How do you meet people when you work from home?

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  1. tbartle profile image59
    tbartleposted 13 years ago

    How do you meet people when you work from home?

    Whether friends or potential mates, how do you get out of the house to meet them?

  2. jagerfoods profile image60
    jagerfoodsposted 13 years ago

    Unless you're self-sufficient you still need to buy groceries and leave your home. Be open minded and friendly whenever you're in contact with people and don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with the person standing next to you in line or where ever you're at.

    You never know where the conversation may lead. The little old lady sitting next to you in the doctors office might have a very nice looking, single grand-son. smile

  3. Chouji-Von-Lycan profile image60
    Chouji-Von-Lycanposted 13 years ago

    dating websites, going swimming, going to the gym, shopping, anywehere basically that has people

  4. Colby Alan profile image60
    Colby Alanposted 13 years ago

    Write in the coffee shop at a table entirely too big for you. Somebody will eventually ask if they can borrow a chair from your table or even ask to sit. Seize these moments...

    At least, this is what I did yesterday smile

  5. sitelaunchsystem profile image61
    sitelaunchsystemposted 13 years ago

    I've been working from home for a few years. A couple of my favorite ways to meet [like-minded] people are:

    Join related meetup groups: In the past I've found and joined 1 or 2 meetup groups that are likely to have members with similar interests. I attend the meetings to either network for my businesses, or just to share experiences with others like me.

    Rent office space at a co-working facility: In the past we've rented shared office space at a co-working facility. It's a great option because it's cheaper than actually renting an exclusive office, you get all of the benefits of an office (copier machines, conference rooms for meetings, equipment, secretary services) without the huge expenses. Plus, you get to meet other entrepreneurs with similar interests. It's great for networking and just making friends. It's also a great way to get out of the house in a productive way!

    I've tried the coffee shop thing, but it usually ends up being more distracting than anything. So I keep it related to work and it turns out much better. I'm able to get work done and meet new people at the same time!

  6. DeathStroke profile image40
    DeathStrokeposted 13 years ago

    Okay so here's what you do you walk outside and look for anyone.

  7. Ddraigcoch profile image72
    Ddraigcochposted 13 years ago

    I meet people sociably through my children. I am not as sociable as I use to be. I am fine socialising on line. Real visitors don't know when to o and you can not pull the plug on them!

  8. mama_em profile image57
    mama_emposted 13 years ago

    I would recommend taking a class that interests you. You will get out of the house, do something fun and meet people with similar interests (friends or mates). Alternatively, if you are into sports, find and join a local team. You will meet men and women in your age group with at least one similar interest. Try volunteering in your community with an organization that you are passionate about. You will be out doing good for the world and meeting all kinds of people. If classes, sports, and volunteering don't interest you - look for local speed dating events. For most you pay a flat fee for an evening of cocktails, appetizers and mini dates with at least 10-12 people. Although it costs a bit, you are meeting people that are all there for the same reason. Good luck!

  9. RonPare profile image68
    RonPareposted 13 years ago

    Grocery store is my place. I feel you can find friendly people there.

  10. MPChris profile image64
    MPChrisposted 13 years ago

    I agree with the class. Also join some hobby groups.

  11. profile image0
    jasper420posted 13 years ago

    I try to get out on the weekends or at least once a week sill its tough though i know how your feeling

  12. surfrider profile image61
    surfriderposted 13 years ago

    Have you tried You can sign up for activities that interest you.

  13. cliqflip profile image57
    cliqflipposted 12 years ago

    CliqFlip helps you meet new people - Whether you want to just make some friends that share interests and chat online or grow your social  / professional network, the choice is up to you.

    Check out

    or on YouTube


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