How difficult is it for a pregnant woman to sleep?

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  1. Jenny_Leigh profile image61
    Jenny_Leighposted 13 years ago

    How difficult is it for a pregnant woman to sleep?

    If you've ever been pregnant or know someone who is/was, how difficult is it to sleep?  I'm 35 weeks pregnant now and I have been finding that I can't sleep for more than a few hours at a time.  I usually wake up because I'm in pain or because I have to use the restroom and then I can't fall back asleep.  I'm constantly tired.  Is this normal?

  2. Eleanor's Words profile image85
    Eleanor's Wordsposted 13 years ago

    Absolutely normal, particularly in late pregnancy. I had difficulty sleeping with both mine, in the last few weeks. I don't think I was really in pain - with my first I  was just uncomfortable and with my second I don't remember any feelings of real discomfort, just the inability to fall asleep. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and early days with your new baby smile

  3. ThePracticalMommy profile image87
    ThePracticalMommyposted 13 years ago

    It's completely normal for you to be restless at 35 weeks. Because of the size of your abdomen, it makes it difficult to find a comfy position and there is a lot of pressure on your bladder, making you feel the need to go more often. Many people think this is your body's way of getting you used to waking up with an infant... I had very difficult time sleeping during both of my pregnancies after 35 weeks.

    Try sleeping in a recliner or propped up with pillows. I found this worked best for me. If you can't sleep at night, take cat naps during the day.

    Only a few more weeks left. Good luck!

    1. laeixx profile image83
      laeixxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is great advice; my OBGYN always recommended that pregnant women sleep on their *left* sides, never on your back or right side. If you sleep on your right side, it puts more pressure on your organs. And also sleep with a body pillow! ~It worked!

  4. seicheprey profile image60
    seichepreyposted 13 years ago

    I know that my wife had a terrible time sleeping, especially towards the end of all three pregnancies.  And being tired all of the time is completely normal.  You're actually going to be worn out for the next 18 years or so. Good luck, and here's hoping your birth goes smoothly.

    1. laeixx profile image83
      laeixxposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      "You're actually going to be worn out for the next 18 years or so." ---- Hahaha, He's just being nice, that's an UNDERSTATEMENT! You'll never feel fully rested again after you have a child -- if they don't keep you up, stress about them will.

  5. Rob Winters profile image75
    Rob Wintersposted 13 years ago

    My wife is currently 27 weeks pregnant and for the last couple of weeks has been finding it very difficult to fall asleep or sleep soundly throughout the night - she's quite frustrated by no longer being able to sleep on her stomach as is normal for her when not pregnant. Also the least disturbance results in her needing to get up and visit the bathroom as well. So i'd imagine it's very normal. There's so many wedges and V shaped pillows etc. in the bed now that i hardly fit into it :-).

  6. renegadetory profile image61
    renegadetoryposted 13 years ago

    It's difficult to get any decent sleep. I'm 27 weeks and I wake up constantly because my hips hurt when I sleep on my side, or my neck hurts, or my back hurts or baby is doing gymnastics, and of course I pee a minimum of 3 times during the night, sometimes more whether I drink before bed or not.  And I still have 3 months to go... ugh.

  7. Jenny_Leigh profile image61
    Jenny_Leighposted 13 years ago

    ThePracticalMommy, thanks for answering.  I've heard that this is your body's way of getting you ready.  Unfortunately, I sometimes wish that I could just sleep through the night.  It would definitely be nice!  Thank you for the tips and trust me, I've been taking cat naps during the day.  smile

    Eleanor's Words, thank you.  Everyone experiences pregnancy differently and you are lucky that you never woke up in pain.  It is really nice to hear that I'm not the only one that's gone through this.

    Seicheprey, I can believe I'll be worn out for the next 18 years or so!  I bet you're keeping busy with your three!

    Rob Winters, I remember when I was 27 weeks and it was definitely frustrating.  At that point, I had been sleeping on my side for a while and 27 weeks was about the time when I became so frustrated over the fact that I couldn't sleep on my stomach.  It felt like I hadn't slept comfortably in so long and I still had (what felt like) a long way to go.  Congratulations to you and your wife!

    Renegadetory, I can completely understand where you're coming from!  I remember being uncomfortable when I was sleeping back then, but at least I was able to fall asleep and sleep through the night (minus a few bathroom breaks during the night).  And now it seems as though I went from just being uncomfortable to waking up in pain.  I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly and congratulations!

  8. profile image51
    pronatali2003posted 7 years ago

    About 90% of pregnant women have problems with sleep. Many can not get enough sleep. Someone has insomnia, some nightmares. The onset of pregnancy is usually marked with drowsiness, but from the last few months, the woman, on the contrary, sleeps less.

    Doctors recommend sleeping at least 10 hours a day for pregnant women. The future mother will feel good and the pregnancy will pass favorably.

    Can pregnant women sleep on their stomachs? If you are accustomed to sleeping on your stomach, then go to sleep. The uterus with the embryo leaves the pelvic area only by the 12th week of pregnancy. Until this time has come, you can sleep in any convenient position for you. Pain can only hurt the chest, because its sensitivity during pregnancy increases.

    In the second trimester of bearing the baby begins to grow belly. Therefore, pregnant women will be uncomfortable and scared to sleep on their stomachs. And even if the child is well protected in the womb by the uterus, the amniotic fluid and muscles, the expectant mothers in the second trimester still are not recommended to sleep on the stomach. Sleep on your back.
    Not always convenient and useful. After a sleep on the back after 25 weeks, the greatest danger is the squeezing of the inferior vena cava. Vienna passes along the spine itself. It carries blood to the heart from the lower limbs. If the vein is squeezed, the blood flow will decrease. Then the pregnant woman can feel shortage of air, dizziness, and tachycardia. Prolonged pressure can lead to the fact that the child will stop missing enough nutrients and blood. So the baby's heart rate decreases. As a consequence, there may be varicose, chronic fetal hypoxia or premature placental abruption. Therefore, it is best not to sleep in this position, and if you sleep, it is often turned over.

    The best posture for sleeping. Doctors recommend pregnant women to sleep on their sides, best of all - on the left. All because on the right side a little squeezes the kidney.
    Lying on your side you can put a small pillow under your stomach. You can also put a pillow between your legs. It is convenient to sleep pregnant and on special pillows for pregnant women. They will suit - for the dream of the future mother, and after - for the baby's feeding.


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