes me. I really couldn't care less whether one likes it one way or another. It's none of my business and I think people need to drop the drama and leave well enough alone.

    It's just me, now go away! (kidding)

  10. N.E. Wright profile image70
    N.E. Wrightposted 13 years ago

    Too many religious people have so many problems with gay people.  It is sad, but true. 

    A fellow Hubber wrote a comment on one of my Hubs on race, about how horrible gays were treated in the UK years ago. 

    On another Hubber's Hub a religious man tried for a moment to sound tolerant, but started talking about God not being for gays.  It was crappy.

    Most religious people seem to not want gay people to work in schools, marry each other, attend churches with straight people while being gay, adopt children, raise children, talk to children, be in the military, etc.  Okay some of what I said is goofy, but that does not mean it is not true.

    Seems like most people want to take away a group of people's Civil Rights.  It sounds sadly familiar.  I should know.

  11. johnnymission profile image61
    johnnymissionposted 13 years ago

    I've noticed that too. HubPages is based in SF and the staff is the coolest, but alot of the Hubbers are super conservative.

    I just figure they are ignorant as to gay politics and culture.

  12. LadyFae profile image72
    LadyFaeposted 12 years ago

    Unfortunately intolerant homophobes are everywhere. Fear of the unknown, religion and whatever else is the reason for their idiotic behaviour.

    My advice, just ignore them and see them for what they realy are. A bunch of ignorant fools.

  13. profile image0
    Rosemary Banksposted 12 years ago

    Because you aren't normal and you continue to breed more germs. Disgustingly nasty, yikes.


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