If you only had one day left to live...

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  1. barbergirl28 profile image84
    barbergirl28posted 13 years ago

    If you only had one day left to live...

  2. profile image0
    wendy87posted 13 years ago

    i will live it fully.....i will do what i love legal or illegal.......

  3. profile image0
    sasikrishnaposted 13 years ago

    I will convert my asset documents to my loved one.

  4. Fortadam profile image88
    Fortadamposted 13 years ago

    That depends ... do only I have one day left to live?  Or are we talking about the end of the world and everyone only has a day left to live?

    If its just me, then I think I'd spend my last day talking to the people I love, so that they know before I pass away how much I care for and love them and can take that memory with them for the rest of their lives. 

    If everyone was going to die, then I'd probably choose to spend it in a more personal and reflective way - maybe go to my favorite place in the woods, or go sailing, or just do something that I really enjoy doing.  Any of my loved ones who would like to come along may, but I'd want everyone to spend their last day however they wanted.

  5. Blair Rockefeller profile image60
    Blair Rockefellerposted 13 years ago

    Go play my guitar at the Hospice. Serving others give me a sence of satisfaction and a joy that nothing else can. Plus I love playing the guitar.

  6. Billrrrr profile image86
    Billrrrrposted 13 years ago

    I do have only one day left to live.

      My last day will start in about 9 hours from now.
    I will rise at seven a.m., shower, shave, and eat a breakfast of two eggs, toast, bacon, juice, and coffee.

    I will then take a few breaths and thank a higher power
    for the ability to do so. 

    Then, even at almost 70 years of age, I will try to find a piece of
    work to do for the day.  If there's money in it, that's fine. If not, that
    is okay too. 
    I don't want to bore you further with my last day details, let's just say I will keep going and try to use all the hours for benefit of myself and hopefully others. 

    At the end of the day, I will come home, eat and go to bed.
    If I wake up for another day, I will do the same thing.

    You see, as a cancer survivor, every day is potentially my last day
    and I treat it so....and I appreciate it so.

  7. char4u.com profile image57
    char4u.composted 13 years ago

    I'd love to live my last one day as busy as a bee!

    First, list things that I wanna do most and show great interest in;

    Second, carry them out one by one, if time is not sufficient, pick up the most urgent and important ones

    Third, take a good hot water shower and then enjoy my sound sleep till the end of my life.

  8. Tyshima profile image57
    Tyshimaposted 13 years ago

    I'd do everything I was too chicken to do. Maybe smoke some weed, write a bad check? Hell pray! Lol

  9. mikielikie profile image59
    mikielikieposted 13 years ago

    Man I love everyone in my family but...........I'd have to say f     'em. I know that sound bad but they'd just slow me down. On the other hand I wouldn't let them out of my sight. You guess which one I'd choose. Insert evil genius laugh right here. Or a little chiuahua dog doing backflips.

  10. arb profile image78
    arbposted 13 years ago

    The one thing I've always wanted to do. I'd call in sick for the rest of my life.

  11. onegoodwoman profile image70
    onegoodwomanposted 13 years ago

    I would call my children to my side.........

    as I stroked their sweet faces.......
    I would tell them each in turn, what an honor it is .......to have been their mother.........reassuring them that they have the foundations to builid their lives without me...........they are that strong......

    I would make
    and tender love
    with my husband

    one last time

    and push him gently forward.
    He depends upon me so very much.

  12. profile image0
    khmohsinposted 13 years ago

    Really then to pass that day would be lot difficult ..

  13. theseus profile image70
    theseusposted 13 years ago

    If I only have one day to live here is what I will do:15 hours of it I will spend with all my love ones;5hours I will spend with the prisoners, the sick, the aged,the street children, the needy;2 hours I will be at the church praying for my loved ones and myself; the last 2 hours I will spend alone,somewhere calm and quite like the beach, listening to my favorite songs and reading my favorite book..waiting for death to take me.

  14. mbbs profile image58
    mbbsposted 13 years ago

    I would like to complete the books in my library which I've owned as soon as possible........

  15. marketingskeptic profile image69
    marketingskepticposted 13 years ago

    I would spend the whole day with my loved ones and we'd go eat my favorite foods and spend time doing my favorite activities.


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